Two Heads Are Better Than One

Chapter One

Two Heads are Better then One
Part 1

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season had quickly approached the elves at the North Pole this year. Everything was on track and nothing should go wrong this year. This particular day was coming to an end and Voltaire watched as Bernard entered her kitchen. This was typical, he always stopped by the kitchen last on his end of the day rounds. He spotted her by the oven and walked over to her. Everyone had gone home by this time of night, they were always the last ones left in the work shop.

"I trust everything is on schedule?" he asked her as she wiped her hands on her apron.

"Yea, had a few things wrong with the oven, but I managed to fix it," she replied and took her apron off and hung it up on the hangers by the door. She then grabbed two recyclable cups and handed one to the head elf before they left the kitchen.

"Ah, thanks. I always look forward to your hot chocolate at the end of a busy day. I don't care what anyone says, yours is better then Judy's," he said as he took a small sip and smiled with relief.

"And that is why I am the head chef and she is just Santa's assistant. Is she still with that guy from wrapping?"

"That I know of, yeah. I thought you didn't snoop into people's personal lives?"

"I don't but she's a friend and she seemed even more happy lately, it actually kind of freaks me out a bit."

Bernard chuckled at that. Now they were outside and they could see their breath in the cold air as they walked to their building. Majority of elves lived in houses but the busiest and most important elves lived in the apartments next to the work shop.

Voltaire was the second oldest elf in the area, being 1798, just two years younger then Bernard. She could be somewhat equivalent to a number three elf. She was the Head Chef but she also helped out where she could, ever since she experienced her first Christmas season with Bernard as the head elf.

It was tradition to walk home together after work. It relaxed them to have some hot chocolate, in the cold air, with a friend to laugh with. They lived right next door to each other; the number two elf lived in a house with his family, so there was no one separating them. They immediately became friends when they first met, and have been ever since.

"So ready for tomorrow? It's the big day," said Voltaire and she took a sip of her drink.

"Everything cannot be better, Santa is ready and no one it behind schedule. I just hope that I didn't just jinx it," laughed Bernard.

"Nah, it will be great, you know it will," she said as she nudged him a bit. He smiled at her and took a sip of his drink.

"This tastes slightly different from yesterdays," he said looking at it, "do I taste some orange?"

"Yep, new recipe, and you're always my guinea pig," said Voltaire finished off her hot chocolate.

"And if they keep tasting like this, then I feel honoured."

"Well you should, I am the head chef in the North Pole."

"And for that I am thankful." Bernard nodded to support his statement. Soon they arrived to their building and walked inside and up to their rooms.

"Good night see you in the morning," said Voltaire as she hugged him.
"See you bright and early, and I will most definitely will be wanting more of this," said Bernard as he stepped back from the hug and shook his almost empty cup. Voltaire chuckled and nodded. They then went into their rooms.

Voltaire heard her alarm go off and turned the jingling bells off and looked at the time. Here at the North Pole it was five in the morning. Usually she would get up at six but today was Christmas Eve. and for the elves that meant last minute things.

Getting out of her queen sized bed and making it so the deep green comforter and sheets were pulled out stretching from the cherry wood foot board to the head board decorated with branches and leaves. Her room was decent sized with a plush black carpet and green walls with silver feathered on.

She grabbed her clothes and took a quick shower before pulling her clothes on. She wore a black jagged skirt, with a silver shirt, a black jacket with white trim, black and white knee socks, and silver knee high boots. Her dark brown hair was left down to curl to her waist because she didn't like the attention so her silver eyes that she got when it was pulled up. She threw her black page boy cap on and waked out the door.

She headed straight to the kitchen and turned on a few things and began cooking. She was in charge of making the breakfast for all the people in her apartment building and for the Claus'. She heard the door open and close and the familiar presence of the head elf sat itself down at one of the tables.

"How are you this morning?" she asked as she slipped him a mug of that hot chocolate that he loved so much last night.

"Well it was good, then I got up," he said. She gave him 'the look'. "Kidding, I'm fine. And the rest of the day will be fine."

"Glad to hear it. I mean what kind of disaster could have happened within the thirty minutes you woke up to now that would be bad?"

"Nothing, but you never know when there could be something."

"True, well what do you want for breakfast this morning?" Since he was the first one up all the time, he always got to pick what to eat.

"Those crepes you made last week," he said.

"The ones with chocolate and mint?" she asked trying to remember the filling.

"Those are the ones," he nodded. She smiled at the choice and set to work while he watched her.

Voltaire finished and handed a plate to Bernard. A few more people came in and she gave them some breakfast as well. Then Santa came in.

"Morning Bernard, Voltaire," he greeted as he sat down next to Bernard.

"Morning Santa," they both said in unison. He just chuckled at them.

"You guys are too cute," he said. Bernard raised at eye brow at him and Voltaire crossed her arms.

"Cute?" she questioned.

"Yes, cute," was all Santa said before he took his plate and left the kitchen. Voltaire just shook her head and went off to tell an incoming chef about what they needed to do today. She was already running around the kitchen getting everything set up and pulling out some cookie dough to thaw and mixing some frosting. Bernard finished and put his dish in the empty sink.

"I'm going to go check on Santa, I'll be back later," he said. Voltaire nodded then went back to pulling out dough.

That evening Voltaire and Bernard walked around the work shop. Santa had just went off and they were watching everyone cleaning up and getting ready for their vacation. Everything that was going smoothly, that is until it happened.

"Bernard trouble with Santa. He fell off a roof and we have a new Santa," said a small elf running up to the two.

"Great. Looks like I'm in for a long night. What's the new Santa's name?" asked Bernard rubbing his temples.

"Scott Calvin," said the elf.

"S.C. Classic. Voltaire, do you think you can go get some information on him. I'll meet you in Research once I talk to the elves," said Bernard. Voltaire nodded and ran off to Research.

"Come on Lyle, let's go tell the elves," said Bernard walking with the elf to the main area of the workshop area. He stood on the balcony overlooking the main area of the work shop and clapped his hands together. Immediately the room went silent in respect to hear what their head elf had to say.

"I have some important news. Unfortunately Santa has fallen off a roof," he said solemnly. The elves all looked down. "Tonight will be a rough night, we don’t know how the new guy will react to being Santa, so don't take anything he says personally. Now back to work, I don't want this place looking like a mess when we get back from break."

The elves listened to their head elf and resumed what they were doing. Lyle soon left Bernard's side to go help an elf having trouble carrying a large box. Bernard sighed and made his way to Research. He entered and saw all the computers off except one. This area was used to see what toys kids were into these days, because sometimes their letters just weren't enough. And on the rare occasion they got a new Santa, to see if there is any information on him. Bernard made his way over to Voltaire who had her attention on the screen and was reading something. He stood behind and leaned down next to her to read as well. She turned her head slightly and jumped. Bernard laughed.

"Don't do that, you know I hate it when you do that!" she yelled and hit in his chest to make him stop laughing. He didn't, if anything he laughed more.

"I know, I'm sorry, but the look on your face," he said calming down. She just leaned back in the chair and crossed her arms looking at him.

"Scott Calvin, divorced with a son named Charlie who he hardly sees because his son does not like him. Important figure to a toy company. Cannot cook to save his life," replied Voltaire with a monotonous voice.

"He sounds like someone who will be hard to convince if his own son doesn't like him. This really is going to be a long night," he said sitting in the seat next to Voltaire and putting his head in his hands. Voltaire sighed and put a reassuring hand on his back.

"I can stay with you if you want and help explain," she said rubbing his back a bit. It was always hard convincing a new Santa. It was like having to start all over again.

"That would be great, but I don’t think you have to go through that torture too," he said sitting up and looking at her.

"Oh, tosh, I think I can handle it. After all, I put up with you all the time."

"I'll let that remark slide."

"Good. Your hat is falling off," said Voltaire right before it slid off his head and onto his lap. He sighed and Voltaire picked it up and put it securely back on his head.

"Thanks. You know at times you can act like my mother."

"I get the feeling that wasn't a compliment and that you should say something to make up for it."

"But you don't all the time so I like you better then my mother, and you're prettier."

"Sweet, and so un-you. I'll buy it for now. Santa should be coming soon."


"Come on Head Elf time to do what you do best, give life changing news."
♠ ♠ ♠
So how this is going to work is I'm following the story line of each movie and a little after the third. Yes I am aware the Bernard is not in the third movie, you will see how I work around that when the time comes.

That's the beginning of my Bernard story. It is seventeen parts long.

Thanks for reading.
