The Gifted

Chapter Four

Same routine every morning. ugh you think something different could happen once in a while. once i had gotten dressed i went downstairs to have a bowl of cereal. but when i got downstairs it was dark. hmm..someone should be up by now...I looked at the clock on the microwave: 6:45am. Everyone should be up! so i went to look at the calendar on the fridge...i had to squint to see it but it said Friday October 4. It was a normal school day. What in the world is goin on? "SURPRISE!!!!" AAAHHHHHH. I jumped about ten feet in the air. i spun around as the lights shot on and i saw my family and friends staring at me with happy and amused faces. "You scared the living daylights out of me!" i said. "I had no idea what was going on.." i breathed. My heart was still beating a mile a minute.
"Dont tell me you forgot your own birthday!" Zane asked.
"My birthday???...." "its my birthday?" i asked. Oct 4. OMG it IS my birthday. everyone started laughing as the saw my face change from confusion to suprise to happiness. "I cant believe i forgot my own birthday!" i yelled.
"Of course its your birthday stupid!" Karen yelled. shaking her head.
"Well...thanks guys!!!" i said holding my arms out for one came forward...i was blocked by Karen. i dropped my arms.
"Why are you thanking us? We haven't even given you presents!" Karen hollared.
"cause you guys remebered my birthday" "thats more than what i did!" i said laughing.
"oh well i guess your welcome then" she replied folding her arms across her chest.
"you guys go on to school, we will hold your party this evening Rose." my mother broke in.
"alright. thanks mom" i said giving her a hug. she hugged back. i waved to dad and grabbed my stuff. I jumped in the car with Karen and Mary-Beth and started our way to school. We listened to Mary-Beth's fav song on the way: Halo. When we arrived at school there was a traffic jam. An officer was standing in the middle of the road directing traffic. He pointed for us to go to the left. I turned the car..."i guess we'll have to go into school the back way" i told the girls.
"we're going to be late!" said Karen.
"Did you see the cars?" Mary-Beth asked dazed.
"No? how many were there?" i asked.
"Four" she replied.
"Goodness Gracious" i replied. Karen just shook her head in disbelief.
When we finally arrived to class an anouncment was being made.
"please disregard any late students to class. There as been an accident". Karen, Mary-Beth and I and a few other kids just gettin to class all whooped and hollared.
"Make your way to your seats please" said our teacher. irritated much? Today was turning out to be a pretty good day. I just hope its going to stay that way.

Today must have been my lucky day!!!! No homework in any classes! YES! After our daily trip to the cafe we headed off to my house. There was a party that needed tended to! All my close friends and some of Zane's friends were there. Plus some other people i didnt know but i guess mom and dad knew them. The music was loud and we all hit the dance floor (aka my living room). Karen and John were getting it on which kinda surprised me and Mary-Beth. They weren't much for PDA. (personal Display of Affection). Mary-Beth and I took our leave to get some drinks. All of a sudden i hear mom yellin for someone to turn off the music. UH-Oh it was time for the birthday song..embarrassing. Mom brought the cake to where i was and sat it down to light the candles. OooOOOoo it was CHOCOLATE! my favorite. It had purple and yellow icing with sprinkles. perfect! everyone broke out into song and paitently waited for me to blow out the candles. "YEAH" everyone yelled as i blew them all out. Some people at the cake but most went back to dancing. When i got back to the living room a dance off had started. Nice. Zane was actually a pretty good dancer so it was always interesting to watch him dance. John couldn't dance and neither could Mary-Beth. I wouldnt brag about my dancing but Karen could. But she was more of the bootie dancin girl. So we all just stood on the "sidelines" and cheered for Zane. He won! Sweaty and tired, as we all were, decided that we all had had a good time and called it a night. I thanked everyone for coming, took a shower, and headed off to bed. The presents could wait till morning. The ones i got were from Karen, Mary-Beth, John, Zane, Leonce, and my parents so they would be here tomorrow anyway.

Saturday! i woke with a start and looked over at the clock. it read 7:00. So early for a Saturday. I realized why i had woke so early. Someone was throwing rocks at my window. I got up and went to the window. I sighed...
"May i help you?" i told karen as i jerked up the window.
"Could we be any more cheesy?" i added.
"Well if you knew how to answer your cell phone i wouldnt have had to do that!" Karen replied testidly. I yawned.
"Its off!! It doesnt come on this early on a saturday!" i replied
"Just let us in" Karen shouted.
"Fine!" i sighed. i put the window down. i put some lounge pants on top of my shorts and tee over my cami. I headed down the stairs to let the jokers in. I unlocked the door as quietly as i could to let them in. after i let them in i started to close the door.
"Theres more" karen whispered before i could close it.
"What?" i asked in utter confusion. I felt someone push on the door and i pulled it open once again. John and Leonce came in. They waved hello and went to say "hello" (wake) Zane.
"Love you too JOHN!" Karen yelled her hands on her hips. he hadn't greeted her....haha
"SHUT UP" i whisper yelled. "Normal people are still sleeping...Like my PARENTS!" i added.
"Srry" she muttered. She made her way upstairs to pester John.
"jeez" i sighed.
"Srry Rose but we all wanted to take you somewhere special for your we had to come over early." Mary-Beth whispered softly.
"Oh?" i asked. "Where?"
"I'm not telling." she said shyly. she added a grin. I can only imagine where there going to take me. If John, Karen, and Zane have something to do with it....
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srry for long time with no update