Stopping Time


It was the ass crack of dawn when I dragged Rainy to the cab I had waiting to take us to the airport. I had tapped my note to Zack's window and planted evidence of suicide at the Pier before leaving to get my New ID I changed my hair and name. I wasn't Kate O'Brien anymore. I was Kate Miller. Not much of a change but enough so no one would immanently recognize me. This was it. I was leaving forever.

I got into the cab holding back tears as we drove away.

Zacky's point of view

I woke up around ten with the feeling that something was wrong. I got up and saw something sticking to my window. I slowly went over and read Kate's elegant script on the paper. I fell to the ground shaking.

"She......and......but.....NO!" I yelled bolting up and running next door. I looked through the house ignoring Tracey yelling at me that the little whores committed suicide. I searched the house but didn't find them. I ran out of her house and all the way to the pier. I looked around for any sign of them. I got to the edge of the pier and saw one of Kate's scarfs caught on a nail flying in the wind.

"NO!" I screamed falling to my knees. She was gone. She was really gone.

"Zacky?!" Leana yelled running over to me Jimmy was right behind her.

"Zack man what's wrong?" Jimmy asked getting level with me.

"She's gone." I whispered handing him Kate's suicide note I grabbed before running down here. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"What's going on? James?" Leana asked franticly. Jimmy just handed her the note. She gasped mumbling 'Oh my god no.' Before breaking down into tears. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I cried.

Kate's point of view

3 month time laps

"Kate! I'm home!" Rainy yelled coming through the door. I gave her weak smile then giggled as she bent down and kissed my baby bump.

"Hello December!" She cooed.

"I'm gonna spoil you so much when you get here!" She exclaimed. She does this everyday. Go to school, come home, talk to my stomach, eat dinner, take a shower, then go to bed.

"You better not spoil her too much." I said sternly.

"Don't worry I will!" She smiled.

"So how was your day at work?" She asked laying her head on my stomach.

"Slow and boring. Yours?"

"Nina and I pulled a prank on the queen bee preppy McBitch." She laughed.

"Well I'm glade you had fun." I said sarcastically.

"Did you hear Zacky's band got signed." She mumbled.

"Yeah......" I trailed.

"I miss them." She sighed.

"Me too hun. Me too."
♠ ♠ ♠
OK so the next chapter is the last one then it's sequel time! Comment or no cookies for you!