Storybook Romance

Guess Who

The next morning it was Monday and after dropping Nicky at pre-school I drove to work ready to gossip to Ray about my amazing phone call last night. However when I walked into the computer programming company that Ray and I work at I was met by something I was not expecting.

Ray and I shared an office and there sat Ray at his desk, there was a large purple bruise around his right eye and there were purple marks on his neck, the exact sort you would get if you were strangled.

As soon as he saw me enter the room he looked away, probably a pathetic attempt to hide his face from me. It didn’t work; I made this fact know to him by gasping loudly and rushing to his side. I knew exactly who had done this to him and there was no way I was letting him go back to the monster later that night. I pulled him into a hug and just let him bawl his eyes out into my chest as he explained the whole story.

By the time Ray had finished I was about ready to storm over to the building site Jared was at and beat the living shit out of him. However I had more restraint than that and so instead I grabbed Rays keys off his desk, got in my car and drove straight to Ray and Jared’s apartment and let myself in. I packed all of Rays stuff into an old suitcase and a bunch of random boxes, it really didn’t matter to me that almost all the box’s had Jared’s shit in it already. I just dumped that crap on the floor. Once I had done that I shoved it all into my car and drove back home and dumped it at my house.

Driving back to work I suddenly realised that Ray had no idea where I had gone and that I was basically making him move in with me. Psh never mind he would just have to deal with it.

When I walked into work I explained to out boss what had happened to Ray and I asked him if we could have the rest of the day off. Initially the old goat said no but after I reminded him that I knew about his little trips to a local gay bar and that I also know his wife and he was quick to reconsider. Running back to the office I grabbed Ray and dragged him back to my house. He was to upset to argue with me at this point…

… Two hours after I had dragged Ray to my house I prepared to go pick up Nicky from pre-school. I go the shock of my life when I opened the front door. I didn’t expect to see the man who was stood behind it.
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really short I know, but I wanted a cliffhanger.

I don't know if I should make it Jared or Gerard behind the door. I have bth written out.

Tell me who you want it to be