7 Minutes In Heaven to Hell

Garrett's Party

Knocking on the front door of Garrett's house, it was 10pm and Hayley had long swapped her school attire to a shoulder wide black top with white skulls all over, it had a short split down the middle to reveal the split between her breasts, a ruffled mini skirt with cuts all over to show her flesh and all ending with a bit of accessorizing with fingerless fishnet gloves and a big buckled, black belt .

Not waiting long, Hayley was greeted by a kiss on the forehead from 7 ft Garrett and his bulky jock form.
"Come in Hayley, your friend's are in the living room and make sure to put something in the bowl for seven minutes in heaven, not that you of all people would forget Babe" He winked before walking off with his arm slung lazily on a blonde bimbo dressed like a slut.

Walking down the hall, Hayley dropped one of her gloves into a glass bowl full of accessory's -even a pair of g strings- before throwing herself into the mob of sweaty, drunk bodies only to be out about 10 minutes later in the living room.
Looking around with the music blasting noisily in her ears, Hayley finally found her friends.
Trixi and Casper were making out hard core on a coach whilst Josh - with his arm slung casually around Kimberli's waist- sat on the coach opposite, talking to Tyler.

"I guess those to finally made it public" She said, jutting a thumb out to the couple.
"They aren't the only ones, Josh and Kimberli here hooked up too" Tyler announced as he nodded his head toward them.
"I knew it was coming sooner or later" Hayley gave Kimberli a quick wink. Coming from her expression, Hayley knew that Kimberli was jumping up and down on the inside but just keeping it "cool" on the outside.

"YO! EVERYBODY WHO IS PARTICIPATING IN SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN GET IN THE LIVING ROOM, ALL WHO ISN'T GET THE FUCK OUT" Garrett's voice boomed as he entered the living room an hour later, his arm still around the slut.

It took about twenty minutes before the room was cleared and ready for seven minutes in heaven. Everyone sat around in a big circle with a pile of people's shit in the middle for them to pick out of. The only people who weren't participating in the game from Hayley's gang were Trixi and Casper who were probably too busy fucking each other upstairs.

There were three different closets in the living room and since Garrett was the host of the party, he was going to be the one timing with a stop watch.
"Whose first?!" Garrett gasped after breaking away from his pash fest with bimbo slut.
Hayley would had stood up but she always liked seeing who went with who first so she didn't miss out on anything worth gossiping about.
Josh stood up, letting go of Kimberli's waist, he picked up a black bangle that would coiled around your wrist, which Hayley recalled she got Kimberli for her 14th birthday!
Those two rigged it by making sure they knew what was each others!

Giggling, Kimberli stood up and put her bangle back on before Josh led her by the hand to the first closet. It wasn't long before you could hear soft moaning and banging coming from their closet.

Next up was a red headed guy known as Chas. Walking over to the pile with one hand out and one hand in his pocket, he picked up a silver stud in the shape of a dragon before waiting to see who he was partnered with. Everybody in the circle cracked up laughing as an emo dressed guy stood up and took the silver dragon stud off him and sliding it back through his tongue.

When the door closed behind him Hayley jumped up, her skirt flying up in the same motion, getting a few whistles from the guys in the circle. Smiling innocently, she walked up to the pile, bending down low so that anyone behind her could get a good glimpse at her lacy black g-string, before picking up a long leather belt.
"Anybody forgetting something?" She laughed as she held up the belt for all to see.
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Ooooo! i wander who Hayley got paired up with! Could it be Tyler, her hawt crush?

~xoxo Emojelly