Daughter of a Rockstar

Court Date

Max’s POV

“Wow Maya you clean up nice” Her usual attire of ripped skinny jeans, sneakers, band tees, an excessive amount of bracelets and makeup was replaced by a black skirt and blouse.

“I wish I could say about you” I looked down at my button up shirt and skinny jeans.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Obviously you haven’t been to court often because skinny jeans are frowned upon”

“I’m just going for moral support besides I don’t think you have been to court often”

“This will be my fourth time”

“Fourth time at what?” A tired Craig asks as he emerges from his room.

“Going to court” Maya says this as if it’s something that’s a normal average thing.

“Why have you gone four times?” Craig asked as Tyler walked upstairs, he was Maya’s moral support.

“Once for custody, once for Matt’s dad, once for that time we broke into private property, and once for when I was accused for murdering Johnny Malini.”

“You were accused of murdering someone?” I was shocked.

“It wasn’t just me, you got accused too right Ty?”

“Oh yeah I was grounded for so long!” he laughed at this.

“How did you get accused?”

“Well what happened was last year our school’s musical was Sweeney Todd. And so one night we got a bunch of kids together to make the fake blood. And we had to make gallons of this blood. And it was the most fucking believable fake blood you would ever see. Anyways that night we all came home covered in blood and apparently while we were all making blood Johnny got brutally murdered. And so all twenty of the kids got accused of murder by our own parents.”

“It turned out that Johnny was murdered by a rival mob boss because his father was a mob boss and if he wouldn’t have been killed your daughter would have married into the mob.”

“I knew they were a mob family and I still loved that boy!” Maya faked a swoon and then rolled her eyes.

“Okay we got to get going or we’ll be late” Craig said rushing down the stairs.

“You know there was a time when I thought he was cool” Maya rolled her eyes.


Court was uneventful except for the fact that Maya cried while she was explaining what happened. I knew that girl since she was a baby and I’d never really seen her cry. And for being so nonchalant about this earlier she seemed to be pretty torn up. I have a feeling she’s turning up the waterworks. But I guess it helped seeing that she won the case and that kid being eighteen got sent to jail because it was rape of a minor or something like that. I’m just glad to be out of there cause it’s incredibly awkward hearing your daughter (not really but I’ve lived her more than her real dad and I am her godfather) talk about having sex with guy she didn’t want to have sex with. I can say on the way we won’t really be talking.

We were waiting outside for Maya. She came out wearing her usual attire and hopped in the back of the car. She seemed pretty happy for someone who just had been crying over being raped and telling it to a room of strangers.

“Well you played them like a board game.” Tyler laughed at her.

“I know being an actress really helps with court especially when it comes to rape”

“I knew those weren’t real tears.” I shouted.

“Well I couldn’t not cry or then they would have thought it didn’t hurt my fragile mind and caused emotional strife.”

“That make sense” I rolled my eyes

“Oh dad can you drop me off at the mall I have a date”

“You were just at court for getting raped do you really think that I’m going to let you go to on a date?” Craig questioned

“I f you loved me you would” she mumbled

“Can you drop me off at the movie?” Tyler asked.

“Sure thing” Craig answered

“Ugh I hate you” Maya groaned.
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Sucky chapter total filler. I'm having some serious writer's block.

And if anyone made me a banner that would be sweet!!!