‹ Prequel: Three Strikes

Never Again

Press Coverage


She hid behind her mother’s legs, peeking behind the denim material. She clutched at the jeans and her mother sighed. “Rose, I’d like you to meet Denise and her sons. That’s Kevin,” the older boy waved a little. “and Joe.” The other little boy just scuffed his shoes on the ground and muttered a,

“Nice to meet you.”

Rose awkwardly wrung her hands and stepped out shyly. She smiled at the two boys and their curly-haired mother and nodded. “I’m Rose.” She addressed herself quietly and as the little boy, Joe, crept forward she hid behind her mother’s legs and burst into tears at his sudden approach.

Mrs. Fletcher apologised to the boys’ mother. “She’s not very good at meeting new people,” she explained softly, rubbing her daughter’s back in a motherly fashion. “He’s not gonna hurt you, sweetie.” She told her daughter. “He probably just wants to play with you.”

Five-year-old Rose Fletcher hiccupped and nodded slowly. She walked towards the two boys and Joseph stood and engulfed the little girl into a large, bone crushing hug. Rose looked as though she’d had the wind knocked out of her, and as Joe let go, she stumbled before falling to the ground, scraping her knee on the sidewalk. The skin broke, causing a small stream of blood to trickle out of her wound. Alarmed, the little boy watched with wide hazel eyes as his new friend burst into another set of tears and he quickly kissed the scrape and Rose’s crying stopped abruptly.

With large wide-set eyes Joe turned to his Mother and said, “Momma! I can do magic!”

Both mothers just smiled at their antics, and a knowing look passed between them.


“I think I’m gonna die.” Rose said, alarmed. Beside her Joe rolled his eyes.

“You only have one line, duh.” said Joe as they stood behind the stage, Rose’s hands swearing from nerves. “How can you forget it, dummy?”

“I- I-…” stammered Rose as she was called on stage for her debut. She stiffly strolled onto the stage and in front of all of the parents and siblings and guests she opened her mouth only to have nothing come out. In her nervousness she’d forgotten her lines. And she ran off stage, little feet racing as fast as they could. Surprised, Joe looked at her running figure and to the stage where he calmly walked, and in front of the audience said Rose’s lines for her.

Rose stood on the swing’s seat as she swung back and forth with the wind. Beside her on the
adjacent swing stood her best friend. He smiled and rocked his swing into hers, catching her off guard. “Hey!” called out the thirteen-year-old girl. “That’s not cool, Joe.”

The boy shrugged and did it again. Rose glowered and Joe rolled his eyes.

“Stop it!”

“Why?” asked fourteen-year-old Joe Jonas with a pout.

“Because I’ll fall!” shrieked his best friend as he did it yet again.

Joe grabbed the chain of her swing and pulled it towards his own. “No you won’t.” He said quietly, staring at her. “I’ve got you.”


“You’re leaving.” Rose said as she sat on Joe’s bed, watching as he packed away most of his belongings into the three suitcases that lined the floor.

“We’re going to record an album.” He said, rummaging through his drawers. “They like us. We’re going to be famous!” He said excitedly, emptying one of the drawers that held his underwear. “It’s great! I’m so stoked!” He turned around to see Rose slightly upset. “Aren’t you stoked for this?”

She looked up. “Of course I am! I’m just going to miss you.”

“Yeah,” said Joe, his smiling fading somewhat.

Rose glared at him. “What? You’re not gonna miss me?”

“I won’t have time,” Joe replied obliviously to his friend’s crestfallen expression. “I’m recording an album. I’m gonna be writing and touring. I’m gonna be a rock star!”

“So you’re just going to forget about me?” snapped Rose crossly, folding her arms across her chest.

Joe rolled his eyes. “Why are you being such a bitch about this, Rose?”

Her jaw dropped. “What? I’m not!”

“I’m moving!” Joe continued, narrowing his eyes. “What, you can’t be happy for me? I’m going on to better things!”

Sniffling Rose glared at him before storming out of the Jonas household with tears falling down her cheeks. In his bedroom Joe Jonas watched as she walked towards her car before driving off. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He walked over towards his bed where he pulled a badly wrapped present out from beneath his pillow, the inscription on the tag reading:
I love you, Rose.
I’ll never be able to forget you. Ever.
Even when I’m some big rock star or whatever I’ll become. I just want you to know that I’ll always have your back.
- Joe.

“Whatever,” he mumbled, placing the wrapped teddy bear into his bag. Their flight left in four hours, leaving him with twenty minutes to pack away the rest of his stuff. He zipped his bag closed and shrugged. If she couldn’t have it then he’d keep it as a reminder of their friendship.


Joe was sick of hearing the talk of his ‘wedding’. It plastered hundreds of magazine covers, it’s all anyone could talk about. Every interview they faced the same questions: What’s it like to be engaged to Taylor? When’s the wedding? Will this work out better than your last engagement? How’s Rose taken the news? Have you spoken to her?

He got a migraine from just thinking about it. He scowled as Taylor walked into the office, her dress covering hardly any of her lower body. He rolled his eyes. At least Rose had dignity. “Hey handsome,” greeted Taylor, kissing his lips greedily. He kissed her back just like he’d been instructed to do. He smiled as he’d been told to. Taylor let go and sat next to him, clutching his hand as though it were life support. Staring down at the ring on her finger Joe felt disgusted with himself.

And as he stared memories floated back to him at an alarming speed.

“I’m recording an album. I’m gonna be writing and touring. I’m gonna be a rock star!”

Joe thought sourly at his own teenage simplicity as his manager entered the room, holding another set of contracts for him to sign blindly. I’m a puppet to them.
♠ ♠ ♠
The response is getting worse guys - if you're all not enjoying the story, I'd rather know, so even if you hate it, just let me know.
I've included a banner which foreshadows the story somewhat, if you can do better please let me know by making one! :) This is just a little insight into Joe's experience with the whole thing, you can think what you like, but you're probably not that close! Haha, let me know where you think the stories going :)