Beneath the Soul

A Trip To Europe

The phone rang loudly, startling me half to death.

"Hello?" I breathed.

"Hey, Katie!" It was my brother Benjamin's voice that came from the other end. "I'm leaving for the airport right now."

"Oh no!" I looked up at the wall where the calendar hung. June 13th was circled multiple times in bright red sharpie. "I'm sorry, Ben. I totally forgot."

He sighed but he talked like he was smiling. "That's alright. Well, are you at least packed?"

My cheeks heated up with embarrassment. "...No..." How stupid I was! I don't know how anyone could being so irresponsible. I put my head in my hands but still held the phone to my ear.

"Hmm.." He paused to think for a bit. "How about you pack as fast as you can right now?"

I laughed without humor. "Right! Like that's going to happen. I pack slowly. Look, what if I just pack up right now and then I get to the airport when I can. If I'm lucky then I'll be just in time to board and I'll get in with you. If I'm not lucky, then well I'll get on the next flight out."

He considered that for a moment. "I could wait."

"No. I don't want you to have to do that for me. Just go on. I'll meet you in Hamburg." We were planning on going to Germany for two weeks. I barely seen him anymore. What with us both busy with our lives. I finished college and was working full time at fashion design company. Benjamin was still in his third year of college. Luckily it was the summer so he didn't have to worry about school work. But I had to ask my boss to take two weeks off for vacation.

"Alright...If you think that's best."

"Yes, I do." I looked around the house, wondering where I put my suitcase.

"Okay. I'll see you in Hamburg then," he said.

"If I don't make it there on time," I reminded him.

He laughed a little. "Right."

"Bye. See you soon."


I hung up before he did and ran straight to my room. I didn't want to go through the trouble of trying to catch the next flight to Germany. I went through my drawers quickly and launched items of clothes to the bed. My suitcase was actually just under my bed. I unzipped it and dumped everything is there.

As fast as I went and as carelessly I packed, I still didn't make it out of the house until fifteen minutes later.

I drove faster than I was supposed to. I didn't know if I missed the plane yet, but I was still relieved when I made it to the airport.

There were only a couple people in front of me in line. When it was my turn I said to the lady, "One ticket for Hamburg, Germany, please."

The lady looked down at her screen. A little while later she said, "I'm sorry, but that flight is already taking off."

My stomach dropped. Oh, just fabulous, I thought.

I ran to the window and looked at the plane leaving. I banged my head against the glass. I could have been faster.

"Ma'am?" the lady's voice came behind me. "Will you still be buying a plane ticket? The next flight out of here would be..."

But I didn't hear her. I didn't hear anyone...or anything for that matter. I could only see yet not comprehend what my eyes were witnessing as I watched. My brother's plane was taking flight into the air one moment, and in the next, all I saw was red and orange in the blue sky.

When I did hear though, it was only the glass shattering, ear splitting scream that my ears picked up.
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I like this chapter. Hah.