7 Minutes In Heaven to Hell

Getting to know Hiro's mouth...

Hayley bit her lip affectionately as a sexy shaped Korean guy with curly brown hair falling on his face stood up. Smiling shyly at her, he looped his belt back through his black, shredded jeans before Hayley pulled him by the hand to the last closet.
Locking the door behind her she turned around and asked the boy for his name.
"Hiro..." He spoke in a Korean accent.
God his voice was hawt!
"I'm Hayley" She responded into the darkness as what she hoped was a sexy voice.

It was only a matter of seconds before Hiro launched himself on Hayley. Wrapping his arms tightly around her waist he began kissing her, softly at first but growing more and more passionate with every second that went. His tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, his lips dominating hers, making them open wider and wider.

Hayley kept on returning the kiss, not minding Hiro's dominance as she wrapped her arms around his neck as Hiro twisted her away from the door and planted her between him and the wall. Pushing her a bit too hard, Hayley let out a wince of pain as her back met the wall.
Hiro didn't notice, his hands began running up and down her legs, groping at every curve he felt. Hayley didn't mind, she wasn't one to shy away but she wasn't one to get into a guy either, instead she just let Hiro do want he wanted whilst all Hayley did back was kiss.

Finally going up a step higher, Hiro tripped Hayley to the floor and began thrusting a bulge in his pants, between her legs. Faster and faster he went as his momentum picked up.
Hayley groaned both with pain as Hiro's bulge pushed harder and harder and with fear for this was the first time a guy ever did this to her in the game as she had no idea what she was meant to do. Luckily, she was saved by the infamous knock on the door.

Pulling away swiftly, Hayley hoped up of the floor, unlocked the door and strode out, fixing her hair and skirt in the process. She sat back down in her spot between Tyler and Kimberli.
Kimberli got back before her and Hayley noticed that her hair was a mess and she too had a few hickeys on her neck. Tyler on the other hand had a sort of hurt and sad look in his eyes and on his face.
"Are you okay Hayley?" Kimberli gave her a look of concern, it was obvious that she and everyone else in the circle heard Hayley's groans of pain.
She nodded, too stunned and hurt to trust her mouth if she opened it.
"Um... what did you put in the bowl for the game Hayley?" Tyler's voice was aimed at Hayler but his eyes were fixed on the now small pile of shit.
"My fishnet glove, why?" She turned her head and replied, tilting her head to one side in confusion. But she never got a spoken answer, instead Tyler just stood up and walked over to the pile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooo! i wander what Tyler's going to do next hmmm? i think it's obvious hehe.

And LawL! I onli came up with a few parts of this chapter!!!
most of it was made up by an accomplice... sick minded more like it ;3
eh... hope all yuu perverts out there enjoy this! LoLah
Anyway sorry this chapter is short!!!

~xox Emojelly!