Stopping Time

Slit your own throat

The wind blew through my hair as Tracey drove us to our new house. Tracey is my mother and I hate her. She hates me. She says the only reason I was born is because she was prostitute the condom broke and now I have no clue who my dad is and my mother is an abusive bitch. She pulled into the driveway of a one story little yellow house. She yanked me out of the car nd pushed me inside the house.

"Their's three rooms in the house I get the biggest you can have whatever one you want." She spat storming off to the far end of the small house. I took the room farthest from hers. I unpacked my three suitcases and blew up my air mattress. I don't get a real bed because we have to move so much. God I hate my mother. I took a short shower, dried my long black and multi-colored hair and got changed for bed. I put on my white boy shorts with black skulls all over them. Then I put on my black tank-top and laid down.

I lay awake thinking about what my dad might look like. If he knew I was alive would he at least want me? What happened to make Tracey so cold? I snuggled deeper into the mattress and hugged my blanket closer to my body. I could hear Tracey talking loudly on the phone yelling at someone. I really didn't want to go to school tomorrow. I curled up into a tight ball and let silent tears fall crying myself to sleep. Again.


I kept the hood to my black Pantera jacket over my head. My eyes were focused on the ground and not tripping. I heard tire sequels and turned my head. A big blue van was about to hit me. I jumped back just in time and ran/walked into the school. I got y class schedule and walked around trying to find my first class.

"You walk like really fast!"

A girl with black hair and slightly pale skin told me sitting beside the seat next to mine in the back.

"Sorry?" I said a if it was a question.

"No no! I wanted to apologize for my boyfriends insane driving. He was the one that almost killed you." She exclaimed.

"Oh no it's OK." I mumbled. I wouldn't have cared if he'd hit me. Death is better than living with my mother.

"I'm Valary you can call me Val." She said. "I'm Kate." Class started and I didn't get a chance to talk to Val again. I was walking to my next class when a heavy hand grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. "Where do your think your going emo?" Someone asked. "Class." I spat shrugging out from under his grasp. He grabbed me and pushed me up against the lockers.

"Your feisty." He growled. "I like that." He whispered. I tired to squirm out of his grasp but he held on tighter each time I moved. I winched and could already feel the hand like bruises forming on my shoulders. I looked around for help. People were watching but nobody cared. Some were laughing other looked sorry for me but most just didn't care. Their all on my mental list of people I want to die. Once your on the list you never come off. Ever.

"Let me go." I hissed to the big jock dude. I have yet to see his face. "Make me!" He yelled. "Let her go!" Some other guy demanded. His grip on me tightened. I suppressed a scream. "This has nothing to do with you Baker!" Jock dude said through his teeth. "Yes it does Haman!" The Baker dude said. "Back off!" Jock dude yelled. Baker dude punched him in the face and grabbed me walking quickly around the corner.

The only thing I had time to notice about Baker dude was his incredible eyes. I could look into them forever.
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OK so new story. Like it? Wanna bitch slap me for writing it? Comment and subscribe please! It'll make me happy and I won't have to go ninja midget on yo ass!