The Gifted

Chapter Three

New Day! Grand. If you haven't figured it out already im not a morning person. AT ALL.
"Rose!" "GET UP!" My brother yelled for the fifth time.
"im up! Im up!" I yelled back
"You said that 20 minutes ago! GET down here!" He yelled back
"And hurry i made breakfast" He added.
Woah did i just hear that correctly?
"Alright I'll be down in five!" i replied.
I got dressed in some simple but totally cute jeans with a bright pink baby-doll top. As I was coming down the stairs i understood why my brother made breakfast. John, Leonce, Karen, and Mary-Beth were all here. 6 of us. Have fun making THAT breakfast!
After a large breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and some yummy orange juice me and the girls headed off to another wonderful day at school. At least we wouldn't be late today.
1st and 2nd period were normal. Boring that is. And frankly i still expect a lot more out of 3rd period, chemistry. Finally 4th Period, Self Defense. Earth Users always go first so we have to sit on the side lines and wait. After a short 20 minutes it was water's turn.
"YES!" i said.
Mary-Beth and I and a few others stood up and went to the instructor. (Mr. Armelie)
"Okay I want the bubble, the wave, you to transform, and a surprise attack." he told us.
"GO!" he screamed. alright here we go time to prove our skills.
First i whipped my bubble out on one of the Freshman (otherwise known as freshies or freshmeat) and the instructor yelled "OUT!" I silently chuckled to myself. Mary-Beth took the wave (more like a tsunami) and totally distroyed the 2nd student. "OUT" he yelled again. Next was transforming. Kinda hard stuff. We look like Madusa...but water edition. if you can imagine that. It was down to me and Mary-Beth. "Attack!" Mr. Armelie sounded. Mary-Beth came at me full-fource with the wave and i just barely slid out of the way. I then tried to trip her with my water whip. She dodged it with ease. Suddenly i felt the bubble wrap around my face from behind. "OUT" I had lost. Course losing to Mary-Beth was nothing new. She wouldnt go soft on me and thats how i want it. She's strong but ill get stronger! All Mary-Beth was "You need to be quicker."
"Okay Rookies its Fire's Turn." hollared Karen. Fire always went last considering it was the msot dangerous. we only had a few air users considering that was a special talent so they always held their own practice.
Needless to say if that room wasnt fire proof she would have burnt down half of the school. Of course Karen won. We wouldn't expect anything less of her. We had went outside to wait on her. I didnt feel like being toasted today and neither did Mary-Beth.
"Alright guys lets go get some Iced Mochas." "Its time to cool down" She said with a smug grin on her face. i wonder why? Haha
"Sounds like a plan:" I replied. So we all hopped into my car and headed to the Cafe.
"So..." I said
"So what?" replied Karen. Like she didnt know what.
"Give us details" Mary-Beth filled in.
"Oh Right" she replied with a smirk. Mary-Beth rolled her eyes but otherwise let her continue. For she knew what was to come. Exaggerated Details. and plenty of them.
"Well..." contined Karen. Ignoring Mary-Beth.
"I totally defeated those misfits who call themselves Fire Users." She said.
"How?" i replied with a sigh. "Real Details please" i added.
"Oh they are true" she replied with a hint of annoyance.
"Anyway i defeated two freshman with a simple lighting flash" she said
"Isnt that a little advanced Karen?" asked Mary-Beth.
"NO!" "They should know it" she replied.
"hmph" i sounded.
"Sounds like someone has no mercy." I added.
"ANYWAY! the next two were sophmores so it took a "little" longer to whip them out of the way" she continued as if i had said nothing.
"I had to get out my fire whip and my fire ball. But they gave in" she added
"Last but not least was a junior and she thought she was something! i proved her wrong though" she chuckled. We quietly waited for her to continue.
"My fire whip, fire ball, lighting flash, AND surprise behind the back toss had to take her down. I didnt even get a chance to transform!"She said. :"But i still beat her" she added.
"Of Course you did" I said.
"Mary-Beth?" i asked
"You did a marvelous job Karen but im afraid i have to be heading home so..." she replied.
"You done Karen?" i asked
"Pretty much" she said as she through her coffee away.
"Alright lets head out then!" i said. We all jumped in my car and listened to Dead and Gone on our way home. Another awesome day achieved. Tomorrow is a new day and i cant wait!
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so...tell me watcha tink!!