Two Heads Are Better Than One

Chapter Nine

Two Heads are Better then One
Part 09

"Why don’t you get some sleep?" asked Bernard as he noticed it was getting dark outside. He had watched Voltaire pacing around the room for the most of the day trying to think up a plan.

"But I haven't thought of anything yet. Those elves are too young and scared to stand up against toy Santa and his army. That leaves us. No. No sleeping. We have to think of something," said Voltaire and then she yawned.

"Maybe if you just rest for a bit then some good ideas will come to you," said Bernard standing and walking over to where Voltaire had stopped pacing.

"Yea, maybe," said Voltaire as she went back to trying to think of something to do. Bernard sighed and then grabbed her shoulders from behind and started to push her towards his bedroom.

"Just get some sleep and then you'll be fresh to think up some ideas and who knows, Santa might be back by then," said Bernard as he turned her around and sat her down on his bed.

"Now that is not going to happen. But thanks, Bernard, that's why you're my best friend," said Voltaire as she started to take her shoes off.

"Yep, do you want anything, you didn't eat this evening?"

"Nah I'm good."

"Well good night," said Bernard as he headed to the door.

"Wait, I'm not taking your bed from you and making you sleep on that old couch. Your bed is big enough for both of us to sleep in," said Voltaire as she watched Bernard with a raised eyebrow.

"I know, but I just thought…well, you know…" Bernard trailed off.

"Don't think you are trying to be proper. I don't care Bernard. I'm not stealing your bed from you," said Voltaire as she took her hat off.

"Well if you say so," he said and walked over to the other side of the bed and began to take his shoes off. He then grabbed his pyjamas and tossed a shirt and pants to Voltaire and he walked to his bathroom and changed. Voltaire quickly changed into the big dark blue shirt and loose red pants and looked down at herself when Bernard came out and started laughing at the sight.

"I think they're just a little too big," she said.

"You think?" he asked still smiling and threw his clothes into a pile on the opposite side of the room. He laid down on his side and Voltaire slid under the covers as well. They turned the lights off and were close to falling to sleep.

"Bernard," said Voltaire, eyes still closed and snuggling into the fluffy pillow.

"Hmm?" he asked in the same position as Voltaire.

"Hat off," she mumbled. Bernard grumbled and she felt him move and something landed on her head. She opened her eyes and saw the hat on her head and Bernard smirking, trying to look like he was sleeping. She smirked to her self and flung his hat over her shoulder and then hit him in the head with her pillow. She then laid back down with her back towards Bernard, acting asleep as he had done not long before.

"That was not nice, Voltaire. Honestly, I let you wear my clothes, sleep in my bed, give you my hat, and let you stay in my apartment and this is how you repay me?"

"Well I don't really have a choice, we're under house arrest." Voltaire sighed then and opened her eyes and turned to face Bernard who was laying on his back.

"I know. Come here," he said and Voltaire scooted closer and Bernard wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she put her head on his chest and just sighed again.

"Tell me truthfully, do you think Christmas is done for?" she asked.

"We just have to keep hoping and believing in Santa. The way I see it is toy Santa is like the real Santa's evil twin and good always triumphs over evil," Bernard explained.

"I guess," said Voltaire and she yawned again which made Bernard yawn.

"Okay let's get some sleep," said Bernard. Voltaire just nodded and went off to sleep.

The next morning, Voltaire felt herself being dragged out of the bed by her arm. She opened her eyes and saw toy Santa had a hold of her arm and pulled her to some of his soldiers who picked her up and carried her out of the apartment. She yelled Bernard's name and he immediately tried to get past the soldiers keeping him there.

"No Voltaire!" he yelled trying separately to get to her.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her, Bernard," said toy Santa before walking away with a smirk on his face.

"Voltaire!" yelled Bernard before toy Santa closed the door to the apartment a followed after the soldiers who were carrying Voltaire. She was feeling quite uncomfortable right now because in her struggle her pants were on the verge of falling down, they were bigger then she thought.

"What do you want with me?" she asked trying to reach for her pants without toy Santa noticing.

"Well since my assistant happens to be assisting the other elves in making the children of the world's presents, I want you to be my assistant. You will do whatever I ask, and that involves cooking my meals, I want only the best and you are the head chef so you can't be that bad. I see you will need a change of clothes we can't have your baggy clothes slowing down your work. I think I can find something," said Santa with a terrifying twinkle in his eye as he said the last part. Voltaire didn't saying anything and soon she was shoved into the kitchen and the doors slammed shut and she turned around to face toy Santa.

"I'm going to guess you would like some hot chocolate," said Voltaire unsure of what else to say.

"Yes, and some cookies. And I want the hot chocolate to be dark chocolate. I hear that when it is cooked properly it can release certain feeling of being in love," said toy Santa. Voltaire felt a shudder of fear go through her, "I'll be back," he said and turned and left. Voltaire shook her head in disgust and went to turning the stove on and pulling some dough out of the fridge to let it get softer. The shirt sleeves kept falling over her hands so she had to roll those ups and she had to pull the pants up constantly, but now knowing that toy was, indeed, a pervert she would rather keep wearing Bernard's clothes. Plus, they smelled like him and that calmed her down somewhat, without having him actually in the room.

Right as she was about to roll out the cookie dough, toy Santa came back and threw something white towards her. She caught it and looked at it with wide eyes.

"You do know that this is the North Pole right? You know, freezing cold," said Voltaire.

"Well you'll be working in the hot kitchen all day so I don't see the cold as a problem," he said and continued to stare at her. Knowing that he wanted her to change, she put a disgusted face on and walked into the pantry. She reluctantly put the items on and looked down at herself. There was a skirt made of flowing white fabric with slits on each side that went all the way up to the top, holding it all together by the waistband. The top was hardly a top, it was more like a bikini top designed to look like a snowflake and was made of a strong fake white leather.

"I'm not wearing this," declared Voltaire as she made a turn to grab Bernard's shirt.

"Ah, but you don't know what I’m capable of," said toy Santa.

"You never said what you would do if I don't follow your commands," said Voltaire.

"Well think about it, I can treat the elves however I want, you don't want that do you? Plus I have your boyfriend under lock and key and I can make my soldiers do whatever they want to him with the snap of my fingers," he said laughing a bit after. Voltaire looked horrified and decided the elves and Bernard had gone through enough. This was for them. She walked out of the pantry and toy Santa's face grew into a smirk.

"This is too wrong," said Voltaire and she walked over to the cookie dough and went back to rolling out the dough. Toy Santa watched her for a while as she worked, that smirk never leaving his face.

"Well I have to go check on the elves' progress, but I'll make sure these get back to Bernard," said toy Santa and he went and picked up the clothes Voltaire had previously had been wearing. He then left the kitchen and Voltaire saw some of the soldiers standing there. She quickly finished everything she was requested and silently went over to the doors. She knew that the soldiers were not very smart and couldn't really keep her back is she slipped passed them.

Making sure she turned off the oven, she walked back to the doors, took a deep breath, and made a run for it. She slipped right past the soldiers and ran quickly down the hall. She turned ad corner and saw Curtis up a head. She quickly ran up to him.

"Voltaire?! What are you wearing?" he asked looking her up and down.

"Look I don't have much time to explain. Bernard is under house arrest, and I think I'm about to go back too. Santa tried to make me his personal assistant but I just escaped. You need to somehow get to the real Santa on earth and tell him everything. Go now!" said Voltaire before she ran off and Curtis watched her before heading to the El.F.S. headquarters where they kept the jet packs.

Voltaire ran all the way through the snow, as cold as that was, to the apartments and saw soldiers standing guard outside Bernard's room. She slowed her pace and walked up to them.

"Santa said I had to come back to being under house arrest," she said calmly. They turned to look at each other before moving aside a bit. She was shocked that it actually worked before opening the door and walking in. She saw Bernard now pacing the room but looked up when the door opened. His eyes landed on hers and he had her in an embrace as quick as a heartbeat.

"Are you alright? What did he do to you? What are you wearing?" he asked looking her up and down when he pulled away from the hug.

"I'm fine, I just told Curtis to go get the real Santa and he should be there now all we have to do is wait," she said and sat down on the couch. Bernard left into his bedroom and came back and wrapped a blanket around her shoulder. She smiled at him and pulled it tighter around her.

"You know you never told how you go that outfit of yours," he said smirking a bit at her. What could he say he was a male and, as his mum and dad kept reminding him, should have had at least one girlfriend by now.

"We were right about toy Santa being a pervert," she said and she put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Do you want anything to eat? I snuck some ingredients from the kitchen the other day," he said. She smiled and nodded. He stood up and went to the table in the corner of the room. Voltaire just laid down on the couch and waited for Bernard to come back. Soon she heard him put a plate on the table and she opened her eyes and looked at the plate.

"Sandwich on pita bread," she stated smiling. Bernard just shrugged and she sat up and took the plate, "thanks," she said before taking a bite into it and he sat down and they ate in silence. Before long Bernard felt a pressure on his shoulder and saw that Voltaire had finished her sandwich and was now asleep. He knew things were going to get better soon and wanted her to be well rested for all the action that was to lead up to it.
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This story is more then halfway over, only seven parts left. THis is all I can get up now. I should be posting something soon again, since the weekend is here, but I still have the musical going on.

Thanks for reading.
