Two Heads Are Better Than One

Chapter Four

Two Heads are Better then One
Part 4

Christmas Eve. had finally arrived and the workshop was it's typical insanity in trying to finish all the wrapping and make sure that everything was set. Santa was ready and the sleigh had been completed. Now all the elves had begun to clean up. Voltaire was petting Donner, her favourite reindeer, when Santa walked in.

"Oh hello Santa," said Voltaire as she looked up at him.

"Hey Voltaire. I just wanted to make sure everything between us wasn't terrible. Sorry for pestering you," he said.

"It's okay. I take back what I said about you wife and Charlie. I was out of line by saying that."

"But it's true. Say where's Bernard? I have to take off soon."

"Probably off terrorizing some poor unsuspecting elf. He'll be here soon. In the meantime I think Comet has a gift for you," replied Voltaire as she went back to petting Donner. Santa walked over to Comet and saw the rope he as carrying.

"Is this for me?" he asked. Comet nodded, "In case I fall off a roof. Thanks."

"Ready to go Santa?" asked Bernard as he entered with a bunch of elves. They immediately started getting the reindeer secured and Charlie took his seat in the sleigh.

"Ready?" asked Santa once he was in.

"Ready," replied Charlie and off they went. Voltaire walked over and stood next to Bernard as they watched the sleigh till it was out of sight.

"Our little boy grows up so fast," joked Voltaire putting an arm around Bernard. He laughed and they walked back inside.

"Now all we have to do is wait. The Millers have almost every policemen looking for Santa," said Bernard.

"Another long Christmas?" asked Voltaire sighing as they went to the main control room and sat down.

"Yep," said Bernard. Judy and Quinton entered as well.

"I'll go get us some drinks," said Voltaire. She left and headed to the kitchen. Decided that hot chocolate would most likely put them to sleep, she decided on making some Italian sodas. She had made them before and it was a hit so why not. She returned and distributed the drinks then sat down next to Bernard and watched Judy as she listened to how Santa was doing.

Shortly after, Judy came running in with some bad news.

"Santa is at the Millers but he is not responding," said Judy.

"Well time to deport the EL.F.S." said Quinton as he turned to Bernard. He put his drink down and rang the signal. Down the hall they could hear the EL.F.S. take to the sky and fly to go save Santa.

"I'm going to go get us something to eat," said Voltaire. She returned to the kitchen with ease. All the other elves had retired for the evening. She quickly put some snacks on a plate and brought it back. Quinton thanked her and immediately took a cupcake. Bernard smiled at her and took a cookie.

Soon there was news that Santa and Charlie had both arrived at the Millers and there was talk that Charlie was to stay there. Bernard suddenly stood up and threw on the coat and scarf Voltaire had made him the Christmas before. Voltaire grabbed her coat and scarf and together they went to the Millers house. Not being able to resist their dinner Bernard grabbed the pita sandwich that was on the table and took a bite into it and walked over with Voltaire who was staring skeptically at him. He shrugged and they made their way over to where Santa, Charlie, his mum, and Neil were by the fireplace.

"What's all this boo-hooing going on here? Hey, how ya doing?" asked Bernard with a mouth full of food as he walked up with Voltaire. Neil jumped back against the wall when he saw the two.

"It's nothing Bernard, Voltaire. I'm just saying good-bye to Charlie," said Santa turning to face them.

"You don't need to say good-bye," said Voltaire.

"Charlie, do you still have that glass ball I gave you?" asked Bernard.

"Yeah," he replied with a sad look on his face.

"Well all you got to do it shake it whenever you want to see your dad," explained Bernard.

"Really?" asked Charlie with a smile on his face now.

"He can come back to see you anytime day or night," replied Voltaire.

"Hey, have we ever steered you wrong?" asked Bernard as he wrapped his sandwich free arm around Voltaire's shoulders. Charlie just shook his head 'no'. Bernard then looked over at Neil who was intensely staring at the two elves. "Nice sweater, hey did we make this?" he asked as he pulled on the tag of Neil sweater to see.

"Laura, he's sucking us into his delusions," said Neil as Bernard continued to try to read the tag, "Look at the elaborate measures he's taken." Bernard tried to take another bite of the sandwich but Neil took it from him and Voltaire laughed at Bernard's confused face.

"Neil, relax," said Laura. Bernard put his arm back around Voltaire's shoulder and they both disappeared back to the North Pole.

"Everything okay?" asked Quinton.

"Yep, everything should be fine for the rest of the night," said Voltaire, "come on Bernard, I'll go make you a sandwich."

"On pita bread?" he asked as they walked towards the kitchen.

"Yes, on pita," said Voltaire with a slight chuckle, "did you take food from them when you visited on Thanksgiving?"

"Yes, a turkey leg but they have not heard of basting. It was too dry," he said, "you taught me that."

"You have learned well, young grasshopper, but you are not a master yet," said Voltaire as they entered the kitchen.

"By the way I have fallen in love with this jacket. And I say I look quite fashionable in it," said Bernard twirling around.

"Well I'm glad you like it. You could have told me a little sooner that you like it, instead of waiting a year but whatever works for you," said Voltaire as she pulled out some supplies. Bernard went over and watched her make him a sandwich.

That night Santa returned safely and thanked Voltaire and Bernard for their help. Then he forced them to go home and get some rest. They took some hot chocolate with peppermint in it into Bernard's apartment. Voltaire quickly disappeared to her apartment to get his gift. Coming back she saw Bernard sitting on the couch running his hand through his curls. Voltaire sat on the couch and ran a hand through his curls as well.

"Your curls are more entertaining then mine," she said as she looked down at her curly hair.

"But curly hair is more suiting on a female then a male," said Bernard putting his hat back on.

"Your curls suit you. Do you sleep with that hat on too?" she asked. Bernard looked down.

"Sometimes," was his reply. She just laughed and placed her gift on his lap. He handed her his gift and she opened it. Inside was a gingerbread house that had a bunch of silver and green vine designs running around it and she smiled.

"How fitting," she said with a little chuckle.

"Look inside," he said. Voltaire peaked inside through the door that was cut out and saw two gingerbread people. One was the girl decorated to look like her, the other decorated to look like Bernard, hat and all. She laughed some more and then looked some more and saw a necklace wrapped around the two figures. She reached in and pulled out the chain. It was a thin silver chain and on it was a bright green leaf charm. It shined in the lamplight and she held it delicately in her hand.

"Thank you so much, this is so beautiful, and the house is well decorated. But how did you get this past me?" she asked looking at him. He took the necklace from her and she turned her back to him so he could put it on.

"Well I have acquaintances in the kitchen and they were more then happy to supply me with a few supplies and tips," he said as he place the necklace on around her neck and she turned around and smiled down at the necklace.

"And where did you find this?" she asked.

"Mother Nature actually gave it to me a few years ago and said that when the time is ready I'd know when and who to give it to," he shrugged.

"Well thank you, it is very pretty," said Voltaire and she hugged him, "now open your gift." He tore off the wrapping paper and pulled out several smaller boxes, all different colours. He opened the first one, an orange box and looked inside.

"What is it?" he asked pulling out a plastic bag full of light brown powder.

"Instant hot chocolate. That particular one is the orange one you favour so much," she said. He smiled and placed the four boxes on the table and lifted up what was left. He unfolded it and it was deep maroon, velvet shirt. He held it up and a necklace fell on his lap. He looked at it and smiled.

"What's wrong with this shirt?" he asked indicating the red shirt he was now wearing.

"It is getting a little too small for you, and your necklace keeps breaking," said Voltaire. He smiled her and hugged her.

"Thanks, saves me the trouble of having to go out a buy a new one," he said. She smiled and took the necklace from his lap and he turned his back to her so she could put it on. When she was done she stole his hat and place it on her head and put her hat on his head.

"Your hat is nice," she said.

"And your hat is too girly for me," he said taking it off his head.

"Well excuse me," she said pouting.

"Hat or I'll tickle you again," he said holding his hand out. She reluctantly placed his hat in his hand and took her hat back. They sat there for a bit before Voltaire yawned.

"Well I think I'm going to go hit the sack. I plan to sleep through this vacation. You're welcome to join me," she said.

"I have to make sure Santa is all settled in," he sighed.

"Bummer. Well see you whenever and thank you for the gifts they are fantastic," she said as she stood up. He stood up and she hugged him.

"And thank you for the gifts as well. Those chocolates are probably only going to last through vacation if their lucky," he said. She laughed and picked up the gingerbread house. She smiled at Bernard before leaving to her own apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
That concludes the first movie. I will probably get one more part posted and then work on my homework.

Thanks for reading.
