Two Heads Are Better Than One

Chapter Sixteen

Two Heads are Better then One
Part Sixteen

The News Year Party was a big hit. Voltaire's parents were there and she often saw her mother off talking with Cupid and Mother Nature. It was the end of the night and they were all heading back to the apartments.

"You go on ahead I have to ask someone something," said Voltaire to Bernard and her parents, who were staying in her old apartment. She ran over to where Mother Nature was talking to Cupid.

"She was so happy, just thought it would work sooner when you shot one of your arrows at Voltaire," said Mother Nature and they laughed.

"He did what?" asked Voltaire standing next to them.

"Oh look at the time, got to fly," said Cupid and he hurried away from the area.

"Well when you mother last visited she ran in to us after our Council meeting and asked Cupid to shoot an arrow at you. That's all in the past though, is there something you wanted?" asked Mother Nature.

"I wanted to know where Jack was."

"I thought so, he's in Costa Rica, here's his address." Mother Nature handed Voltaire a piece of paper and off she went to go and thank Santa. Voltaire walked back to the apartment, said good night to her parents and got ready for bed.

"So did you find out what you needed?" asked Bernard as they laid in bed.

"Yes, he's in Costa Rica."

"Whoa, he really has defrosted. So are we going there or just writing a letter?"

"I think paying him a visit would be best. Good night."


"Boy it is hot here." Bernard as he fanned his face with his hand. He had already taken off his hat and was wearing a white shirt that was damp with sweat. Voltaire sighed as she too fanned herself and got her tank top from sticking to her.

"I think we're the palest people here," said Voltaire looking around her. They were in a nice neighborhood with palms tress everywhere and sun shinning down on everything.

"Is this the place?" asked Bernard pointing a fairly large house that was gated. Voltaire nodded and walked over to the buzzer and pressed the button.

"Who is it?" came the voice of Jack.

"Your favourite elf, Jack, open up," said Voltaire leaning against the wall. The gate opened and they walked in carrying their back packs.

"Voltaire, and Bernard, how great to see you. Honeymoon?" he asked walking out of his house to greet them.

"No, we came to find you," said Voltaire.

"Oh well come in, you look like you're dying, why don't you take a dip in my pool, get cooled down and we can chat over pina coladas," said Jack and he led them inside and past some maids. The soon came to a room and he opened the door.

"Your place is nice," said Voltaire.

"A bit large for one person," mumbled Bernard. Voltaire nodded her head in agreement and they set their bags down on the bed that was in there.

"If you don't have swim suits you can look in the closet, I always have extras, and just through those doors and your too the pool, I'll meet you there," said Jack and he waltz out of the room. They looked at each other and shrugged them walked over to the closet and found many different swim suits in all types, sizes, and colours.

"How many people do you think come here?" asked Voltaire as she grabbed a black two piece bathing suit and some shorts.

"I bet the council comes here on their vacation, seems like something they would do," said Bernard as he grabbed some black and red swim trunks.

"I'll change in the bathroom, you can change in here," said Voltaire and she went in the and looked around, "how do the council figures get so rich?"

"I don't know," came Bernard's response through the door.

"I mean this house is pretty big and really fancy," said Voltaire as she pulled the swim bottoms on.

"Great vacation spot but I couldn't live here, too hot," said Bernard.

"I agree," said Voltaire as she fastened the top and then knocked on the door. "Decent?"

"Yes," said Bernard. Voltaire opened the door and they just looked at each other.

"I think we are most definetly the palest people here," said Voltaire as she walked over to Bernard and compared their skin tone.

"Correction, I think you are the palest person here," said Bernard wrapping am arm around her waist.

"Shut it, I'm in the kitchen all the time, you at least go out side to see the reindeers and play tinsel football," said Voltaire as she threw her clothes in a corner and they walked to the pool.

"Yep, just remember it was you plan to go in the summer," said Bernard and they walked up to where Jack was sitting under a large umbrella at a table and sipping a tropical drink complete with fruit and little paper umbrella, there were two other of the same drink on the other side of the table.

"Well look at this happy couple, sit, sit," said Jack. The two sat down and looked at Jack.

"We have a few questions to ask of you," said Voltaire getting down to business.

"Ask away," he said smiling at her and then taking a sip of his drink, "you should really try this it is great."

"Later," said Voltaire as Bernard took a sip of his, "we just want to know why you went through the trouble of preventing us from falling in love?"

"I always saw you as a little sister, and when one has power, use it," said Jack.

"This is really good," said Bernard looking at his drink, "anyway, don't you think that is a bit extreme even by older brother standers?"

"Maybe, but it wasn't to keep you apart, no, it was to see if your love would overcome it," said Jack. Voltaire stopped sipping her drink and her and Bernard looked at each other then back at Jack. "But it seems I may have used too much power. But either way, doesn't matter because here you are, together and happy newlyweds. Tell me why wasn't I invited to the wedding?"

"Jack we are not married," said Voltaire.

"I would have you would have been married by now, the way your mother was so persistent on you two," said Jack chuckling.

"I know, but no, you would have been invited to the wedding, if it were to happen," said Voltaire getting a little uncomfortable.

"Ah yes, well we don’t need to talk wedding plans, I'm sure your mother already has that all figured out. But if you need an ice sculpture, I'm you guy. So I have to go to a meeting and I'll let you two be, unless there are any other questions," said Jack standing up.

"None that I can think of," said Bernard. Voltaire just shook her head and Jack proceeded to leave.

"Oh and you're welcome to stay here as long as you like. Mi casa es su casa," he said before walking in the house. Bernard looked over at Voltaire who was eating the fruit in her drink.

"Well at least we got that questions answered," said Bernard.

"Yep," said Voltaire. Bernard then looked at her and she looked at him, "what's wrong?" He didn't say anything, he just picked her up and carried her over to the pool.

"You can swim right?" he asked with a big smile on his face.

"Yes, but don't you dare. Bernard put me down now!" said Voltaire looking down at the water.

"Bad choice of words," he said before dropping her into the water below. She came up for air and glared at Bernard who was laughing. She splashed him and he stopped laughing.

"You did not just splash me," he said.

"I believe I did and it was little in comparison to dropping me in the pool," said Voltaire. Bernard just walked over to the deep end and dove in and swam up next to Voltaire.

"But you do have to admit this is a great way to cooling off, so in a way, Jack is still doing his job," said Bernard as he turned and started floating on his back.

"When do you think we should return to the pole?" asked Voltaire as she got out and sat on the edge of the pool and played with Bernard's fingers.

"Not too late, we have to get back to work soon. I would say tomorrow. Relax for a day then back to work," said Bernard.

"You never change, but yes I agree. Your mum called the other day, by the way…ugh I just rhymed," said Voltaire shaking her head. Bernard laughed.

"I'll call her back some time. I'm sure I already know what it's about anyway," he said and climbed out of the pool and sat next to her.

"Everyone at the Pole knows what it's about," said Voltaire laughing a bit.

"Yep, come on let's go dry off, and finish our drinks, those are just too good," said Bernard as he helped Voltaire up. She laughed at him and they walked back over to the table to finished their drinks.

That night they had a wonderful local meal prepared by Jack's chef, Voltaire was happy to know she didn't have to cook, and Bernard and Voltaire went to bed early just to get a good night's rest before returning.

"Hey Voltaire," asked Bernard as he laid there staring up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. He was only wearing shorts due to the hot humid night and Voltaire was only in a tank top and shorts. She turned over and looked at him.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Do you really think your mum already had the wedding planned out?" He asked still focused on the ceiling.

"Honestly, yes, everything but the date," said Voltaire as she looked at the ceiling as well. She felt Bernard shift a bit and then lay still.

"Want to give her a reason to figure one out?" asked Bernard and then he held something in front of her face. It her a while to focus on what it was and when her eyes came into focus she saw that he was holding a ring.

"Bernard are you serious?" she asked sitting up and looking at him. He sat up and stared her straight in the eye.

"Dead serious. Voltaire I finally realized that I have always loved you ever since I first saw you sitting at your desk at elf school. I actually made this ring a long time ago, it was spontaneous and I never really knew what much to do with it. Now I know, so here goes the life changing question. Voltaire, will you marry me?" he asked.

"Which means I respond with the life changing answer. Yes," she said. He smiled and slid the ring onto her finger.

"And it is really ironic where we are right now too," said Bernard. Voltaire nodded and just kissed him. He kissed her back and they laid down.

"I think my mother might die from shock," said Voltaire as she laid her head on Bernard's bare chest and listened to his heart beat.

"I hope not, then we'd have to plan the wedding."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was very fun to write. I like putting characters in an environment where they really don't belong. I just pictured how I would be in Costa Rica and went off of that.

One part left.

Thanks for reading.
