The Gifted

Chapter One

"Wake up Rose!" said my most annoying, over-protective brother in the world. Zane.
"No! Five more minutes" i yelled.
"Look Mary-Beth and Karen are downstairs waiting on you so MOVE IT!" he yelled back.
"Fine! but its just because my girls are here." i said. So with that i got up and hurridly got dressed and practically ran down the stairs.
"Bout time you got here." said Karen. "I was getting tired of waiting."
"Oh come on Karen we didn't wait that long." said Mary-Beth. Mary-Beth always stook up for me..I LOVE that about her.
"Please girl! You know good and well we waited almost and half hour!" said Karen.
"Well I'm here now and I'm ready to go so come on!" i said. I wasn't very paitent myself. i yelled by to mom and we all piled up in my car and headed towards school. Zane was probably already there with Leonce and John. He is so darn punctual, and he gets good grades...ect blah blah blah...bascially he's a dork!
"I thought we would never get here!" said Karen as we pulled up to the student parking lot. "Hurry Up! I can't be late for my first period!" she yelled.
"Fine fine" i said. (I dont know why she was in such a big hurry we all have the same first period. Oh well thats Karen for you).
"Your Late Girls." said Mrs. Pone.
"We're sorry" we all replied at once.
"I couldn't find a parking space" i said.
"Well if you made it here on time you would have plenty of time to choose a parking space...Please sit down" she said. We all took our seats at the back of the room. TXT TIME!
Rose-omg it'd b nice if she gave us a break.
Karen-It'd b nice if we got here on time! Wonder who's fault that is.?
Mary-Beth-Come on wats 15 minutes late gonna do to us?
Karen-It's called detention.
Rose-She wont do that. she loves me!
Karen-Wat weed you smokin?(she said jokingly) She can't stand any of us.
Mary-Beth-I Beg your pardon but she actually likes ME.
Rose-That's because you have straight A's and your a suck-up.
Mary-Beth-SO?! Good grades are important...and im NOT a suck-up...I just like being nice.
Karen-yeah not normal.
"BIINNGG" that would be the bell. YES! were free. Off to 2nd Period. Ancestor's History. Our only normal classes are 1st and 3rd period. Georgraphy/World History and Chemistry. We were so lucky to end up having the same classes this semester.
"Girls get to your classes!" yelled our stubborn and nosey principal. Mr Smith.
"We're GOIN!" we yelled.
This time we weren't late. Now we have to learn about our ancestors. I personally love this class. Mary-Beth loves school period. Bleh! But the only class Karen likes is 4th period. Self-Defense. (she's basically a bad ass.) Here we go and hour and a half of HISTORY!
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this is the first chapter...tell me watcha think. the second chapter is really short but o well.
Please leave comments. i would much appreciate it
Peace and Love