
Ch. One , What About Now?

I walked slowly through the hallucinatory woods, breathing the deep, rich pine, when the sent of something else disturbed my peace and snapped my senses into clarity. I whirled around, hitting a snarling Vamp square in the chest. I snarled in response, fangs shooting out and wings growing from below my Mark. My foot was trapped in the Vamps wrist, so I improvised, popping the Vamps jaw. Hearing a snap, I pulled the hair and strangled it, pulling the creature into the air ,trying to rip off the head. With a satisfying keening, the head came off. I punched the beheaded Vamp through the chest, stopping the heart. As I sank to the ground, reality set in.
My teacher, Bobby, was applauding the loudest. A few wolf whistles were audible through the din, so obviously the boys had noticed when my shirt tore a bit in the struggle. I pulled up my shirt and pulled on my jacket.
"You pass your test, with flying colors," he said, "Now you better get home before your mother get's
"I agree," I said, even though I knew that Mom wasn't expecting me till three in the morning, I had lied and said midnight was be-home-now! time.
Angela put her arm around my shoulders and squeezed tight, "You can come over soon, and we can work on finding your Key, so we can find your Dad," she sounded sad at this point, and I couldn't blame her; she had been exchanged with my dad the night he went missing, so only Angie shared my belief that he was still alive.
"I'll be over this weekend,"I promised, "I'll call to confirm, so talk later, and try to sleep easy!"The common phrase in times of war.
"Can't with Watermich running loose," Bobby said, as I walked away. Oh, the guy that captured my Dad, that everyone fears, and one of many reasons why Demons hate Vamps.
"We can try," I said, and walked away.
I climbed out of the abandoned sewer, into a back ally. I knew exactly were I was, and was glad. This was the ally behind my secret place. I approached some churches courtyard, climbing through a tunnel in the bushes to a bench. I layed down on my bench, and tried to think of something to do on my cell or Touch. Bored, I decided that I should practice my physical skills, so I prepared to climb on the churches third-story roof. About to leave the brambles, I noticed something black drop from the roof, slow down, and land softly on the ground across the courtyard from me. Curious, I silently slid back under the tree cover and watched closely, since I knew this creature was obviously a Vamp or Demon, and if it was a Vamp, it meant death (Imps always travel in at least pairs).
I noticed the way that this creature dressed. A black Russian hat, fur fingerless gloves, black cargo pants, black hoodie, and a black bandanna covering most of the face. Through a slit, I saw that it had porcelain skin(not that that meant much, I'm black from my Dads side) and emerald green eyes. Thinking about a test, I threw a telepathic mind tap, to surprisingly hit a titanium-strong barrier. The eyes flickered uneasily, and I backed into the brush silently. He cursed in Russian, and answered his cell.
"Yes, whatever, I know," He said, Omigod! His voice,I thought. "Yeah, bye." He snapped the cell shut angrily.
Suddenly, he looked hurt, and very alone, a helpless kid overrunning my maternal side. He needed allot of careful attention, because he looked neglected. Then, he scratched his neck, and I noticed two things that could have caused me to attack him, despite everything,starting with revenge. He had a Vampire Mark and fangs, and I saw a tear, He's crying! I realized.
I shouldn't have, but left the cover of trees, came over, and asked in a strange voice, "Why are you crying?"
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Yeah, clifhanger, but I need some reader's.
Yeah, she is falling in love with a Vampire, whos father took hers from her. His name is uber long, called Ash for short.