Two Heads Are Better Than One

Chapter Twelve

Two Heads are Better then One
Part 12

"Let me get this straight. You are going to search for a person who is abusing their power and you can only go during the winter because their magic is everywhere and it leaves a trail to where they are?" asked Voltaire as she helped Bernard pack his bags. He was leaving today and didn't plan on coming back before the holiday season was over.

"Yes," he said adding some pants into his bag.

"And how is that suppose to be personal to you?" questioned Voltaire, remembering a previous conversation they had, while adding some shirts into his bag.

"I have no clue. Maybe I know the person or something," said Bernard with a shrug.

"How are you suppose to know when you are close?" she asked and zipped up his small duffel bag.

"I was given this watch that monitors the magic and it will beep and light up when I am close." Bernard pulled his sleeve back and held his wrist in Voltaire's face. She saw a silver watch and there was a gage on it.

"Well I hope you get done as soon as possible," said Voltaire as she handed Bernard his bag.

"Hug good bye?" he asked holding his arms out. She just smiled and hugged him.

"Now go," she said as they pulled away from the hug. He gave one last smile before disappearing. Voltaire sighed and walked back to her room. She heard a commotion outside and went to go see what was happening. Outside all the elves were gathering around the hospital and Voltaire assumed either Mrs. Claus was having her baby or it was another false alarm. Judging by the disappointed looks, it was another false alarm. She sighed and went to the kitchen.

The next day apparently there was an emergency council meeting called. Voltaire had no doubt it had to do with Jack Frost. He was like an older brother to her. They first met when she was sculpting an ice sculpture and he happened to see and was impressed. He gave her a few tips and they became close. Sometimes though she felt like a mum to him instead of a younger sister. Especially what he had done now.

"Make sure you have the nameplates and folders out," said Voltaire as the elves prepared the table for the meeting. Why it was in the kitchen, she did not know but Santa had better make it up to her because it was way too close to Christmas for this kind of pressure.

Slowly one by one the council members started to show up and Voltaire greeted them then left the kitchen. She never liked the meeting, they were kind of boring to her. If she had to be a member she would join Sandman, if you know what I mean. While outside she ran into Jack who was slowly making his way to the kitchens.

"My favourite elf! Even if you are working for the big man," said Jack with his arms spread open. Voltaire rolled her eyes and hugged him.

"How have things been Jack? It is rare to see you show up for a meeting," said Voltaire as she pulled back.

"Well there seems to be a problema involving moi so I'm here," he said.

"Ah, isn't there always a problem with you?"

"Hey it's tough being me!"

"Sure, well you are good and late for the meeting now. Have fun and good luck, and don't do anything to my kitchen," she said and then walked away to go find something entertaining to do. The elves were all a buzz about something, if only Bernard was there, he usually supplied information about what went on in the workshop to Voltaire. She sighed and walked to Claus' room to see Mrs. Clause.

"Hey Voltaire," she greeted from the couch where she was rubbing her stomach.

"Hello Mrs. Claus. Just felt like checking up on you. Don't know why they decided to have the meeting in the kitchen but they did and they are always so boring," said Voltaire as she went over and sat next to her.

"I understand. So did you hear?" she asked getting excited.

"No, they elves were excited about something but I don't know what."

"My parents are coming!"

"Um… I don't think that's allowed."

"We all talked about it and we re just going to make my parents think we are in Canada."

"Canada, eh?"

They laughed but Mrs. Claus suddenly stopped and felt her stomach.

"Voltaire feel this, she's kicking." Voltaire hesitantly put her hand where Mrs. Claus indicated and felt a kick beneath her fingers.

"That is really weird. Sorry but that is just something I would never get use to," said Voltaire pulling her hand back.

"Well one day you'll look like this," said Mrs. Claus nudging Voltaire with her shoulder.

"Oh really? I think you're trying to hint at something," said Voltaire with a smile on her face.

"No, I am not. So how has Bernard been?" she asked.

"He left yesterday, we haven't talked yet."

"Oh, I hope he comes back soon. But I don't think he would approve of my parents coming."

"Oh no, I can imagine him now. It would involve lots of yelling and arm waving and then probably blaming Curtis for something." They shared another laugh then sighed after.

"Things are going to get more hectic around here. Everyone is trying their hardest to turn this place into a part of Canada. You too should also try to look more human. Your outfit is a little on the elf size."

"I would hope so, I am an elf. And that isn't as easy as you may thing, no one around here makes clothes in my size."

"Maybe I could help with that predicament. Follow me," said Mrs. Claus and she stood up and Voltaire followed her to a closet.

"This is your closet." Voltaire turned to face Mrs. Claus.

"Pick anything you want that is in the back, there's where all my non-maternity clothes are." And this that Mrs. Claus went back to sit on the couch and Voltaire hesitantly walked to the back of the closet. She looked through the clothes carefully.

"Anything?" asked Voltaire, making sure.

"Anything. And you can change in there," said Mrs. Claus from the other room. Voltaire nodded and then went and closed the closet door and then got changed into her new clothes fit for Canada. It was a simple black suit with a white button up shirt and vest. She kept her boots seeing as she had smaller feet then Mrs. Claus. She put her hair into a pony tail, leaving her hat off, and stepped out of the closet.

"What do you think?" asked Voltaire spinning around.

"I like it, even if you look more like a lawyer then a chef- but it works well with you," siad Mrs. Claus nodding in approval. That's when Santa came in.

"Voltaire what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in the kitchen?" he asked.

"Sorry, I don't like council meetings so I thought I'd come keep Mrs. Claus entertained," said Voltaire shrugging.

"Nice outfit. Hey can you do me a favour since I don't trust Curtis that much since the toy Santa incident?" asked Santa as he walked over to his desk.

"Sure," said Voltaire, walking into the room more with her clothes in her hand.

"Can you keep an eye on Jack Frost. I know you two are close so it will be easy to see what he is up too. I let him assist me as a punishment to make up for his actions," said Santa rubbing his temple.

"Okay, easy enough for me. I'll go now," said Voltaire and she slipped out of the room and walked to the kitchen. She observed what was being done and then headed to her apartment to put her clothes away. Walking back to the workshop she ran in to Jack, who had been 'helping' putting up signs.

"Voltaire, nice outfit, I like. What's the occasion," said Jack looking her up and down.

"We are in Canada now, and my other outfit as a bit too elf-like. I don't know Mrs. Claus idea," said Voltaire as she walked a little with him to the workshop.

"So I haven't seen that Bernard fellow around lately, did he get fired or demoted. The current number one elf was interesting."

"What number one- Curtis! Bernard is still number one elf, Bernard is on a special mission from the Council."

"I don't know about it."

"That's because you're never at meetings."

"Ouch, that hurts," he said and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Jack you're like an older brother to me, but you need to be more responsible. You are a Legendary Figure, and that means having to go through with the meetings like everyone one else. Or you won't be a Legendary Figure much longer, and even fewer people would know of you around the world."

"Younger sister, you sound more like my mother," he said with a smile.

"Well while you continue to break Canada signs, I'm going to go back to work in the kitchen, please don't destroy more things."

The next day was the arrival of the in laws, but Voltaire stayed in the kitchen. Jack went by early in the morning looking for some hot chocolate so Voltaire offered him some of her special flavours, he likes the mint because it was refreshing. Shortly after the arrival a whole bunch of elves from electric and the Naughty and Nice area came in demanding some of her special flavoured hot chocolate.

"How do you know about those, only Bernard and Jack know of those…Jack Frost I will kill him!" said Voltaire as she angrily filled their mugs and went back to pounding out some cookie dough. Then Jack decided to waltz in and Voltaire immediately jabbed her finger into his chest.

"When I told you not to tell others about my hot chocolate, I meant it. I know you like to go against orders, but I thought we had an understanding!" she said. Jack just looked scared and shied away to another area of the kitchen. When Voltaire get's angry, it's best to let her cool down, without the help from Jack Frost. Not soon after she heard an unfamiliar voice.

"This is some kitchen!" Voltaire turned around to see Mrs. Claus, Santa, and who she could only assume were the 'in-laws'. Groaning she walked up to them when Santa motioned for her to walk forward.

"This is the head chef," said Santa. Voltaire shook their hands.

"Pleasure," she said putting a smile on.

"Why are you taller then everyone else?" asked the father-in-law.

"I'm not a Canadian native, you get use to it," said Voltaire, "please feel free to look around, just be weary of the workers and hot stoves."

They went out and Voltaire sighed and went back to what she was doing trying to get through all her cooking. That's when things started to turn ugly. First one of the machines caught fire while some elves were trying to use it. Luckily, Buddy, the father in-law, came to the rescue. Voltaire quickly went over to inspect what was wrong but had little time for another machine exploded.

"I can't believe this. I thought once we get a new oven everything in this kitchen would work perfectly. But no!" she exclaimed as she went to inspect the machine. The elves were running around, asking Voltaire what they should do and trying to help with the machines. She tried to remain calm but at this point she just ahd to burst.

"EVERYONE OUT OF THE KITCHNE, NOW!" She yelled and everyone scurried for the doors, "except you, Jack." He turned slowly and walked back over to her.

"Yes," he asked sweetly.

"I don't know what you are planning, but if you want me to personally kill you and make you into a meat pie I will and I will enjoy every minute of it," said Voltaire through gritted teeth pointing a finger at him.

"I believe you are finally coming to the dark side, young elf," he said with a smirk.

"Cut it Jack. I know it was you who froze these machines. Do you want me fired or killed?"

"No I would never."

"Then stop your games right now. I'm suppose to be watching you and if I report you to Santa, well you'll be stripped of your titles in a heartbeat. I have been nice so far, don't push me over."

With that she walked over her machines and went back to work on trying to salvage them. Jack slunked from the kitchen and went to go make more trouble else where.

That night Voltaire was more then happy to go home. She had spent the rest of the day thawing out the machines and going around making sure no other machines were frozen. She was at her last whim so she was happy when she got to fall on her soft bed and fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So testing is done I have time now...sort of. I still have a lot of costumes to finish, and I have to make a lot of arrangements for Fanime which is in two weeks. AHHH! I'll try to post some more as soon as I can.

I tried to get Jack's style of speaking down. He would use words from other languages in, but they are simple words so I hope you understand them. And on another note, I'm watching Numb3rs right now.

Thanks for reading.
