Daughter of a Rockstar

Mother May I

Maya’s POV

My stomach twisted into thousands of knots as we walked up to the restaurant. I dreaded this moment. My grandparents… not to say they aren’t nice people but understanding isn’t really the word for it. Pink and frills are not on my list of things to wear but they still made me do it. I’ve never forgiven them. I have thing about holding grudges for way to long. But so far adults in my life have been against me with every decision I make so I don’t really think this night will change my opinion.

“Craig, Maya!!! Deary you’ve grown” As we got closer I saw her face slightly sink as she got a better look at my pierced face.

“Hey mom” Dad said hugging the older woman. “Where’s dad?”

“Oh he couldn’t come but he says he’s sorry”

“That’s fine but there is someone I’d like you to meet”

“Craig, I have already met your daughter even though her conception shouldn’t have even occurred”

“Thanks Grandma glad to see you care” I said from the corner playing with my fork.

“No, I know that! I want you to meet my fiancé Gabby” The old woman, who had been taking a sip of wine at the time spit it all over the place.

“What?!?! You think you can just spring this news on me! Last time I talked to you, you were leaving to “get some space and the time before that you were telling me you had an illegitimate child! What is wrong with your head?”

“Mom if you just got to know her you’d love her”

“I already have a hard enough loving you with all the things you do!” She began gathering
her stuff to leave “That’s the real reason your father didn’t come he didn’t want to see his disappointment of a son!”

We all sat there awkwardly for a while before Craig got up and walked towards the door, with Gabby rubbing his bock soothingly.


“Well that went great, that was so worth it to not get grounded”

“Would you shut up you inconsiderate little bitch! You know if my dad found out I had sex with some guy he would have killed me but Craig is nice enough to not even ground you! And Craig just had one of the worst nights of his life and you just show how happy of how it turned out.”

“Well it’s not like you wanted to go to that dinner either and last time I checked you weren’t the one who your own flesh and blood told you that you wish you were never born so don’t you dare say I’m complaining for no reason!”

“Well I just was told I was not good enough for the love of my life by his own mother and I want to remind your only here because your mom didn’t handle you and if you keep acting like this I don’t know if he will be able to handle you much longer and then where will you go!”

“Well if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be with Craig because I was the only reason they broke up in the first place. Don’t bitch about shit because you’ve never had your own mother tell you that if you weren’t born she’d still be happy and in love!” With that I walked out of the house not knowing where I was going and not really giving a fuck either.

Craig’s POV

I was currently sitting on the bed wondering where the fuck my daughter was. And when I found her I would probably wring her neck. But I really shouldn’t be mad at her, she had a rough day.

“Honey, I’m so sorry I didn’t think she was going to go run off like that I was just upset and she was just acting like you didn’t just get your heart stomped on.” She said sitting on her knees behind me rubbing my shoulders.

“It’s fine it’s not the first time she’s done this she been doing this run off when she’s mad since she was three. And it’s a lot harder to find someone on the road then it is in Las Vegas.”

I grimly rubbed my face. Then Robert walked in, I looked up at his face searching for some hope in his eyes. Maybe just maybe someone could find her. I mean she was cunning when she barely could talk and walk, I don’t know where she could be now that she could walk talk and drive.

“Man, I don’t what to say I think you need to make the call”

“I can’t do that to her, can’t we wait until max and Montey”

“I think you’ve given her enough time you have to make the call”

“No I don’t think I can I don’t what will happen if she finds out!”

“Calm down everything will be fine, just make the call and everything will go back to normal”

Maya’s POV

I walked up to the house contemplated knocking. I finally built up the nerve to knock and a small kid no more than five answered the door. Followed by an older version of said small boy behind him.

“Maya why are you here?”

“Um I just was bored an whose this little cutie” I said kneeling down and touching the small boys nose who in turn smiled and blushed.

“This is my son”

I was pretty sure that’s the point when my head hit the front steps.
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I'm so freaking sorry it has been so long!!!
Please bitch and complain about what a horrible updater i am I feel horrible and i totally deserve it!!!
But Christmas is almost here so I'll try my hardest to give you another update!!!