Stopping Time

Almost Easy

"You need to tell him Lee." I said looking at the eerily clam Leana.

"How?" She whispered.

"Just find the right time and tell him."

"Will you call him and ask him to come over?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"Sure." I smiled getting out my phone and calling Jim.

Yo? he answered on the second ring.

"Hey Jim we need you to come over to Leana's sneak in the window." I said.

OK I'm on my way.

I smiled sadly at Leana shutting the phone. All 12 tests came back positive. Lee's ego was prego. I pulled her into my arms rocking her back and forth. She started sobbing lightly. "What am I gonna do?" She whispered over and over to herself.

"It's gonna be OK Lee I'll take care of you." I whispered.

She wrapped her arms tightly around my middle burying her face in my stomach. Her small body shaking wildly.

"Shhh." I tried to calm her but it was useless.

"Knock knock." Jimmy said quietly coming through the window.

"Hey." I smiled.

Leana buried her head deeper against me her arms tightening around my waist.

"Baby what's wrong?" Jimmy asked wrapping his arms around her.

"Eah......the.....and.....I......uh.......baaabbyyy!" She cried. Jimmy looked at me, eyes brows creased, frown on his face.

"She's pregnant." I translated for her. His eyes went wide as his jaw hit the floor.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded sadly. His eyes lit up.

"That's great!" He exclaimed.

Leana lifted her head and looked at him.

"Really?" She sniffed. He nodded rapidly.

"I already knew I wanted to get married and have kids with you were just doing things a little out of order." He said happily taking her in his lanky arms.

I excused myself saying I needed to check on Rainy, she was at Lacey's house, and call Zacky. I wanted to give them some time alone. I called Lacey and made sure her Rainy and Val were alright. Then I called Zack.

Hey you! Zack laughed answering the phone.

"Hey." I said quietly.

What's wrong? Did you and Lee fight? He asked.

"No no we didn't fight! I'll tell you all about it when I come over to model my costume for you." I said.

OK so what kind of costume did you get? He asked.

"It matches yours but I look way sexier than you." I laughed.

Oh I believe you.

"Kate? Where'd you go?" Leana called.

"Hey babe I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

OK. I love you.

"Love you too." I hung up and went back to Lee.

Jimmy stayed with us watching movies until we all fell asleep.
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Come on guys! I'm only asking for a few comments! I don't know if anyone is liking the story which will be coming to a close in a few chapters. I'm already working on the Sequel though so if any one actually reads this story and like it their will be a sequel.

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