Daughter of a Rockstar

Let's Assume I'm Fine

Craig’s POV

“What’s wrong with her?”
“I’ve been telling her for a week to have you take her to the doctor but she doesn’t think she’s that sick” Tyler said coming downstairs from Maya’s room
“How sick is she?”
“Well she’s thrown up three times now but she’s worse than last year when she had pneumonia and mono at the same time”
“That’s bad I’ll take her in tomorrow”
“Well it’s good to know that she has a parent that cares about her now”

He walked out and drove off and I went upstairs to see her. She was curled up in bed and was as pale as could be. It reminded me of the time she drank half of a bottle of vodka thinking it was water when she was seven years old. She threw up all day and was pale for the rest of the week. And by pale I mean paler than snow.

The next day we drove to the doctor’s office. She fell asleep in the car. She looked dead I was almost worried that she died. When we got to the hospital I shook her awake and she got up she walked as if she was a newborn deer that can stand on its own as she wobbled to the door.

“Would Maya please come in” An older woman said who I could only assume was the doctor. Maya got up and walked in. Then I waited for about an hour and a half.

Maya’s POV

“SO what do you think I have?”
“Well it’s not the flu or pneumonia but I think its syphilis”
“You’re kidding me”
“Are you sexually active?”
I remembered that night and remembered what happened “I guess I had it once”
“Well once is enough- oh here are your test results… it looks like I was right and you’ve had it for awhile which is the reason you’re so sick. I’ll need to put you on an antibiotic” She took out a pad and wrote down a prescription. I got up and walked out. I was relieved and I couldn’t believe it.

Craig’s POV

We got into the car and drove to the pharmacy took pick up her meds.

“So what do you have?”
“Well Craig I’m not gonna beat around the bush… I have syphilis”
“Calm down Craig it’s not that big of a deal it could have been worse”
“You’re sixteen you shouldn’t even be having sex and call me dad!”
“Dad I’m sixteen I’m old enough to make my own mistakes now”
“I just can’t believe you’re that old”
“Dad you have to realize I’ve grown up a lot and you haven’t put up with half the shit mom had to put up with or the shit she made me put up with”
“What was the worse she made you go through?” I had calmed down a bit
“Well besides touring with you guys? She raised an eyebrow and grinned “probably meeting all the new boyfriends or step-daddies” I frowned at this.

We got home and she ran upstairs and I sat down next to Robert and Max.

Maya’s POV

“Hi is Ryan there?” I asked his mom on the phone
“Hey what’s up, how was the doctors, what do you have?
“What, from who?”
“I’m gonna kill that asshole!”
“Don’t I’m fine”
“Why are you happy about this?”
“Because Ryan he could have gotten me pregnant! I’m lucky.”
“I don’t consider that lucky”
“He raped me Ryan I think I’m pretty lucky that I’m still sane”

Craig’s POV

“Max I think I have to call Gabby up I don’t think she come over this Friday”
“Well for one Maya’s really sick and also I don’t think she can handle meeting my girlfriend”
“You mean you’re soon to be fiancé” Robert added
“Well ya but she told me that it was her least favorite part of growing up”
‘What was her least favorite part was getting engaged?” Max said sarcastically.
“No meeting her mom’s boyfriends and fiancés. I don’t think I can do that too her right now”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took awhile but i added some much needed drama
And thanks to my five subsribers!!! WHOOO HOOO
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