Status: Finished.

This Empty Love

Ft. Oliver Sykes

Love, for me, has taken on a completely new meaning. It is no longer the blissful feeling I get when I wake up in the arms of my husband -- because lately I’ve only been waking up in the embrace of cold sheets -- and it is no longer the constant smile plastered on my face because I know there is only one person for me.

No, love lately for me means getting a greeting in the morning, having a civil afternoon, and going to bed without an over tempered fight - if I’m lucky.

Recently, I’ve been sitting back and looking at the past two years of my life and pin pointing every clue I could find that would lead me to where I was today. To my dismay, it wasn’t hard to find all those little points and situations.

And it’s not like this sprang out of nowhere and reeked havoc in our lives, this had been slowly evolving and becoming worse as we watched it from the very beginning while trying to ignore it.

When ignoring it no longer worked and the months of avoiding it caught up to me, it came in the form of a letter left by the coffee machine in the morning with my name scribbled across it in Oliver’s nearly illegible handwriting.

Inside the dainty little letter that looked so innocent near my amazing morning drink, was a three page packet that flipped my life upside down, turned my stomach in knots, and made me crumble to the floor.

Nothing says good morning sunshine like a cup of coffee and divorce papers for breakfast.

Disclaimer- This idea is from my story on my old Quizilla account [same name]. I didn’t steal or anything, scout’s honor. Also, I don’t own any of BMTH and events in this are obviously made up. I do own Taylor and other made up characters. So take that. :D