‹ Prequel: Untouched

My life alone (not really but still)

Jayden tells all

Melanie Fortunato has had a hard life. With her bum father that can drink his way through three six-packs before passing out, and a mother that abandoned her father to get a full-time job in Paris as a designer when Mel, her brother, and little sister were under ten.
And when she turned twelve (sister ten), they were shipped to Paris and learned modeling and design, including the girls getting breast implants (the reason they are c-cups) and geometry lessons. At fourteen, Mel started highschool at the top of the food chain, and as a sophmor had her dream boyfriend. That quickly changed, the boyfriend anyway, and she was a wreak under the surface.
Then, she unlockes a world in everyones subconcious, and brings a boy she loves out to her world. SHE will bring out the Vampires, Demon, and shape-changing Imps into the open.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
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Finally i got this out!