Immortal Enemies



Chapter 5

(Bee’s Pov)

I sat there in the hall crying in my friend’s arms, pathetically i might add. They hugged me tightly and I swear they squeezed all of the tears outta me because my sadness was now replaced by fear. I have never been this afraid of a person…if it was a person, in my life. What was so fricken special about Zacky Baker? I needed to know what it was that made me shiver, what it was that made me scared, what it was that made me happy.

That’s right, I said it. But I didn’t want to believe it. The day back in music, I saw Zacky, looking impressed and well I felt happy that I had his approval. But I didn’t really want it. Or did I? What do I want from Zacky, and what does he want from me? But I don’t need whatever it is I want and he doesn’t either…but I can’t help but wonder what it was, and what he was. Ever since that day I’ve been so fucked up so who knows what the hell im talking about right?

Victoria and Sasha picked me up, still holding onto me and walked me to my class, 5 minutes late by the way. Im such a bad child. I walked in but I didn’t know how bad I looked until I saw my reflection in the glass window. My eyes were puffy and red, and my cheeks were tear stained. I wiped my face as best I could, but then the teacher started to say,

“Ahh, Miss Lewis, nice of you to join us, since you are late, your seat has been taken. You may now sit next to Mr. Baker.”

I nodded quickly after, then my eyes widened and I said, "Mr. Baker? Since when is Zacky in AP English?!”

“Since he was transferred, now go sit down!”
I glared at the teacher and if looks could kill, he would be six feet under. i had the urge to mouth off, but i had already landed a detention yesterday that i had forgot to attend. I reluctantly made my way towards Zacky and I began to feel nervous in the pit of my stomach, and I began to shiver. Either from the extreme fear I saw showing, or the air around him was colder. I totally spaced out because all I could think about was that dreadful night when he attacked me. All I could think about was the possibility of him hurting me again.

I couldn’t look at him now, but I felt his eyes burning onto my skin. I slowly turned to face him, and he looked away for a second, but looked back at me. His eyes were again, the lightest of greens, and they were shiny with sadness and sorrow. II looked away because all I saw now were the eyes full of hatred and evil.

Zacky seemed to be hurt when I did so but for Christ sake, I was emotionally scarred cause of this kid and he’s hurt when I don’t look at him? Nice, Baker... He must have gotten closer to me while I zoned out or something because now I could smell his smell. He smelled like cigarettes and cologne, and something else I couldn’t put my finger on, but it was nearly intoxicating. After what seemed to be hours, the bell finally rang and knowing that I could avoid Zacky for the rest of the day made me ecstatic.

Time seemed to fly by when I was enjoying the rest of my Zacky free day. Before I knew it, the 9th period dismissal bell rang. I was free! But not really. I had Cheer. I was sick of all this shit, and it was wasting my time. I waited for the girls to get dressed, and pull out he mats so I could make an announcement to them.

“How come your not dressed Bee?” a girl named Krista from the team asked.

“Well girls,” I started. I was thinking about buttering it up for them but even I would know that it would be a damn lie if i did .

“Im quitting the team. Honestly Im tired of being here listening to you guys bitch, so im handing it over to someone I know really well.”
I saw Ashley smile. The dumb bitch thought I was talking about her. I decided to pick someone I barely new.

“Natasha,” I said, “You are Captain!” Everyone squealed except for Ashley. Her mouth was wide open in disbelief.

“Close your mouth, thats not attractive.” I said with a smirk and I exited the gym, with a weight lifted off of my shoulders. As I approached the door and pushed it open. Luckily I still had my car so I wouldn’t have to worry about walking. I opened the door and basically skipped to my car. I finally reached it and I started the ignition. I sped off down the street hoping to make it home quickly.

(Vicky’s Pov)

I can’t believe what happened to Bee! It’s unreal. I wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t looked so scared. I mean come on, she’s crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had undiagnosed ADD or something. I don’t know right now, but I have to help her, she can’t do it alone, and im pretty sure she’s too scared to. I remember the look on her face when I was talking to Brian. Yes, Brian Haner, Zacky’s best friend. You could say I like him, and we hit it off well yesterday at my locker. I don’t think I wouldn’t mind dating him, but I need to get this shit with Zacky out of the way cuz I cant just leave Bee when she needs me. No not now.

(Zacky’s Pov)

I don’t know what I did to her during English but she seemed like a jar of emotions. When she found out i was switched here she was so pissed off, but as she came closer, her anger melted into pure fear. I could see it, I could sense it, hell, I could even smell it. But when I found out she was in this class when she walked in I felt brighter and more…alive? I guess you can say so but when I noticed she was crying, I could feel what she felt inside, and it kind of hurt me too. I stared at her for a while when she sat down. I could see that she wasn’t herself. Even when I used to hate her I noticed her bubbly and...Err. Eccentric personality.

“Whoa.” I whispered. When I used to hate her. Im still pretty sure I hate her still right?
I shook my head and waited for the bell to ring for dismissal. I know what I have to do. Im going to talk to her whether she listens or not. But I also know that if I wait, it will get much worse. I heard the dismissal bell and I got up quickly and made sure I was the first to leave. Brian saw me in the hallway and caught up to me and said.

“So how did it go?”

“Well I got transferred to her AP English, and she couldn’t look at me, she was too scared. Normally I wouldn’t care but I’ve hurt her and I can’t help but feel bad about it. And when she sat next to me, I felt warmer and in a way happier. Her smell was intoxicating and I just couldn’t get enough, but when the bell rang and she ran from me and quickly as she could manage, I felt colder and empty and …well dead.”

“Dude, you are dead.” Brian chuckled

“But seriously…” I started before he cut me off.

“I think I might know what is going on, but I need time to think. I’ll send you a text later and when I do, I need you to come to my house immediately.”He said urgently.

“Dude I gotta go, i have an..err appointment.” He said with a devious smirk and a chuckle.”
“Your sick dude.” I said laughing. As he walked away he said

“Dont think we cant hear you in the bathroom Baker!”
He made his best orgasmic face, and then laughed as he walked away. and I just stared at him in disbelief that he said that and he smirked again. Remind me to kick his ass. I headed towards the door and I noticed that she hadn’t gone to practice and that she had left earlier than the rest of the girls. I figured she quit the team because she didn’t look like she had any intentions of coming back. Today was Friday and I knew she wasn’t going anywhere near the subject of cheer, let alone the competition. I knew I had to talk to her today; I just had a strange feeling about it.

She started to speed down the street to her house. I ran almost as fast as I could and I arrived at the side walk in front of her house just as she pulled in. Impressive I know. She stepped out and walked up the path to her front door. She unlocked it, and I snuck inside before she closed to door. I walked closer until I was about a few feet away. She turned around and inhaled sharply. In a weak voice she managed to say

“Baker….what are you doing in my house?”
♠ ♠ ♠
What is Zacky doing there?
I tried to make this chapter interesting, but i was tired. if you still like it then thats Ace.
Thanks, dont forget to comment!
Again ill try to update soon.
Also if you want to input some ideas or pieces into the story just message me!
