Two Heads Are Better Than One

Chapter Seven

Two Heads are Better then One
Part 7

After the meeting of legendary figures Santa told a brief over view of what happened to Bernard, Voltaire and Curtis who were with him in the New Invention Room, but soon he got back to the matter at hand.

"I can't be in two places at once!" he exclaimed, tossing his arms in the air.

"Maybe you can be. Hey everyone can I have the room for a minute?" Curtis asked the other elves, " just one minute, please? Thank you. Take a cocoa break. Relax. Have a nice long break." The other elves in the room left and the door sealed shut. Curtis and Santa then when off and started talking about the machine and the only thing that stuck in Voltaire's mind was that he tripled the ram, which meant it was more powerful.

"What a minute, I see where this is going and I am not getting in that thing," said Santa.

"Exactly, creating a copy of Santa won't solve our problems," said Bernard, "it would be a toy."

"So it will look fake," said Voltaire.

"And that elves would know," said Santa.

"But this would be a very special toy," informed Curtis.

"How's that, Curtis?" asked Santa, not believing him.

"Okay, I added a fuzzy logic circuit to the pantogram. The duplicate with look and think just like you, so when you're with your family, dealing with Charlie, and looking for a wife-" said Curtis.

"The toy Santa will be here melting by my fireplace," added Santa.

"No, the toy Santa will be dealing with business here," said Curtis.

"This is all unnecessary. Bernard can deal with business up here and I am willing to help him," protested Voltaire.

"If the elves found out we've made a switch," said Bernard and he put his hands up to his face and made a shocked face, "No! No! This machine is not the answer." All of a sudden a clatter was heard and they all watched a mouse climb into the machine and the machine started. They all ran to the other side to see the outcome. Two mice came down the belt and scampered away.

"Look you can't get much better then that, and I promise, it won't hurt a bit," said Curtis. Santa took a moment to think then blurted out:

"I'm going in."

"Oh, I can't watch this," said Bernard. Voltaire just shook her heard as she watched Santa jog to the other side and step onto the conveyer belt. Bernard when over to a side of the room and Voltaire followed. He turned to look as Santa slowly entered the machine and put his hand over Voltaire's eyes and turned them around. They all looked to see Santa come out.

"It's perfect!" exclaimed Curtis.

"That's because it's me, Einstein," replied Santa. The three elves ran over to Santa and Bernard immediately started acting like a nurse, asking if he was fine or not. While Santa was still turned towards the elves he didn’t see the horror that came out of the machine. Bernard and Curtis screamed while Voltaire quickly turned around and put her face in Bernard's chest.

"I've been scarred for life," she mumbled as Bernard patted her back. Santa turned around and saw it as well.

"It's naked!" the three males exclaimed.

"I don't think I can ever look at you the same way, Santa," said Voltaire hoping that Bernard's shirt was a magical eraser that can erase images from people's minds.

"Put her out of her misery, throw something over him," said Santa. Bernard reached behind him and grabbed a sheet that was there.

"It's incredible," said Curtis with a happy smile.

"Yes, it is," Santa said waving his arms in front of toy Santa's face. Bernard draped the sheet over the toy and then returned to Voltaire who still did not face the toy nor open her eyes. "Um, can he talk?" asked Santa. Curtis just motioned for him to. "Hello?" Santa asked. The only reply he got was some grumbling noise that somewhat sounded like a baby. "Hello?" Santa asked again. Then the toy opened its eyes and focused on Santa.

"Hello?" it replied. Curtis smile and Bernard was shocked.

"Ho ho ho," said Santa.

"Ho ho ho," replied the toy Santa much more slowly.

"Not bad," said Santa admiring the toy.

"Not bad yourself," replied the toy. Santa chuckled and looked over at the smiling Curtis.

"I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about you that I like," laughed Santa.

"There's something about you that I like," repeated the toy.

"Huh," said Santa and both him and the toy turned to look at Curtis and then back to look at each other, " you watch him, I'll be right back."

"He's coming right back," informed the toy Santa and Curtis laughed.

"Hopefully with some clothes!" yelled Voltaire, who still had her face hidden in Bernard's chest.

"You two come with me," said Santa and he grabbed onto Voltaire and Bernard's sleeves.

"Thank you," said Voltaire happily out of site of the toy.

"I need your help with this. I have to go see Charlie, and I want you two to convince the elves that…toy Santa is me," said Santa.

"Uh, hmmm. Have you seen that thing?" asked Bernard

"I've seen it. I think if you keep the elves at a distance and tell them that I changed my look, it'll work," he tried.

"Oh, Santa, we're in way over our heads here. If anybody can do this, it's you two, Number One, Head Chef," he said.

"Head Chef sounds like nothing compared to Number One," replied Voltaire looking at Santa skeptically.

"You feed everyone, the should respect for that," said Santa.

"Not everyone has an appetite like you, Santa," said Voltaire.

"Plus, I'm not going to lie to all the elves!" said Bernard.

"Just go!" said Santa and he shoved the two through the doors. They looked at each other and headed to the balcony.

"Everyone we have an announcement to make. Santa has changed his looks," said Voltaire as the elves gathered and fell silent.

"I, myself, think he looks absolutely terrific, better, and fresher somehow, then he has in years. There is now more supple veneer to his skin and an added luster of thickness of his hair," said Bernard.

"You could almost say there's a-a toy like quality to him, to help him get more into the holiday spirit," filled in Voltaire.

"Most importantly, he's very happy with his new look and I would caution you all not to point or stare or use the word 'plastic' okay? Okay. Thank you. That's it. That's all. Back to work please," said Bernard. Curtis was smirking up at them as he watched Bernard and Voltaire sigh.

"You aren't really good with the whole lying thing," Voltaire said to him as they made their way away from the main workshop area.

"I know, but it seemed to have worked," said Bernard.

"Well go say bye to the real Santa for me, I think it's high time I get myself back into the kitchen and try to picture something other then, well you know," said Voltaire as she turned to walk through the kitchen doors.

"Good luck with that," said Bernard before walking over to the reindeer pen.
♠ ♠ ♠
This movie is a lot longer then I realized. So it will probably be more then four parts like the first movie was.

That's all I'm uploading tonight. Now I'll get back to lunch, homework, and Top Gear.

Thanks for reading.
