Stopping Time


"Zacky what would you do if you were in Jimmy's place?" I asked.

Tomorrow was my birthday so Zacky sunk over. I was currently cuddled up in his arms. Little did he know this was our last night together.

"Probably show Lee to the first adoption center I see." He said bluntly.

"Oh...." I whispered.

"Why?" He asked.

"No reason just curious." I shrugged.

"I'm not ready to be a daddy." He sighed.

"You don't have to worry about it Zack." I said kinda harshly. He was being mean to my baby. I felt a twinge of hate rush through my veins.

Tomorrow I was getting my ID early in the morning, faking my suicide, then running away with Rainy. I kissed Zacky lightly.

"You should go." I whispered. The faster I say good bye the less it will hurt. Right?

"OK." He sighed getting up. I kissed him sweetly.

"Good bye Zack. I love you. Forever." I whispered fighting tears.

"I love you too Kate." He said kissing me once more jumping out the window and breaking my heart. I was wrong. It hurt even worse.

I got out a piece of paper and began to write my "suicide" note.

I'm sorry but it's too much to deal with. I can't do this anymore. I'm pregnant. You don't want a baby and I'm not ready for any of this. I'm not strong enough to go on. I love all of so much! Too much. After you left I found Rainy's dead body. She drowned herself. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm taking her body and were going into the ocean. By the time you read this it will be too late to save me. I'm truly sorry for any pain I might cause if you care enough to still be reading this just know. I'll never stop loving you. Ever.
Your's always,

I cried long and hard after that. I already put a down payment on an apartment in Las Vegas. Everything was set. I had a job as a store manger waiting for me which would pay enough to get us by. Everything was in place. The only thing left to do is run. Rainy came into my room, unshed tears glisten in her eyes. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly to me as we cried.

"I love you sis." She sobbed. I couldn't help but smile. That was the first time she told me that she loved me.

"I love you too hon. I promise. I'll take good care of you." Her small body racked with sobs, her head buried in my chest. I silently cried. I have to be OK for Rainy and my baby. Which means no crying. I hugged Rainy tighter to me.

"I'm going to be an aunt aren't I?" She asked quietly putting a hand on my stomach.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Cool.'' She mumbled sleepily. Soon her breathing evened out as she fell asleep.