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Broken, Battered, and Badly Bruised

Not Just Another

“Hey, it's the Freak!”
“Oh My God, look at her greasy hair. So disgusting!”
“She's so dirty! Nasty!”

These are just a few of the comments that Faith would hear as she walk from class to class. Some people would even spit on her. Very few people ignored her. She didn't care though.
She stopped caring a long time ago.
Faith would just ignore everyone. She didn't speak, not in class, not really ever.

As she sat down in the back of AP Algebra, she saw Mike sit down three chairs away. That is closer then anyone sits to her. Mike ignored her for the first half of class. Half-way through the class he discreetly threw a note at her. It said :


Mark told me about what you do. I feel sorry for you. We won't tell anyone. But if you need someone to talk to, both me and Mark are here for you. We don't care when or where.
If you need a place to stay come to 542 west avenue.


Faith turned slightly in her chair and looked at Mike in disbelief . Mike looked at her with his gentle blue eyes. She mouthed 'Thanks'.
“You're welcome,” Michal whispered.

Her next class was AP Biology. She sat in the back again.
They were going over mitosis. She knew this subject so well. She never payed attention.

During the class she went over what had happened so far today.
They used to think she was worthless...why did that change?
Because Mark saw how she lives?
How she is?
What she does?
But why?

Why did his dad leave Mark there overnight?
What part of the story is she missing?

'Faith, Did you hear the question?” The teacher, Mr. Gibbs asked
“Yes of course,” Faith said while looking straight at Mr. Gibbs. Seeing in his knowledgeable eyes that she was in trouble.
“Well, care to answer it?” Mr. Gibbs says ready to embarrass her.
“Um is the answer prophase?” She asked timidly.
“..........” Mr. Gibbs just marched up the isle and continued droning on about the stages of mitosis.

The rest of the school day went by uneventfuly. She walked home alone, reading over the note that Michael gave her. She still couldn't make sense of everything that day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's really short, i'm going to try for another update soon
Wish me luck
comments tell me what i'm doing wrong!!!!