Stopping Time


"Matt check your phone." I told him.

"If you see Kitten stop her and bring her to me. Do whatever you have to do to get her. ZV" He read aloud. Well at least I know he can read. He looked at me his eyes full of concern.

"I'm sure she's OK Matt." I reassured him patting his back. I spotted Kate running down the hall and started after her. Matt followed. Matt ran ahead of me and grabbed Kate throwing her over his shoulder.

"Matt put me down!" She yelled.

"Nope you and Zacky gotta do a little conversing!" He laughed carrying her back to Zacky.
Six month time laps!:

"Hey Kitten wait up!" Zacky called running to catch up with me on my way home.

"Whats up?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He shrugged then gave me a lopsided grin.

"Just thought I'd walk you home since I live next door." He said taking my bag and lacing our fingers together. I smiled at him and laid my head down on his shoulder. We've gotten closer and closer over the pass couple of months.

"Hey Kate guess what?" Zacky said playfully

"What Zacky?" I asked playing along.

"Don't freak but-" He paused lifting my chin so that I was looking into his eyes. "I love you." We stopped walking. I stopped breathing all together. It was like all the air in my lungs decided to disappear. The world was spinning around me as I tried to catch my breath.

"Look I know we haven't known each other long but I do. I love you. I'm going to sneak over tonight. Tell me then. If you love me or not."

Not being able to think I just nodded. He smiled letting go of my hand. He walked over to his house as I entered mine. I was greeted with a hard slap to the face.

"I told you not to bring boys around here anymore you fucking whore!" Tracey hissed.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"WHO SAID YOU COULD TALK!?" She screamed kicking me in the stomach. I fell to the ground unable to breathe.

She continued to kick me in various places yelling at me.

"You only care about yourself! You haven't even noticed the letter I got from your half sister's father! Guess what whore! She's coming to live with momma!"

I have a sister?

"Oh that's right you were too little! Guess what! You have a little sister! That's right she's only 13! Her name's Rainy! She'll be fun to hit!"

I blocked out the rest of her words, the little red dots in front of my eyes turning into blackness.
I woke up a little while later sore all over. I crawled to my room and clasped on my "bed".

"I was wondering when you'd come in here." Zacky said from the corner scarring the shit out of me.

"God! Give me a damn heart attack why don't you!" I whisper yelled.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright?" He whispered coming over and gently wrapping his arms around me.

"M'fine Zacky." I sighed leaning into him closing my eyes.

"Kate?" He asked.

"Hmmm?" I sighed

"I love you."

"I love you too Zacky."

"Promise me something"


"Never hurt yourself again."

"I promise."

I was falling asleep in his arms sitting up.

"Goodnight Kitten." He chuckled and started to hum. I fell asleep to his soft voice.
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Sorry for the lack O updates. I hate this chapter it's pretty much just a small filler. But please do comment!