Baby, You Are the Weapon I Choose


I didn't know what I was doing here. Talking to Kevin? What was wrong with me? Kevin and I hated each other. We had always hated each other. But then why was I here? Why had I needed to talk to him so badly? Oh yeah. He had killed his girlfriend, and wasn't I supposed to do the same to mine? What was I going to do? I loved her. I was completely head over heels in love with her. And I was going to kill her father? Oh yeah, that was why I was here.

"So," Kevin said, sitting across from me on the couch. He didn't say anything else, waiting for me to continue. After all, I had been the one to call him.

"Look I don't need your judgmental tone, alright," I said coldly. "This is hard enough."

"Okay," he said understandingly. "How about I just listen? There's clearly something on your mind."

"Yeah there is," I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair. "This is harder than I thought."

He smiled sympathetically. "Whenever you're ready."

"It's just -- you were right," I admitted, taking a deep breath. That definitely was not easy. It went against 10 years of hatred.

“How so?” he asked.

“About Christine,” I said slowly. “You were right.”

He sighed. “I was afraid of this.”

“It’s just -- she’s really special, you know?” I sighed. “I mean, I know I started to talk to her because of this assignment with her father and everything. But now that I’ve gotten to know her, she’s special. She’s perfect actually. For me at least. I mean everything about her -- she’s nice, she’s funny, she’s hot. She’s fun to be with. And I just -- I don’t know.”

He smiled. “Joe, you really love her, don’t you?”

“I do,” I breathed. “And I have to kill her father. I have to kill him, and I’m going to end up like you, broken hearted, lost.”

“You don’t have to do anything,” he said quietly.

“What?” I said, confused.

“You Don’t have to do anything Joe,” he looked at me in the eyes, his tone firm.

“What are you talking about? Of course I do,” I exasperated. “It’s my assignment.”

“So?” he asked.

“So I can’t turn my back on the family,” I said, wondering why he wasn’t getting it. But then I understood. He had already done that. Anger poured through me. “I can’t because of you.”

“What?” he asked.

“You left us,” I seethed. “You left it all on me. And now, I have no chance of ever getting out.”

“Yes you do,” he said slowly.

“Oh really?” I demanded. “How Kevin? You already left, which means I have so much more to do. I have to take on all my assignments and the ones you would have gotten. I mean let’s face it, Nick’s not the brightest in this. He’s a genius when it comes to music, but killing people? And why should he have to? Why should he become like us? Cold hearted, cold blooded killers? He should be able to live freely without this. And because you left, I have to protect him myself by taking on even more assignments. How the hell am I supposed to leave Kevin? Because, let’s face it. The only way I could not do it is if I could get out somehow.”

“So get out,” Kevin said simply. “Look Joe, I’m sorry I left you guys. But you can to. You can just walk away. No one is forcing you to stay.”

“You have a choice in everything,” Kevin said quietly.

“No I don’t,” I said, just as quietly. “I can’t just leave. And I can’t kill her father. How am I supposed to do that? How can I crush her? How can I destroy her?”

“You don’t have to Joe,” he exasperated. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. You have a choice.”

“Kind of like you did?” I said bitterly. “You killed the love of your life. You killed Danielle. And now you’re a mess. You really think I want to end up like you?”

“No,” he said quietly. “You would be lucky to end up like this. And the only way is if you get out now Joe.”

“Right,” I laughed. “Like I have a choice in all of this.”

“What?” I asked, confused. “What are you talking about? Why would I want to end up like you?”

Kevin sighed and got up, walking away. He knocked on a door twice. I sat there confused. What was going on? What was he doing? My mouth dropped when the door opened and Danielle walked out. “Hi Joe,” she smiled slightly as her and Kevin walked back to the couch and sat down.

It took me a moment to recover. “But you and he killed and but huh?” Okay so I didn’t recover as well as I thought I had.
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ahhh i know it's been a while since I updated this, but it was time. I think I've tortured Christine enough :] Maybe she'll update now hint hint christine ;] anyways love you guys! comments always appreciated :]