Daughter of a Rockstar

How I Could Just Kill A Man

Maya’s POV

It had been a week since the seizure incident and I hadn’t seen Gabby’s face for a while. Don’t get me wrong I mean I feel a little bad, I mean my dad does love her and now he’s kind of mopey but he should have told that he’s dating someone. I went downstairs to see my band, Max, Craig, Maggie, and Melissa sitting at the kitchen table.

“Oh my god Maya did you hear about what happened last night at the scream-a-thon.” Maggie screamed.

“Yeah they had to stop it early because some kid got landed on and started throwing up blood and then a fight broke out and some people got trampled”

“Yeah how’d you know?” She asked

“You didn’t go did you?” Ryan asked

“Cause that would explain the black eye” Tyler added

“You were in it weren’t you? We told you, you couldn’t go after last year!” Tyler yelled

“Well I was kind of the person who landed on the kid” I said nervously

“What!!” Melissa shouted.

“Well it was the final four I had been screaming for three hours and yes, my throat burns like a million suns anyways he got pushed over and I jumped off the drum riser and I didn’t see him and I jumped right on top of him and I think I broke some ribs and then he started coughing up blood then I got punched in the face and then I drove him to the hospital and OW talking really hurts” I got some orange juice and it helped my burning throat.

“You screamed for three hours straight?” Kyle asked.

“Ya it’s not the smartest thing since I only started screaming again last week.”

“No shit it’s also not smart to go to the scream-a-thon when you almost got killed at it last year” Ryan said.

“Dying is an exaggeration she would of only got brutally beaten, besides she got second last year, I why wouldn’t she want to try to be the first girl to win by competing this year.” Maggie pointed out.

“I would have won it too if I didn’t jump off the riser”

“So do you know the damage you did to the boy?” Max asked

“Not really I think I broke some ribs though”

“That’s harsh”
“At least I helped him to the hospital” I said as we heard the doorbell. “I’ll get it”

“Hey you left your phone at the hospital” The tall, thin boy said. He was wearing tight black jeans and had messy dark brown hair that covered part of his left eye. This was the boy I landed on. This was Chase.

“Oh thanks I didn’t think you’d be out so soon.”

“Well it turns out that I was coughing up blood because it’s not smart to drink and smoke weed then scream your head off and then get jumped on. Who would have guessed?” I laughed

“SO do you feel better?”

“Well you’ve done worse to me”

“What? Wait you’re the dressing room kid?” My mouth dropped

“The one and only” He reached over and pushed my jaw up

“Wow I have done worse to you.”

“At least this time you didn’t smash my face in with a door”

“Good point but now I feel I owe you a bit”

“Maybe a date would make it up to me”

“Well that would work but first I think you have to meet my dad”

“Your dad? For a girl in a hardcore band you follow rules pretty wel- Holy shit that’s half of Escape the Fate” His eyes grew wide as if he were a kid who just entered a candy shop.
“Well you passed the I like your dad’s band test now we can go on a date”

“Can I at least know the name of the bruised boy who supposedly is taking out my daughter?”

“Sure this is Conner the kid I landed on last night, Conner my dad but I’m assuming you know him”

“Yeah my band idolizes you guys”

“Wait you’re in that band um… Colliding Backwards right?” Melissa asked

“Yeah that’s the one” He smiled at being recognized.

“You’re the band that’s drummer broke his arm at state cross country?” I blurted I didn’t even know I knew that.

“Yeah I think it’s weird that he does cross country but I’m not one to judge him I mean he is the state champ despite being run over after tripping at the end of the race.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you” Craig said.

“Seeing that Craig is okay with this we’ll take the job of being over-protective” Tyler said pointing to the rest of my band.

“Yeah you treat her right” Kyle said

“Get her home on time” Ryan said

“And if you break her heart we’ll personally kick your ass” Tyler said

“Well you won’t have to worry about that because if I do anything wrong she has already proven that she can send me to the hospital single handed” I laughed grabbed his hand and went out the door.

Craig’s POV

“Ryan relax this guy is not anything like Michael” Maggie said soothing her boyfriend. I wondered why they hung out at our house despite the fact Maya obviously just left.

“Maggie we just don’t want a repeat of the Michael incident I mean what he did was the lowest thing anyone could ever do.” Tyler spat

“Well she seemed fine about it” Maggie spat back

“Yeah because she was happy she didn’t get pregnant but you and I both know what Maya did after it happened” Tyler said with venom in his voice. I was confused what did she do? What did Michael do?

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked unsure if I even wanted to know the answer.

“Her last “boyfriend” raped her then she did something stupid like she normally does when she’s depressed which in turn exiled her here I’m sure”

“What did she- wait RAPED her?”

“Maggie! We told you not to say anything” Ryan yelled

“So she wasn’t going to do anything about it?” I asked, I was infuriated at this Michael kid I could kill him right now.

“Well she did do something, she took him to the river and pushed him in hoping he would drown but it didn’t happen and obviously he didn’t tell anyone she did it or she would say what he did to her.” I got up I couldn’t listen to this.

I grabbed my phone and called my lawyer. No one was getting away stealing my daughter’s virginity. I wasn’t going to let that happen. Even if she didn’t want this I wanted this kid to get everything he deserved less than me strangling him to death.
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Sorry it took so long I've been gone for the past week so I'll try and get some more updates out soon. I also decided to have better writing skills andskipped lines between people so it may be easier to read now!
Thanks for all the love.