It Was Never Supposed to Be Easy

A Stiff Smile

With the prospect of spending my holiday with Draco, I quickly shook off all of my sadness. Yes, I had friends who had left to go be heroes, but I had made that decision for them. And it was not a decision that I regretted.

I loved Draco Malfoy. And it was clear that he loved me too. Why else would he want to spend the Christmas season with me? He was a changed man, with kindness and compassion in his soul. He was perfect for me.

In short, I pushed the mere memory of Ronald Weasley out of my mind. He and I were friends, and that was it. He was destined to fight evil and destroy all that stood in his path. I had a choice, I could live a life of danger, or I could live life next to Draco, the boy who loved me.

The night before our departure for his mansion, I was in the Seventh Year Girl’s tower packing. I was alone, and lately the fear of being alone, no longer haunted me. I was back to my sensible self. And I owed it all to Draco.

Just then, there was a slight tap on the window. I looked up from folding a sweater to see another origami swan fluttering in the light snow fall.

I smiled to myself as I went to throw open the window. The swan looked slightly beat up as it fluttered into my room, and the spell looked about ready to die when it landed wobbly on my pillow.

I opened the bird to find not only a small spattering of confetti, but a love poem.

I took my love by the hand,
A kiss to make her understand.
If tonight I kiss her in the snow,
Then tomorrow, under mistletoe.

I watch her heart never waver,
She’s my love, my savior.
I watch her eyes lightly close,
What she is, she’ll never know.

I folded the bird carefully back into shape and then I placed in my side table, along with the rest of them. I closed the drawer, careful to push it gently so that it didn’t squeak and then I turned back to my bed. Waiting patiently for me was a pile of freshly laundered robes. I wanted to look my best at Draco’s house. I wanted them to except me the way that I had accepted Draco.

Draco was waiting for me, as usual in the corridor outside of the Common Room. He took me by the hand immediately and kissed me softly. Unlike me, he never worried what the others thought. His confidence was inspiring, just being around him made me feel braver.

“So, are your things all packed?” he asked.

“Yes, after breakfast I’ll drag them to the Hall so they can be packed into the carriage.”

He raised a slim finger and shook it gently to the air.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have someone sent up to do it.”

I smiled. He was such a snob. It used to be aggravating, but now it was almost…endearing.

“Oh, well, then, shall we eat?” I asked.

“I have a breakfast prepared. We really do need to be leaving. I’m sorry to rush you, but we’ll need to get to the Manor as soon as we can.”

I frowned slightly at that. What was so important that we couldn’t eat breakfast in the Great Hall?

“Is there a problem?” he said, oddly, as he noticed my stair.

I shook my head, “No, no, of course not. But…why is it so important that we go immediately? Is your home so very far away?” I asked.

He raised an eyebrow and then he smiled. It was a smile unlike any of his smiles that I’ve seen. It was smooth and tight at the same time. It too, like his eyes lately, held secrets.

“Oh, yes. Very important.”

I adjusted the collar of my robe and ran a finger around a wayward curl.

“Oh, well…”

“We need to be leaving.” He said bluntly.

Draco took me by the hand and led me to the Entrance Hall and out the doors to where a carriage was waiting for us.

It wasn’t until we were safely on the train that his shoulders lost their stiffness and he smiled once again.

Bah, this didn't come out nearly as smoothy as it should have.