I Don't Belong Here, We Gotta Move On Dear

Kapitel Vier


Brian was on his bed face down in his pillow. "Are you mad?" He asked me before I could, rolling around on his back. Those warm brown eyes looked dull and dark... lifeless. Brian pat the spot next to him so I sat down, hee sat up, putting an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. That familiar scent attacked my senses and I immediately, leaned closer, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Should I be asking yeh that myself?" I retorted, eyes closed, feeling like I was on Cloud 9. Cautiously, I wrapped my arms around his middle.

When he stilled, I pulled back. Brian uttered something, it was a mix between a whimper and a groan. Confused, I looked up at him. He took my arms and put them around his middle again, then he grabbed my legs and set them on his lap. I laughed and shifted a little so I was sitting on one leg, leaning my body against his, listening to his heartbeat intently. He had an arm around my waist, the other playing with a strand of my hair absentmindedly. "I'm mad . . ." He started to say. I inwardly winced. "But not at you. I'm mad at Michelle for blowing this way out of proportion." That still hurt a little. "I didn't plan on you coming back," he muttered sadly.

"I didn't plan on coming back," I admitted. "You can thank or blame Val for this."

He tucked the strand behind my ear and cupped my cheek in his hand. I looked up at him again. "Why would I blame her?" He breathed, stroking his thumb on my cheek. "If anything, I should praise her." He joked. Brian's eyes held mine captive, I wasn't able to look away. I chewed on my lip, my heart pounded in my chest when he leaned in, his warm minty breath on my lips. Automatically, I got closer and clsoer still, the space between us closing until there wasn't any anymore. Brian's mouth pressed against mind, timid at first until we both relaxed and went with the flow of things.

Eager to taste him, I nipped at his bottom lip, his moan granted me access to do just that. I slipped my tongue in his mouth, flitting it against his. Brian trembled, holding me tighter. He tasted better than I remembered.... nicotine, coffee, and mints. Delicious combination, if I do say so myself. His fingers tangled themselves in my hair, the kiss grew hungry, demanding, and passionate. Wild was the only word that really came to mind aside from sex, if I'm honest.

I kid you not, this was about to go further until my stupid phone rang.

Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without--

"Yes, oh so hated person right now?" I didn't check the caller ID so I didn't know who it was.

"Oh, I see how it is. Maybe I won't come down then!" A heavily accented voice huffed. Wait a second.... Let's see, female, Romanian, joking tone.

"Alin!" I squealed, hopping off the bed, leaving Brian in his spot as I left the room.



What the hell just happened? Did I seriously just cheat on my fiancee by making out with my ex?My super hot, incredibly sexy ex. And did she just leave to talk to some 'Alin' dude?? Annoyed, I got off the bed and followed her downstairs.

"No way! So soon?" Bridget gasped into her Alias, sounding excited. She sipped on the coffee (I didn't even know any was made) only to choke on it a moment later, coughing. "Tomorrow?!". She squeaked comically. "I'll need someone to drive me, but sure." She agreed with the person on the other end of the line. I watched her, raising an eyebrow, but she ignored me. "Alright, babe, I'll see yeh tomorrow." Bridget laughed. "Love ya, 'bye." She hung up, shutting the phone, squealing.

"What was that about?" I asked, jealousy coursing through me.

"My friend's coming over early," she said, smiling wide. I was about to ask what friend when she snuck a kiss and skipped away to the backyard and over to Matt Baker.



"Hey Matt-cakes," I chirped, sitting on Zack's younger brother's lap. "I need a favor."

"And what kind of 'favor' would that be?" He asked, sounding rather suspicious.

"Think you could drive me to the airport tomorrow?"


"You'll see." I giggled, taking a sip of his drink.

He perked up. "Is it a hot foreign friend of yours?"


"Count me in." He grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some Alin action next chapter. x]

I seriously debated taking the little make-out session further....
but then decided it'd be to early
*evil laughter*