I Don't Belong Here, We Gotta Move On Dear

Kapitel Drei


I was busy doodling when the door burst open, startling me. My heart raced, my head turned to the door, and fear coursed through my body. An automatic reaction I picked up all those years ago... Habits are hard to break.

"Bridget Luanne Stone! Why the hell didn't you come see us?!" Zack demanded, his green eyes blazing, but a teasing smile played on his lips.

I instantly relaxed. "Zachary James Baker! You scared the shit out of me! Don't do that!" I reprimanded, laughing. "Now get your ass over here and give me a damn hug!"

Zack literally squealed and ran over, jumping onto where I was on the couch. Another set of arms practically started squeezing me to death. "Bridget!" A femal screamed excitedly.

Enter stage right: the happy hyper couple. "Brooke! Need . . . air!" I choked, gasping for breath when she let go.

"Ten years . . . Ten, woman! Where the he-- crap have you been?! And hello, who are these small children?"

"Romania. They are Reilly and Shawn. My twins," I answered. The twins gave them weird looks, climbing onto my lap when Zack got off. "Ri, Shawn, meet Brooke and Zacky."

"Were they always like this?" Shawn asked me in a slightly hushed tone but made it loud enough for them to hear. He was awesome like that.

Brooke and Zack gasped, looking mock offended. I was about to answer when I was snatched off the couch and currently getting squeezed to death. I slapped the guy's back and he let go, only to be replaced by a much more gentler hug. That's definitely Jimmy and Caity. My kids were laughing their butts off on the couch at this.

"At least now I know what to expect from Matt, Johnny, and Josie," I commented sarcastically. "Hi Jim-Jim, hey Caity."

Their reactions were pretty much the same as Zack and Brooke's. So were Johnny, Josie, and Matt's. "Romania. The twins are Reilly and Shawn. You guys changed your numbers, and yes Val, we made sexy babies. You told me this."

I cautiously sat down, half expecting someone else to try and kill me. Reilly got back on my lap, still gigglig while Shawn just sat next to me, his head resting on my arm. Brian and Michelle entered, arguing. Reilly immediately perked up, looking ready to pounce, but I held her back.

"Michelle, come on! That was ten years ago!" Brian exclaimed. I quirked a brow, what excactly was ten years ago? "I'm over it!"

"Ten years ago my ass! This is now I'm talking about! Have you seen the way you look at her? You're head over heels!" Michelle bitched back. She threw something at him and ran upstairs.

Brian caught the offending object, staring at the magazine like it held the answer to all his questions, but he couldn't interpret it. It stayed silent . . . that was, until I broke it. "Ah, so she's still the over-dramatic jealous bitch I knew and loved, eh?"

Everyone but Brian laughed. Instead, he shot me a dirt look full of anger, confusion, exasperation . . . basically the same look as the magazine with a little something extra on the side. We stared at each other until he shook his head angrily and dropped the object in his hands, chasing after the dragon lady.

Curious, I went and picked it up, taking a seat back on the couch. Reilly lookeda little put off, so I absentmindedly stroked her hair. 'This just in! Does Synyster gates have a new girl on the side? Just a couple of days ago he was seen with fiancee, Michelle DiBenedetto, smiles on their faces . . . well, hers at least. He didn't look too excited about anything, really. Then yesterday he was seen with a hot new, unknown girl at IHOP, big smiles on their faces and looking in love. Yes, that's right ladies and gents, I do believe Mr. Brian Haner Jr. has found a new beau, hopefully we'll like this one a little better. . . Not to mention the adorable little tykes along with them. One just so happening to look exactly like a certain lead guitarist of world famous band, Avenged Sevenfold? Coincidence? I don't think so!! Who is this mystery woman and those insanely adorable kids? More on that soon.'

There were pictures, of course. You can't expect there not to be. The first was Michelle and Brian at Starbucks, Michelle was talking animatedly, a big fake smile on her face, Brian looked bored. The second was, in fact, of yesterday. We were leaving IHOP, headed to the park, Shawn held my hand and was walking with me, Brian had Reilly on his hip, we were all laughing, the cameraman 'just so happened' to get a shot of us sharing a look, the smiles were still plastered on our faces. I can see why they'd get mixed up...

I gnawed on my bottom lip, tossing the article on the table. Great, my first day back in Orange County and there's already a scandal. Perfect.

Michelle stomped out the door, slamming it behind her. I saw a bag in her hand.... Reflexively, I smiled. I waited for Brian to follow but he stayed up there. With a heavy sigh, I went upstairs to talk to him. There were shuffling footsteps behind me. "Bridget?" I paused at Matt's voice. "Were going to take the twins, 'kay?"

"Go ahead." I almost laughed at the horrified expression on Shawn's face. Reilly looked excited. Polar opposites, I swear.

He nodded, taking them out of the house. Everyone was gone after that. I got to Brian's door and knocked. There was a muffled 'Go away' but, being me, I went in anyway. Into the belly of the beast I go.
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