It Was Never Supposed to Be Easy

Cornered in the Library

I flung the heavy, musty textbook into the pile of other heavy, musty textbooks and rubbed at my aching temples. Regardless of what was believed, I absolutly hated nights like this. When sleep is a dream itself and the homework is never done. I glanced at the giant, wooden mammoth of a clock directly across the library and then glanced around me. The usually busy library had emptied out until it appeared that I was the only one here. The crony old librarian was slowly putting out the lamps, one by one, the room was beginning to fade into the shadows. I pulled the piles of books toward me and began gathering them in my arms. I stood and inched my way carefully to the Potions section. Damn Snape and his unrelenting homework load.

"Hermione?" came the old woman's voice from the doors. "Are you almost done?"
"Yes ma'am. I'm just putting these books up." I answered.
"Would you mind if I just left the key here and you close the door behind you? My joints are aching terribly, I need to visit the Hospital Wing."
I turned to face her, "Do you need help?" I asked, always thoughtful.
"No dear, just close up shop tight." She said as she walked out the door.
"Yes, alright." I mumbled. Lately, this responsible thing was getting old. I was a busy student, not a doormat to crawl all over.

I stood in the dim aisle and let my tired eyes go over the shelves brimming with books. I breathed deep. I loved the very smell of these books. A mixture of dust, mold, spilled potions and something else. Something I could never quite place.
I was just pushing 'Disgusting Uses for Human Blood' back into it's proper place when a shadow crossed the shelf.
I jumped slightly when the shadow's hand grabbed my right shoulder roughly.

"Scared you Granger?" came the cold, hard voice of Draco Malfoy.

I spun around, his hand still attached to my robe and I wobbled slightly at how close he was. His robes were brushing my own. I glanced around, looking for the ever present, ever silent Crabbe and Goyle. But I didn't see either. There was no one.

"Malfoy, really? Is this neccessary? Let go!" I said quietly, my left hand inching for my pocket.
Malfoy, quick as a snake, grabbed at my hand and pinned it above my head. I was completly trapped and I could feel the panicked hand of fear gripping my heart. He stepped closer. I could smell a slight, faint trace of cologne, something exspensive, even in my state of panic, I couldn't help but smell it and love it. He smelled better then Ron, better then Krum even.

And as every girl knows, a lovely smelling boy is hard to find unattractive.

He laughed, really, it was more of a chuckle, and I felt the fear deepen. What the hell was going on?
"I've been watching you..." he trailed off into my hair. "You looked so serious all alone. Where are your little friends?"
I struggled and squirmed but his grip was iron. I could barely twist my hand, I could feel it tingling at the tips of my fingers. He was gripping so tight, my hand was actually going to sleep.
"Leave me alone Draco!" I said as scathingly as I could muster up.

But he only chuckled again. "So, they're not here? You're aaaallll alone?" He was almost singing to himself. I could barely hear him as he continued. "All alone Granger? Or can I call you Hermione? Hermione Granger...the beautiful, clever, muggle-born."

I winced as his grip got tighter and tighter and I was sure that a bruise would come of this. Then I realized what he said. Beautiful? Muggle-born? No beaver implications? No mudblood taunts?

What the hell was going on?

'Oh my God!' I suddenly thought. He was going to rape me! Right here in the library. I was all alone, in a darkened library, pinned by a horrible, horrible bully and with no one to hear me scream.

"Malfoy, LET GO!" I yelled, right in his face.
His expression didn't change at all and I felt him press closer to me, the fear in my stomach was reaching epic proportions, Oh, my God! This could not be happening!

He chucked again and the hand that had been gripping my shoulder slowly traveled the length of my neck, his thumb tracing my throat, the circles he was tracing coming to a halt at the top of neck, where my hairline started. I could feel his long, pale fingers weaving it's way through my curls. Pulling them gently. Even as gentle as it felt I had no misconceptions on how tight the grip probably was. If I moved an inch I would undoubtably feel the sharp tear of hair ripping from the scalp.
There was nothing I could do.
I was trapped.
Unable to reach my wand.
There was no one around, no one would hear me through the thick castle walls.

I was alone.

Alone, and a victim of a revenge I never asked to be a part of.

"Malfoy...this isn't right. You're squabble with Harry doesn't have anything to do with me. Please, leave me alone." I was begging. Begging. It was almost shameful, but I was way past pride now. I was terrified.

"Harry?" He asked, his fingers circling the side of my neck.
"Please, Draco, Please!" I felt my eyes brimming with tears. I was so alone.
"Potter?" He asked again. "Potter..." his voice drifted off again.
"Please?" I was whimpering now.
"This isn't about Potter, this is about right now."
I could feel a tear begin to make its way down my cheek. I was going to be raped. I was going to be raped. Where had all of my cleverness gotten me now? All my spells, useless.

I closed my eyes.

And then I felt something, something smooth and wet trace its way up my cheek. It reached the tear and licked it. He was licking my tears. He was toying with me. Would this ever end?

"Look at me." He said roughly.
I opened my eyes and he was nose to nose. I pulled away slightly but he only came closer.

"This doesn't have anything to do with Potter, or that Weasley kid. This is us."
"What?" I gasped.
He came closer and I closed my eyes again, so sure it was about to happen. I wanted to sink through the floors, sink away, and pretend this wasn't me. But it was. A voice was screaming in my head and I couldn't get it out. I was so ashamed at my cowardice. I wasn't even fighting.
I had given up.
I was pathetic. I almost deserved this.

Then I felt something touch my lips. Something warm and light. I opened my eyes to see Draco Malfoy's pale blue ones staring into my own. He was kissing me. I was so surprised that I didn't even realize that he had let go of me, his hands on the bookshelves on either side of my head, leaning into me.
I felt a single bite on my lower lip and then I was on the floor.

But he was gone.

His body had been holding my own up and now he was gone. As quickly and as silently as he had come.

And I was safe.

He hadn't RAPED me, he had KISSED me.

Once, softly, almost...tenderly.

And I had let him.