‹ Prequel: Slip Into The Tragedy

I Love You, Daddy.

Chapter Three;

I woke up a few hours later, it was starting to get dark.
I could taste blood in my mouth and it hurt to breathe.
My body ached as I sat up, I wiped something from under my mouth, I looked at my hand which was covered in blood. I was disorientated, my brain couldn't tell me what happened at first, then I remembered.
I steadied myself against the tree as I stood up and started to walk home, lucky for me it wasn't far. With every step I got more tired, which was weird considering I was unconscious for hours.

I stumbled up the front steps, bashing into the front door. My hands blindly searched for the door handle. Before I could reach it, it was pulled open.
I didn't have time to register my fathers furious expression, before it turned to shock.
I bent over slightly to cough, it was painful breathing upright. Blood came into my mouth again, my lips couldn't catch it in time as it spilled out of my mouth.
"Crash, she's here!" My father yelled into the house. My legs were shaking and getting weak, my dad caught me before I hit the ground.
"Holy shit! I'm calling an ambulance" My mothers raised voice got quieter as she ran back into the house.

"What happened to you?!" I opened my eyes to look at my dad. I heard about what happened to my mum, I think he thought the same thing happened to me.
"Today at school, my ex was hurting me, and he said that you didn't want me, so I punched him in the face, and he got revenge.. three cheers for sweet revenge woo" I was delirious.
My father looked at me like I was crazy, could you blame him?
"Daddy, do you love me? I don't think you love me and it makes me sad" I whimpered to him, I could hear sirens in the distance.
"What! of course I do! I'm so sorry if you think I don't, I just don't know how to react to you and be a good father. I love you so much" He hugged me, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
I cried out in pain, I think my ribs are broken.
"Sorry, the ambulance will be here soon"

The ambulance arrived and I was placed in the gurney.
"Gerard, you go with them, I'll drive in behind you" He nodded and hopped in the ambulance.
I could feel my consciousness slipping again, my dad's hug made it more difficult to breathe and the pain was excruciating.
"Daddy" I started sobbing "Don't let go"
He grabbed my hand that I held out.
"I wont baby girl" He kissed it.
"I'm so tired, can I sleep?" I felt his free hand patting my hair.
"Yes baby, you can go to sleep"
And then I was out like a light.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another short chapter, sorry for the crappyness.
I'm a smart ass.

Send me love! =D