I've taken hits time just don't erase

I dont hate you either.

Even though i knew that I was in Ryan's bunk and that I'd probably get yelled at for it later, I stayed there. His sheets were worn; but in that comfortable homey kinda way, there were little glow in the dark stars stuck to his ceiling and everything smelt like him. The bunk probably smelt more like Ryan then Ryan did. If that made sense.

So i just continued listening to his ipod, mostly to stuff i had never heard of, and reading his novel. Another un identified author and title, but alas an intriguing fantasy story.

I was curled up under the sheets and blankets when I felt someone poking my shoulder repeatedly. I groaned and rolled over a little to see who my bother-er was. I opened one eye and could tell right off the bat that it was Ryan, despite the pitch black darkness engulfing his features.

"Why are you in my bunk?"He asked in a low whisper. I smiled in spite of myself.

"I dont really know."I replied shrugging, even though he couldnt see it. I heard him sigh that was probably accompanied by an eye rolling and then prod me again.

"What?"I asked innocently, obvisouly still whispering. He layed both arms on the bunk and rested his head on top of them.

"Are you going to move or are we just going to have to share?"He whispered in my ear, i wouldve shivered if i wasnt underneath four blankets.

I just tugged on his arms as a response and scooted over to the wall so he could hiost himself in. It was tight but we were both relatively small people so it wasnt that bad.

When he finally got himself situated in the bunk his arm was draped, or rather bent, over my side and the other was awkwardly positioned over my head.

"Besides the fact that this is super uncomfortable, I really like your bed. It's comfy."I whispered curling up so i was snuggled into him like a puppy would a blanket. I felt his head nod subtly behind me.

"You know,"He started, his breath increasing the tempature even more in the small bunk as it blew onto my head. "Brendon feels really bad."He told me quietly. I huffed.

"Good."I replied shortly not really in the mood to talk about the man who was the reason why i was in here.

Ryan ignored my attitude.

"I think you actually got to him. Something weve been trying three years to do."He continued as if i hadnt spoken.

It was silent for a moment while I thought about what to say.

"You know I used to be a fan of your music."I whispered. Almost hoping that he was asleep. Of course luck never goes your way when you want it to so he had heard.

"What?"He asked curiously. I rolled my eyes and didnt reply. He got the message and continued talking.

"I didnt know you used to like our music?"He said in a deep, soothing voice. I nodded, knowing even though he couldnt see it, he could feel it against his chest.

I was sure he was waiting for me to say something but after a minute of silence he continued.

"If I ask you what happened are you still going to ignore me?"

"Probably not."I replied.

"Alright, thats a start. Can you tell me about it?"He asked me while beginning to stroke my hair either because he just wanted to move his hand or because he liked my hair. I didnt know.

"You guys were like my, favorite band up untill your third album came out. And be in mind I was just a bi polar teenager back then so if this sounds ridiculous dont laugh okay?"I started.

"I went to one of your concerts for the first time and-"I stopped for a moment but Ryan nudged me lightly in the back. "Well, I saw a fan ask Brendon for and autograph, mmm-er- and.."I stuttered.

"Well he pushed her down and told her to go away."I finished quickly.

"Happy now? Now you know why. Now let;s sleep m'kay?"I jumbled out, knowing that he wasn't finished.

It was silence for a while. I was wondering if he had fallen asleep untill something grabbed my fingers lightly then my hand, taking it into theirs so that our fingers were loosely intertwined. I blushed.

"I dont think it's stupid."He whispered quietly. I said nothing.

"No one talked to Brendon for two days because of that, we always try to sign autographs and be nice to everyone. I want you to know that, even if you hate us." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I dont hate you Ryan."I told him squeezing his hand gingerly. I heard a low, barely there, laugh come from his mouth.

"I dont hate you either doll face."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updating.
Ive been in a drab because i wasnt able to go to the cobra and fob concert last friday.
So excuse the lateness.
Im updating p.o love child either tomarrow or this weekend.
Love me or hate me she spun a story