Stopping Time

Confessions of a broken heart

December first 2 months later.

"Dude! You've put off talking to Kate for like 2 months now!" Matt yelled at me.

"God dammit Zacky! We can all see she's getting hurt! Either by her own hand or her mom's!" Val put in. I know. I know. I need to talk to Kate about it but I can't. I mean even if she does tell me what can I do? I can't beat up her mom or I would! Val and Michelle should talk to her.

"Why don't you talk to her Val?" I suggested.

"Because I haven't heard/witnessed it happen!" She yelled. I hate it when she grills my ass. Note to all. Do NOT! Repeat NOT piss off Val. Ever. Seriously. Don't.

"Zachary James Baker! Are you even listening to me?!" No.

"Yes Val I am!"

The knock came on he door.

"It's Kate." Matt said opening the door slightly.

"Talk. To. Her." Val said through clenched teeth. I sighed and nodded.

"I'm serious Zachary!" She yelled. Oh trust me. I know. She and Matt left the room leaving me alone with Kate.


"Hey." I said sitting down next to Zack pulling he sleeves on my hoddie to cover up the minute old cuts on my wrist. I made sure my hair was n my face to hide the hand like bruise.
from last night.

"I heard your mom hitting you Kate. And don't tell me that's not what was going down because it was." He said sternly.

"You can't tell anyone!" I snapped.


"You can't tell anyone!" Kate snapped. OK! Wasn't expecting that.

"What? Kate are you insane?!" I exclaimed/asked

"No Zack you don't understand! If you tell I'll have to leave! She'll take me away and I'll never see you again! I don't want to leave! This is the first time I've ever had real friends that care! Don't you dare take that away from me Zacky!" She yelled a single tear fell from her right cheek.

"Don't worry Kitten your secrets safe with us." What the fuck am I saying?! Am I really gonna keep it with her getting hurt like this?

"Thank you." She sniffed pressing her hand to her cheek and leaning her elbow against her cheek. Shakespeare randomly flew through my head.

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O that I were a glove upon that hand,
that I might touch that cheek!"
(- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 2.2)

I thought to myself. OK now that I'm over being a pansy for like 30 seconds. It's time to see all the damage that woman did to my Kitten.

"Stand up." I commanded. She shot me a confused look then stood up.

"Are you wearing a tank top under that?" I asked she nodded. I pulled off her jacket with a 'What the hell!?' from Kate. My breathe hitched in the back of my throat as I saw the bruises all over her arms. My breathing stopped altogether when I looked at her still slightly bleeding wrists. 8 vertical lines ran across the insides of her wrist. Her mom didn't do that. She yanked her wrist out from my grasp and ran. I tried to follow her but lost sight of her.

I text ed the guys and told them to be on the look out for her. Kitten cuts herself?
♠ ♠ ♠
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