Daughter of a Rockstar

Everything's Fine


6 months Later

I sat on some street corner in God knows what city in some state. This was the first time I had money in months. I finally played a show it was the first time I’ve eaten in weeks, and now I had a few bucks.

So I sit on my ass playing some song on my guitar across from this one venue that may hire me if they here me play. But then again I’m not screaming I’m using my “pretty” voice. The voice I used when I played Johanna in Sweeney Todd at school.

I stopped playing when I saw a pair of ratty converse, the person didn’t move so I looked up at the tall man standing in front of me.

“What do you want can’t you tell I’m trying to make my money so I can live.”

“I see that but I could help with the money part, I see you can play guitar and I was wondering if maybe you kind of knew how to tech because we need one really bad, we’ll pay you $1200 dollars we really need one?” I looked up at him with shock. And shot up.

“Of course just let me bring my stuff in” I picked up my backpack, which all I have left after I sold the rest of my stuff and followed him to the back door.

It was the first time I’d been in a venue for months. I brought back a nostalgic feeling. I had always loved the smell of a venue and the lights it was just something that always appealed to me.

“So I’m assuming you know what to do, right?”

“Of course I’ve been doing this my whole life,” I laughed, the first time in a while.

After setting up the equipment and such I stood backstage to watch the band, they were pretty good even though I didn’t catch their name.

“We’re going to now play a cover of one of our inspirations… So here’s “Ashley” By Escape the Fate” My stomach dropped as the lead singer spoke. That was one of my dad’s songs. The one he wrote for me.

Shadows fall on yesterday,
its like time just slips away.
I'm nothing, darkness follows me.

The dawn, it never shows its head.
I'm left dying here instead with nothing,
a lock without a key.

Like the brightest star you shine through.
Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.
I've got purpose once again.
Yeah, yeah.
Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.
I've got purpose once again.
Yeah, yeah.
(I've got purpose once again.)

If looks could kill you'd be the one,
that takes my world and makes me numb.
I'm nothing, without you I can't breathe.
(I can't breathe.)
And as the sunlight burns the sky,
I see through my obsessive eyes.
I'm nothing, without you I can't see.

Like the brightest star you shine through.
Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.
I've got purpose once again.
Yeah, yeah.
Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.
I've got purpose once again.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.

You're the strength I need to fight,
You're the reason I still try.
I'm the moth and you're the light
Use these wings so I can fly,
I can fly.

Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.
I've got purpose once again.
Yeah, yeah.
Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.
I've got purpose once again.
Yeah, yeah.
Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.
I've got purpose once again.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.

I've got purpose once again.
I've got purpose once again.

Tears pricked my eyes and I turn to walk down the venue hallways. I saw an open office and went in. I grabbed a piece of paper, a stamp, and an envelope. I began to write. I asked the man if I could have my money and he gave it to me in cash which I found rather peculiar but didn’t really care that much.

I left, mailed my letter and went to the airport.

“I need the first flight to somewhere else that I can afford with this money.” I said shoving my money to the lady behind the desk.

“I can’t really do that do that miss” She said in an overly cheery tone.

“Please this is the first time I’ve had money in a long time and I’m choosing to use it for this instead eating and look at me, I need to eat” I lifted up my shirt showing her my protruding ribcage. She grimaced and began to type on the keyboard.

“Here you go miss and good luck” She smiled and I thanked her.

I marched through the gates to my new destiny, to achieve my full musical potential. Or maybe just to make it six more months.

Craig’s POV

I looked at the envelope with the familiar neat-scribble of my daughter. I was staring at it so hard you’d think it catch on fire. I opened it with shaky hands.

Dear Dad,

I know I left on bad terms and I hope you forgive me. But I hope you understand why I left.

Anyways the reason I wrote is because today I heard your song Ashley. It made me cry. I remember when you wrote for me. You told me that when I was born I brought you out of a dark place. I thought maybe living with you I would be brought out of my dark place.

I’m still there and going to go somewhere new to find out who I am and maybe I will find someone to bring me out of this dark place.

So I wrote to tell you that even though I’m not doing well that I feel like it’s only going to get better. And I promise you I’m going to come back to see you.

Love, Maya

Tears dropped on the paper causing the ink to smear.

“I know you’re upset about Maya right now, But I have big news… I’m pregnant.”

Maybe I’ll have a second chance.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the end!!! I'm kind of sad but now that's schools almost out i can start a sequel as soon as possible!!!
Title Credit goes to Mother, Mother -The Veronicas
I'd like to thank my 228 readers for making this possible.
Especially the 17 that subscribed you made me feel even better.
And a special thanks to all the commenters:
Bunny Wabbitt
secrets-that-die ( a very special thanks to you for commenting almost every time and sticking with me even over the super long breaks!!! I love you so much)

And so nows the time to tell me if you loved it! I would love to hear feedback from all my silent readers! once again thanks so so so much for making this possible!