‹ Prequel: Slip Into The Tragedy

I Love You, Daddy.

Chapter One;

I was close to losing my mind and I was only seventeen..
Although, I love my dad, to me it feels like he loves his fans more than he loves his own daughter. I had no friends. I got rid of them all, turns out they were only using me to get to my father. Boys were a totally different story, I always seemed to fall for psycho's. I was surrounded by so much rejection, I always felt useless and unwanted. The only person I could rely on was my mother.

"Sweetie, time to get up for school" I shook my head, rolling over so I couldn't look at her.
"If you go to school it'll pass time for when your dad comes home" My eyes snapped open.
Was it the 18th today already?, my daddy would be home. I rolled over to look at her, a smile brightening up my mothers beautiful face. My heart turned to ice. What kind of rejection would my dad dump on me today. My mum walked out, shutting the door so I could get ready.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up. Grabbing a new pair of undies and walking into my en-suit. I grabbed a hair tie off the sink, wrapping my waist long black hair into a bun before twisting the elastic around it. I turned the taps on in the shower before stripping naked and hopping in, also brushing my teeth.
I showered quickly, wrapped a towel around myself and walked to my wardrobe.
I took out my hair tie as my eyes skimmed over the pile of clothes on the floor in front of it, I reached down to grab my black skinny jeans and a random shirt off the floor. The shirt was a dark grey vintage KISS shirt, my favourite.
Since my hair was naturally straight (thank god, with this length) I did nothing to it.

I walked downstairs to find my mother putting the final touches to my school lunch. I couldn't help but smirk at her. She cocked an eyebrow at me "What?" she piled up my food. I grabbed my bag from the floor and shuffled the food into it. "Mum, I'm seventeen. You don't need to make me my lunch" She poked her tongue out at me, I cocked my eyebrow at her. I rolled my eyes as I wondered where I got that from, my parents were pro's at cocking eyebrows. Haha, cocking. I smirked at myself. It vanished when I told myself in my head, that I was talking to myself in my head. I was going insane. "Let me drive you" My mum walked around the corner of the counter, the toe of her shoes hitting the edge, causing her to trip. I also inherited my mums clumsiness. She carried on as if she didn't fall. I shadowed her as we walked outside towards her car.
Shadowing her steps was bad, my shoe caught the back of her shoe, tripping us both, we burst into laughter.
We got in the car, pulled out seat belts on before my mum started the ignition, releasing the handbrake and driving.

"So" She started "How do you feel about your father coming home" My face fell.
"Well, I'm happy and all. I just hope he pays more attention to me this time" I mumbled, suddenly angry. I saw her glance at me out of the corner of my eye. "Don't be silly, he pays attention to you" I rolled my eyes "Barely mum, he gives it all to you and the fans and drawing and writing. For once I want to have a proper conversation and I don't want him to push me aside like a piece of shit!" I hated raising my voice at my mum, she scowled but said nothing. We arrived at my school, I unhooked my seat belt and opened the door.
"Bye, love you" She kissed my cheek "love you too" I hopped out and shut the door, watching her drive off.

"Baby!" A pair of hands wrapped around my waist. "Fuck off Peter, I told you it was over" I growled, his arms released and I turned around to face him. He was smirking "It's over, when I say it's over" I glared at him. "Seriously Peter, don't fuck with me today, I'm not in the mood and we aren't together" His smirk turned into fury. He grabbed the tops of my arms, squeezing as he lent in "You don't fucking deserve me you piece of shit, your own father doesn't want you" That struck a nerve. I pulled my right arm out of his painful grip, twisting my fingers into a fist. I pulled my arm back, snapping it forward, colliding with his nose. His hands went up to nose, he groaned in pain. "I said don't fucking fuck with me" I stormed off.
"You'll fucking regret that!" Peter yelled after me. Go die in a hole I said in my head. I live too much in my head.
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Ah the first chapter of the sequel.
I'm not sure where I'm headed with this, I'm fiddling around with it and ideas.
I hope you like it.
Personally I think it's crap.

Any who, comments and subscriptions please (: