I Don't Belong Here, We Gotta Move On Dear

Kapitel Sieben

"Congratulations!" Jimmy yelled, glomping me.

He would, wouldn't he?

"Tree Man! Down!" I laughed, poking his side.

Jimmy yelped and rolled off. "Cheater!" He accused, hissing like a cat.

"Not my fault you're ticklish." I shrugged, standing up with the assistance from the colonel.

Jimmy huffed and proceeded to pout until I hugged him. Dracul brushed some dirt off my back and took my hand. "Oh. And yes, we're married. Granted, it was a drunken quadruple-dog-dare thing, but still. "Can we talk?" Brian asked me through clenched teeth. "In private," he added when I didn't move.

Sighing, I slipped my hand out from Dracul's and followed him to the lake. "What the hell is your problem? I thought we had something still!"

See? I told you, Inner Voice.

Ah, shut up.

"Yeah, you still have Michelle and I have Dracul." I agreed, knowing what he really meant but I just kinda wanted to piss him off. . . . It's fun!

He glared at me, catching onto my sarcastic tone. "You kissed me."

"Yeah. And you kissed back."

Brian silently fumed, his glare intesifying as if he was trying to burn a hole in my head. "Why did you stay away? None of this would have happened and we'd still be together if you just came back."

"You don't know that, Brian."

His eyes registered hurt now as he reached out to cup my cheek in his hand. "Come back to me. I can dump Michelle and you can--"

"I can. Dracul won't."

Brian winced as if something burned him. Ha, yeah, burned him. I subconciously touched the scar on my are where She burned me. Old, painful memories flooded my mind and I flinched. Hard to believe it's been 10 years before I remembered. This place brings back too many memories, good and bad.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked when I spaced.

"Remembering..." I muttered, suddenly angry and in need of a drink. A nice bottle of Absolut might do the job.

"Let's get home, the party's over."

"Yeah. Sure." I nodded, walking aack to the group. "Where's Michelle?" I dared to ask, looking around for the retarded slut. "Never mind. Found it," I announced, pointing to the bar...where she was currently making out with the single ugliest dude I've ever seen. I guess what they say is true, there are matches made in Heaven! Or, well, maybe Hell in this case. "Oh, gross!" I grimaced when she raked a hand over his cheek and pus oozed from the acne on his skin.

"Oh, ugh! Horror movie in the making. Somebody please get me a barf bag!" Cait whined, turning into a laughing-his-ass-off Jimmy.

"Permission to hurl please." Brian looked a little green around the edges. "Oh god, I'm going to have to disinfict my whole body now, gross. And go for a check-up and pray to God I have enough good karma to be clean."

Everyone started cracking up, me in particular. "Please go over there and break up with her, if only to get them to stop!!" Valary begged, her eyes shielded by Matt's hand.

"I am not going in alone." Brian said firmly, shaking his head. "You couldn't pay me enough." He looked around and everyone flinched back and shook their heads.

"Will it look bad if I go?" I asked, oddly fascinated. This was almost as bad as Fringe. Wait, no, this was way worse.... You know that show where everything is so fucked up and weird but you can't help but watch what's going on? Yeah, that one. With the crazy scientist and hot son...

Alin gave me a good whack upside the head to snap me out of it, as if she knew what I was thinking... "Get out of my head!" I shouted, jabbing an accusing finger at her.

"NEVER!!" She cackled, throwing her head back and even snorting once.

"I think it would look pretty bad," Josie offered, smirking.

"Good! Let's go!" I snickered, all but skipping over I was so excited to see it up close. "Oh my God that's so nasty!" I whispered in awe when we were closer. Just as I was about to go and touch it, Brian stopped me so I sulked about it.

"Really now? That's just downright insulting," Brian sighed. "But that's Michelle for you, I suppose."

The two broke apart and I almost died. Of laughter, that is, not the death glare she was sending my way instead of Brian's. The guy was Trevor, the old football captain of Huntington Beach High that thought he was so hot and all the girls wanted to fuck him... well, actually... Hah, no, kidding. Seriously.

Michelle gaped at Brian finally. "It's not--"

"Give me the ring."


"Hand it over."

She did...angrily, as a matter of fact...kind of. She yanked it off and threw it as far as she could (ie, two feet), and ran, stumbled, then fell on her face. Not really, as funny as that would be shesadly didn't. "Fine! Keep that whore!!" She screeched, continuing until.... 3. 2. 1.... CRASH!! Right into a table then into a puddle of mud.

Brian picked up the ring, wiped it off, and stuffed it in the pocket, staring at me as I fell to the ground, rolling over from laughing so hard.

"So... home then?"

His nonchalant tone only made me laugh harder.
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Commentszzzz? x]
(No seriously)