Daughter of a Rockstar

If Your Education Brings You Home

Craig’s POV

“Ahhhhh” We heard screaming from the front of the house.

“What’s wrong up there?”

“The music teacher is coming for dinner” Maya groaned

“Don’t call her that” Ryan said

“Okay Ryan’s mom is coming to dinner”


“I don’t know? She said she needed to talk to you”

“Can I stay for dinner since my mom’s here?”

“Sure maybe you can calm the devil”

“I think you’re confusing my mom with yours”

“Well our moms are best friends so they are pretty much the same person”

“Okay that’s true but are you still mad about the concert thing”

“Yes she’s making me play the drums in all the concerts and I have to play Calvary”

“Oh that sucks she's not just letting you play?”

“No I have to play it her way or no way she’s been really pissing me off lately”

“Well you try living with her”

“Okay I’m going to start making dinner your mom likes my pasta right”

“Ya she loves it”

I sat back and watched my daughter cook the food until I heard the doorbell I got up answered it and saw a familiar face. Rachel.

“Mabbit. Had any other bastard children lately or is Maya the only one.” She spat and walked past me.

“Well it’s great to see you too.” I said turning around walking back towards the kitchen.

“Holy fuck its Rachel our ex-number two groupie” Max yelled

“Now I wonder who your number one groupie was.”
“Well Sara of course but you left us so you could go get married” Max laughed

“Well I’m here to talk about Maya not the past”

“Of course we would never want to embarrass you in front of your son” I added. She glared at me.

“Dinner is served” Maya said sitting down next to Ryan

“Thank god I’m starving.”

“Ry you’re always hungry”

“My I’m only hungry when I’m around you cause you give me food” She rolled her eyes.

“So Rach what did you want to tell me about” I asked

“Wait let me guess you wanted to talk about I’m a horrible person and that it was great my mom got rid me for some unknown reason and that I should give up music because I’m so terrible at it” Maya yelled

“Actually it’s almost the opposite of that. You see Craig your daughter got accepted to one of the best arts schools in the country and not only did she get excepted but she will get a full ride to the university and if she sends in some audition tapes and impresses the board of acceptance then she can skip her entire freshmen year and graduate college by the time she’s 20 years old. But she wants to go tour with the band and not go to college which for Ryan is not even option. And Maya that is the reason your mom kicked you out because she thought sending you here would show that being a rock star isn’t all that great and you wouldn’t throw this amazing opportunity that only five kids in the country get offered a year.”

“Holy shit is this true Maya that’s pretty huge to turn down” I said, she ignored me.

“Wait Ryan you’re not going to tour with me after high school?” She looked hurt.

“Maya, my mom won’t let me you just heard her and it’s the same for all the other guys you know that. I’m not the only one we’ve been telling you that for this whole year.” She stood up quickly knocking over her chair. She ran upstairs. We all just sat awkwardly. Until Rachel stood up and walked towards the door.

“Coming Ryan or do you want to walk home”

“God mom I can’t believe you” He got up and pushed past and got in the car”

“Maybe I should go talk to her” I said

“Ya think?” Robert said

I went upstairs into her room she was curled up on her bed her thick eyeliner was all over her face. I couldn’t stand to see her do this.

“You okay”

“No Dad I’m not mom could’ve sent me here for any other stupid thing but she sent me here so I would think my dad had a shitty life that I didn’t want to have. What the fuck is that about!!!”

“It’s your mom she’s insane” She let out a small laugh.

“Now I don’t care what you choose to do just as long as it makes you happy” I hugged her.

“Thanks dad” she sniffed

“Now get some sleep you have a court date tomorrow morning” I left before she could respond.
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Sorry it's been soooo long. I;ve been busy.
But i hope you enjoy this!
Title Credit- No More Room to Breathe- There For Tomorrow