Join the Band

No Pressure

And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I’d dance
In a storm in my best dress

Belle and Zoe were practicing their music assessment piece, Belle at the mic, Zoe on Matt’s guitar. I hovered at the bottom of the stairs, Nate still holding my hand. Everyone looked up at us. Everyone except Jai, he was sitting on one side of the room with Matt and Zane. Joe and Belle’s boyfriend Brian were sitting in the middle watching the girls; everyone else had left by the look of it. Joe smiled at me as I entered and I was glad to see someone not mad at me. I walked over to where Jai and the other guys were sitting.
“Hey guys.” No reply. “Look, I’m really sorry. You were only trying to help, I see that now and I was kinda hoping you’d give me another chance.” Matt and Zane looked at Jai.
“C’mon man, I think we should keep her in the band.” Matt said.
“As much as it pains me, I agree.” Zane added, “She’s really good and it seems she’s willing to try again.” He looked up at me for confirmation and I nodded.
“Whatever. I’m not the leader of this band, let’s just play” Jai said. He stood up and walked to his drums without looking at me once. I watched him go and sighed, I’d have to talk to him later. Matt and Zane stood up too. Matt patted my head as he passed.
“Don’t worry Haylz, he’ll come around.” I just nodded.
“You know you really are good.” Belle said as she sat down.
“She’s right; I really don’t know what your problem is.” Zoe added. I just rolled my eyes and tried to keep myself from spitting some smart ass comment back in their faces. I took my place at the mic, stared at the wall ahead of me, and practise started up again.


The moment practice finished I turned the mic off and went to talk to Jai.
“Hey Jai, can we…” but I never finished my sentence, Jai stalked past me and over to Matt with out even a glance. I stood frozen watching him as he said goodbye to the guys and walked out, followed by Belle, Zoe and Brian. “Shit.” I muttered when I got over the shock.
“You do realise the real reason he’s mad at you?” Matt asked when he finished packing his guitar up. I frowned at him.
“What do you mean? He’s mad at me coz of what I said to him, isn’t he?”
“Well yeah, partly. But he’s also mad at him self for making you mad.” That just confused me more. It must have shown on my face because Zane decided to explain.
“He likes you Haylee.”
“What?” I exclaimed.
“Can’t you tell? He never takes his eyes off you when you’re around.” Matt added. Joe held up his pad with the words ‘its true Haylz’ written on it.
“Well not today, he wouldn’t even glance at me.” I pointed out.
“Not when you were looking, but he was still staring at you when you had your back turned.”
“Well then here’s a wacky thought, why doesn’t he just talk to me? He talks to me about everything else.”
“You honestly think Jai is going to talk to you about it? You guys have known each other practically since you were born. You’re best friends; can’t you see how he’d think it’d be weird talk to you about something like that?” I sighed at the truth of his words.
“Well then what should I do?” Matt shrugged.
“It’s up to you, you need to figure out how you feel about everything and how you’re gonna talk to Jai about it.”
“Since when were you so smart?” I said sticking my tongue out at him. He simply returned the favour.
“But seriously Haylee, for the sake of this band, you really need to sort things out with Jai.” Zane said, patting me on the top of the head on his way out of the room.
“No pressure.” Matt said brightly, hugging me and leaving after Zane. Joe smiled at me and followed leaving Nate and me alone.
“Don’t worry Haylee. Whatever happens, I’ll still love you.” He said grinning. I laughed and gave him a hug and we both left the basement together.
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Lyrics - Fearless - Taylor Swift