Status: Completed! Thank you all :D

The Words We Forget to Say

Day Three

"Seriously Jack?"

I had just finished All Time Low's set, rushed off of the stage, grabbed a bottle of water hastily and proceeded directly in the direction of All Time Low's merch booth.

"What?" I asked rather rudely, wishing he would step out of the way so I could just go.

"You've checked on Jessica at least twenty times today. Give it a fucking break, it's not like she's gonna get kidnapped. She's probably sick of you by now."

I frowned at his harsh but honest statement," But if I don't make sure--"

Zack rolled his eyes dramatically, wiping the sweat off of his forehead with a small cloth," Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. 'Kyle might have found her' " he mimicked my words from earlier today.

I shook my head and scowled, rushing away without another word.
He didn't know how I felt... not even close.
He didn't know what it was like constantly competing for someone you love, always having them being torn away from you... as was in my situation.

I dodged sweaty bodies left and right, keeping my head low and just praying that at least my stench of sweat would keep the fans from recognizing me.



I watched as Jessica adjusted the red ray-bans perched on her nose and look up warily.
Just as I smiled, she did too.

"How are you?" I asked happily.

"Pretty good," she laughed.

"Did Kyle come to try and steal my girl yet?"

She giggled and shook her head; I was trying not to let my smile widen as I noticed a faint blush appear, making her usually pale face a gorgeous rose color.

It was so amazing knowing I could be the cause of the simple rush of heat to her cheek, it was simply empowering.

"Nope, not yet... but technically, ain't I his girl?"

I grinned," Nuh-uh, this week you're all mine baby."

She laughed," Oh, yeah, that."

We turned our heads simultaneously, a deep voice sounding in front of the booth.

"Actually, Jessica's mine... and always will be. No borrowing allowed."

Jessica coughed loudly, the surprise obviously still sinking in," Oh! Kyle! Hi!"

He nodded grimly in my direction, acknowledging me and turned to face her again," Where have you been?"

I could almost imagine her rolling her eyes effectively behind her black shades," Do I really need to answer that?"

He grimaced and tried to reach out for her hand but she jerked it off of the table quickly, he sighed," Did you listen to me at all when we had that conversation?"

She scowled," Of course! But listen to yourself will you? Give me a break, I want to spend some time with Jack before the end of this tour. Who knows when I'll see him after that."

"You know this isn't about Jack."

I could see her nostrils flare and she clenched her fist," Quit it, okay? Just fucking stop. I don't care about anybody else but Jack right now. He's a priority. This isn't about you or anybody else for this matter. It's about me needing to spend some time with my best friend, Jack."

Kyle took the same defensive stand and all I thought was how the tide of things rapidly escalated into a worse condition," Calm down Jess! You know I'm just trying to protect you from... him."

"Just. Fucking. Quit.," She spat angrily, standing up," Why don't you just stop being a paranoid, overprotective jerk and man up. I'm flattered that you care so much for me and all; but you're taking it way too far. According to the last time I checked, I was and still am, perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

I was taken aback from her harsh, unexpected words, they almost seemed wrong, coming out in the form of her sweet melodic voice, anger burning noticeably with each syllable.

The question was though: Who was Kyle trying to protect her from?

Then it hit me square in the face... Alex.
I mentally slapped myself, cursing silently at my idiocy.

How could I have not caught sight of Alex's intentions?
How could I have been so blind, it was in plain view.

Great, just fucking great.
Another obstacle standing in the way of my prize.

I hated to think of Jessica as a prize, merely an object in a game.
But that's what its literally become: A never-ending game with senseless characters all running around in an unsolvable maze... trying to find a way for our greedy hearts to reach that same golden prize that we all yearned for.

I looked up at gain at the heated argument, examining Kyle... my opponent.

" I know you can take care of yourself yet, I'm no idiot. But that doesn't mean you're invincible."

" I never said I was," She growled, " But it's also not in my place to be stupid enough to let a mere person stop me from doing what it is I really want. I'm not like you."

I could see the hurt in Kyle's eyes, instantly replaced with a burning hate," I do what I can Jessica, Isn't that enough for you?You should like me just the way I am. Don' t you love me?"

She laughed mockingly," Please, don't play the I'm-Not-Good-Enough-For-You card on me, Kyle," she sighed and then lowered her voice," I did love you... but that was back them. Back then when you were a careless, fun guy. When you came to me, despite the fact that you knew I hated you, and you still chased after me. I admired you for that. but now... you've become something that I don't really like... I just don't know anymore Kyle..."

Kyle backed away a step with a pained expression, " So does that mean...?'

I could see the tears beginning to trail down her porcelain face, a sob escaping her quivering lips.

I stood up quickly, wrapping my waist around her waist, while she rested her head on my shoulder.

I spotted Matt instantly and called after him, asking him to watch the booth.

He nodded understandingly at the sight of Jessica and mouthed a quick "oh," before taking Jessica's seat back at the booth.

I walked back with Jessica to the bus area, taking a look behind me shoulder.

My eyes rested on Kyle's frozen figure.
He stood there for a while, burying his face in his hands.
Finally he walked away, dismally.

A fan immediately recognized him and he plastered a fake smile on his face.

As much as I felt glad that Kyle was now out of the "game", I had to admit that I felt bad...

I tore from him what he stole from me.

I guess fate was on my side yet again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kyle lost the game.
I just lost The Game, darn it. I had been playing for months too.

ANYHOW... grr, this chapter came out so bad, I;m sorry guys! I should NOT be having writing blocks this far into the story! Sorry! I promise the next chapter will be better :D
oh and by the way, theres still more Kyle to come... and Alex too :)

Thanks to alll of you who responded to my prompt and submitted a comment! It means so much!

comment/subscribe? ;D


title credit (short description):: Love On My Mind by Brighten