‹ Prequel: Slip Into The Tragedy

I Love You, Daddy.

Chapter Two;

The rest of the day passed without any other incidents. I had bruises on my arms though from Peter, I easily mark up. I shuffled my feet along the sidewalk, I was taking my time getting home. I kicked a rock to entertain myself, I tried to kick it, causing my toe to hit the concrete, tripping me. I rolled my eyes at myself but continued walking. As I got close to my house I saw my fathers car in the driveway. I was disappointed as he didn't come pick me up from school to see me quicker. I was then hopeful he was different. I broke into a run, quickly jumping up the steps and burst through the front door.

"Daddy!" I yelled, he was in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie" I ran up to him and hugged him, he kissed my hair. My hopes we're reaching past the ceiling, I was setting myself up for being hurt, but right now I didn't care. "How was the tour? How are the boys? How's uncle Mikey?" I followed him to the lounge room, firing off questions. "It was good, the boys are doing well, Mikey is good and he misses you" That was it.. I could feel myself frowning, maybe I didn't give him enough to answer back with a proper answer. "He should come over for dinner soon. Where was your favourite venue? Did you meet much fans?" He was on the couch and I sat with him, he didn't face me at all, his eyes were on the TV the whole time. "Everywhere is my favourite venue, and we met a few hundred people. A lot of pictures" He sighed. My insecurities told me he was sighing because I was boring him. My hope shattered, I felt like crying. "Oh.. cool. Well I'll leave you alone now" If I could hear the hurt in my voice then he could do, but he did nothing about it. I got up quickly and went to my room, I shut and locked my door.

I crumbled to the floor, the disappointment, rejection and pain was crushing as tears and sobs escaped my body. I just wanted him to love me, is it so hard to love your daughter?
An hour past. No one came to check on me, I could hear why. My parents bed was banging against my wall, I tried to block my ears from my mothers moans. I felt sick. They didn't check on me so they could have sex.. How fucking pathetic.

Anger bubbled inside me, I would have thought the only person I could rely on would see if I was okay. I got up from the floor to walk to my window. Our house was only one level so at least I didn't have to drop to the ground. I pulled off the fly screen and opened the window. I sat on the edge, twisting my leg up and out, stumbling onto the grass outside. I headed towards the park, that's where I usually end up when I need to vent anger.

I lent against a random tree in the park, shutting my eyes as I tried to control my breathing.
"Lee!" A voice yelled. I opened my eyes and looked around to see where it came from.
Peter was across the road, walking quickly towards me. Shit, what does he want I said in my head. He stopped inches in front of me. "I told you that you were going to regret hitting me today" My stomach twisted with butterflies. He gripped my throat, keeping me pinned to the tree. I gasped, he was slightly choking me. "Peter, fucking let me go" I wheezed out. His reply was a fist to my stomach. His hand from my neck released, I curled over in pain. He wasn't close to finishing. I yelped as he grabbed my hair, pulling my head back before he crashed it onto his knee. Blow after blow, I was defenseless against him. I vaguely remember falling to the ground. His foot repeatedly hitting my chest and stomach. My eyes slowly slid shut and everything went black.
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What a short chapter D:
Anyways, love is always good, tell me what you think!
