This Goes Out To, The Ones That Fall In Love

I'm Sorry

Ok, it’s been 3 weeks, Ronnie has been perfect, Jake has been perfect, everything has been perfect. There’s a big party tonight, and I’m thinking of letting Ronnie go. I’ll be going of course, but this time not so many drinks. Anyway, it’ll be a good chance for him o prove himself, I doubt he’ll do anything. He’s had chances to do it before, but not at a party with alcohol and slutty chicks.

I told Ronnie he could go. He was nervous, but I would be to, I suppose. I told him he should go, he hasn’t done anything apart from the occasional date with me. Eventually he said he would go, though I was secretly hoping he wouldn’t.

We had just arrived at the party, it was nearly dark and people were still arriving. All of us, including Jake, who had become good friends with the band, excluding Ronnie, were sitting on a couch. We had drinks in our hands, but it was only our first of the night, it was also hopefully going to be my last.

The place was full, we were all dancing. A few gross guys tried to dance with me, Ronnie just shoved them away every time. Ronnie went off to get a drink, I stayed to wait for him.

He was gone for a while, half an hour maybe, I went to investigate. He probably just ran into some old friends, right? I was about to check at the bar, when I saw him with the sluttiest girl I have ever seen. Her boobs were hanging out everywhere, her dress was way too small for her, and her heels were way too big, it didn’t even look good. They were getting close and he was about to kiss her, No FUCKING way I was going to let that happen. I stormed up to them and pushed Ronnie away.

“What the fuck do you think your doing?!” I’m pretty sure you could see the steam coming out of my ears, I haven’t been this angry in years.

“Having fun.” He was really drunk

The girl spoke up, “Who’s this Ronnie?” she asked in a sweet, fake voice

“No one, no one at all,” Ronnie replied. I tried to hold back the tears. Why should I cry over him? He grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs. You can guess what happened next.

I ran through the house, tears were pouring down, my eyeliner was running down my cheeks. I still couldn’t comprehend what I had seen, he promised. He was drunk, I told him not to get drunk. Why did I trust him? They all warned me from the start. Gahh, I’m so stupid. I have to leave.

I ran out the door and stopped to look for someone who could give me a lift to Jakes house. I heard a moan coming from the house. I dropped to my knees and cried. I curled up into a ball and stayed like that on the grass for god knows how long. I could hear them, I wanted to move, but I couldn’t move. It was like I was super glued to the ground.

Eventually the party finished and people were filing out the door. I was still sobbing like a baby, could you blame me? Bryan came out, and saw me, he ran over and held me. I cried into his chest for what seemed like hours.

“I tried to stop him, I’m so sorry Shay.”

“How c-could I trust him? You guys w-w-warned me. I’m sorry I-I didn’t believe you.” I cried.

“Don’t be, you didn’t know. Come on, I’ll take you back to the bus.”

“No, I’m going back to Jakes. I just have to get my stuff.”

“Please just stay with us, you can leave tomorrow if you still want to. Ronnie loves you, you guys will make up tomorrow.”

“Not this time. I love him, but I can’t. I’ll say for the night, butt then I’m leaving.” I just stopped crying and Bryan nodded and drove me back to the bus. The car was silent, I was to upset to talk, and I think Bryan was too scared to talk to me.