I've taken hits time just don't erase

Cat fights

I hadn’t been on this God forsaken bus for two weeks and I realized I fit here better than I had fit anywhere else in my whole damn life. I slept whenever I was tired without getting yelled out or being late. I threw my clothes on the floor along with everyone else’s, occasionally trying to put on Ryan’s pants by accident and not being able to get them past my thighs. We all ate the same crap. Mostly vegan meat and lots of bread stuff like pop tarts and bagels.

And everyone, I mean everyone ran on coffee and or red bull. I swear that’s all anyone ever drank except for coke a cola or mountain dew sometimes.

Some days we ran out of hot water and no one could shower. Some days we didn’t even know what time it was until we turned on the TV and saw what shows were on. Everyone smelled like b.o and whatever cologne they wore. And there was constant swearing and laughing. And to be honest, I was in heaven. I always knew I was part dude. I wasn’t too girly and I loved guy things. Like video games, practical jokes, and physical humor. I fit in perfect sync with everyone in the band. Except Brendon still kind of pissed me off.

Ryan I learned wasn’t cocky at all, or anymore than me or Jon or Spencer. He just kind of looked like it. He was still that quiet boy who had been in Panic at the Disco since the beginning.

Brendon and I would just have nights when we would just scream at each other. Sometimes items would get thrown, others it would just be mean insults thrown back and forth until someone told us to shut up.

Tonight was where I drew the line though.

“What the fuck is your problem Urie?”I screamed stomping my foot on the floor of the lounge, my hair blowing around my face in swirls due to the open windows. I imagined from Jon’s face that I looked relatively frightening.

“What? My problem! What’s your problem?! You’re always bitching about something that I’m doing wrong. And news flash, this isn’t your bus Mullins so you can stop acting like you own everyone and everything on here! This is our bus! Were the big famous band here! I’m Brendon Urie, you’re not!”He yelled back in equal volume getting nose to nose with me, his hands flying up around him as he ranted.
But somewhere along the lines of ‘my bus’ I snapped. I just let out an animal like growl yell and spun around and walked a few steps. I ignored the wolf whistle in the background.

“You know what Brendon?”I asked calmly walking back up to him slowly. I heard Jon murmur an ‘uh-oh’.

He crossed his arms, looking confused. “What?”

I stamped on his bare foot as hard as I could, earning a yelp of pain from him and a few calls from the watchers on the couch.

“You. Are. The. Biggest. Douche. EVER!”I screamed pushing him back a little.

“Deflate your fucking head and come back down to earth! You’re not as awesome as you think! You’re just like everyone else on this bus Brendon! So get it through your fat stupid head that you’re not the fucking king of the music world!”I yelled my hair blowing back from my face like a fan was right in front of my head. I could practically feel my eyes sparking as i glared at the shocked expression on his face.

I left the room with an angry sounding noise and plenty of noises from Ryan, Jon, and Spencer but i paid no attention to them. I just climbed into my bunk, putting in my ear buds and cracking open a book that i didnt remember having.

It wasn’t until I figured out that this wasn’t my bunk until I saw that this iPod had none of my stuff on it and this wasn’t my book. I had climbed into Ryan’s bunk.
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Ew, I keep writing drabble chapters.
Sorry lovies. Last chapter for tonight.
I got to sleep sometime.
comment even if you hate it :D