

A blank page.

Possibly the most daunting thing to a writer. This is the first step, the first word of the first chapter. Beginnings, questions, creations- all is a mystery. Then, as your hand flies from margin to margin and your pen sprays ink onto the pages and your eyes burn from staring at the lines which long since blurred to nothing, an answer spills loose, unbidden, on the page. A life is sparked behind the pages.


The answer asks more questions -too many questions- some of which can't be answered. You scratch the words from the page, and begin to think. The mindless determination to fill pages with words is gone, replaced by careful manipulation of grammar; you watch as the twisted line of a plot begins to form. Lines, patterns, complications- the words turn into a story. The mishmash of creations from your mindless word vomit is cut to pieces, the flab and fluff torn away, the cold hard creature that remains beautiful and crisp. The words you agonise over fade from your readers mind as they let themselves fall into the story, sinking through the letters on the page and into your bright and colourful world.