Stopping Time


The Baker kid ran me safely to my next class without one word. I stared intently at his beautiful jade orbs trying to figure out how he new which my class was. I was about to ask when I realized we were heading away from the class rooms and towards the Library. Why the fuck are we going to the Library? We stopped at he door and he held his finger to his full lips indicating we needed to be quite. I nodded and followed him inside.

He led me to the very back to a door. He knocked 3 times then 2 then 1. The door flew open and the girl I met Earlie today was standing their smirking.

"Hey Z. Hey new girl." She greeted letting us inside the room. It was small. Their was a couch, a desk with a computer, a small circle table and a TV. Val and only two other people that I didn't know were already inside. Their was an extremal tall lanky boy and a big muscular boy sitting at he computer.

"Ya know I never caught your name new girl." Val smiled leading me over to sit on the couch.

"It's Kate. Kate O'Brien." I said

"She speaks!" Val exclaimed throwing her hands up in praise. I smiled bushing a stray hair behind my ear.

"Matt!" Val screamed. "Come say your sorry for almost killing our new friend!"

The big guy who I'm assuming is Matt got up and came over t us his head hanging low. He lifted his head up and looked me in the eyes.

"I am truly truly sorry for almost running you over!" He said

"And do you know what will happen if you ever do it again Matty-cakes?" Val asked.

"You'll kill me?" He guessed.

"No no silly!" She laughed.

"I'll rip off your giblets and feed them to you with a spork so then you have to shit your own balls." She hissed lowly.

Matt protectively grabbed his crotch and backed away. I was doubled over laughing. Val and I fell in a laughing heap on the floor. We sat up wiping tears from our eyes.

"So Kate tell me about yourself." She insisted. The Baker kid suddenly seemed intrigued by what we were saying and laid on the floor in front of us closing his eyes.

"Uh well their's really not much to tell." I stammered. "I move around a lot. I live alone with Tracey, my mom. I don't have a clue as to who my dad is. Um my favorite color is purple I'm 5'2 and music is my life." I shrugged.

"Come on I know their's more to you than that." Val pressed.

"Well I guess your just gonna have to find out in due time." I shrugged. Baker chuckled and rose his eyebrows.

"Oh she'll get it out of you. It's her gift. Her incredibly annoying gift." He stated. I giggled and looked over to see Val nodding.

"Zacky's right." She said. HM so Zacky is his name. Someone knocked on the door 3 times then 2 times then 1. Zacky got up and opened the door.

"Hey Syn. Hey Michelle." He said as two people came into the room. The girl, Michelle. Looked almost exactly like Val. They must be twins. The guy, Syn. Followed her like a lost puppy.

"Who's the new girl?" Syn asked.

"That's Kate. Be nice not an ass." Zacky said. Syn walked over to me and offered his hand I shook it.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked. I looked at him confused.

"Purple." I said

"OK I love you." Syn said. I laughed and he went over to the other side of the room with Matt and the lanky boy. I knew everyone's name but his.

"Who's he?" I asked Val pointing to the lanky boy

"Oh that's Jimmy or Rev." She said with a wave of her hand.

"This is my Twin Michelle." Val said gesturing o the girl next to her.

"I'm Kate." I said extending my hand for her to take. She shook my hand and smiled at me.

"Where's short shit?" Syn asked.

"He decided to stay in class." Matt said his eyes never leaving the screen.

It occurred to me that I never thanked Zacky for saving me. I grabbed him by the elbow and lead him t the corner of the room.

"I- I just wanted to thank you for saving me back their." I said avoiding those jade orbs.

"No problem Kitten." He smiled. Kitten?

"My name's Kate." I said confused as to why he would call me Kitten.

"I know." He said giving me one last smile before walking away.

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Thanks to my first person to comment: Synful Vengeance!