The Gifted

Chapter Five

Mary-Beth left me to go to Zane’s room. I was left thinking of places where they could possibly take me. I still couldn’t think of anything so I headed upstairs myself. The Café? Neh. Not “big” enough. The Park? Nah. Too boring. Oh how about the lake? That’s a possibility. “Hello!” I heard Zane say.
“Huh-Oh What?” I asked.
“Nothing I just called your name I don’t know like 5 times?” He said shaking his head.
“Sorry I was just thinking of places...” I said shrugging with a little innocent smile.
“Oh. Haha, Well you won’t guess it.”
“Nope” John agreed.
“Hmph” I said crossing my arms across my chest. I started to walk out of the room.
“Where are you going?” Karen asked. She had one arm wrapped around John and he had one around her.
“To take a shower and to think some more” I said tapping my forehead. They laughed at me knowing I wouldn’t figure it out. Losers.
“You’re not going to figure it out” Zane said laughing. Leonce just shook his head in agreement. I caught Mary-Beth stealing a glance at Leonce and giggled. She heard me and looked in my direction. She blushed. I shrugged in response. I walked out.
“See ya’ll soon” I said. They all answered with different grunts and laughs. I grabbed some jeans and a random t-shirt. I went across to the bathroom. I heard them talking. Grr. I wish I knew what they were saying…I shut the door and turned on the shower. When the water was warm enough I stripped down and hopped in. Someone knocked on the door. Who? “Yes?” I said skeptically.
“Sorry Dear, I’m afraid I have to wash my face and brush my teeth.”
“Oh. Good Morning Mother, Come on in. Hope I didn’t wake you” I said.
She closed the door. “No. You didn’t. Your brother and his friend did.” She started running the water. My shower suddenly turned to freezing. I let out a surprised yelp.
“Sorry Dear. Almost done.” It would have been funny if they had woken dad. He’s not the best morning person. “Alright Dear. I’m Finished.” She turned off the water.
“Okay Mom.” I said rinsing my hair. I heard her close the door again. I finished in the shower and got out. I never took long in the shower. Zane on the other hand…took forever. I put on my clothes and brushed my teeth. I walked out and straight across to Zane’s Room. Everyone stopped talking.
“So Funny.” I said glaring.
“Go somewhere we’re not done talking” Zane said.
“humph Fine” I said as I walked out and over to my room.
“Mom?” I called.
“Yes.” She answered as she came in.
“When can I open my presents from yesterday?” I asked.
“Oh. I forgot we can do it now. I’ll get your father.” She rushed out and I heard her holler for father and then to the rest of the gang. I went ahead and meandered downstairs. I went and sat in my favorite chair. Burgundy, fluffy, and huge. John, Leonce, Zane, and Karen went and squished onto the couch. Mary-Beth was left without a seat. She looked around but ended up staying where she was. Leonoce rose out of his seat. “Here you can have my seat” He said standing over to the side. Mary-Beth blushed. “Oh-Uh Thanks.” He nodded. She went and took her seat. Leonce was standing like a body guard. I laughed.
“Goodness mate don’t relax or anything.” Zane said laughing.
“Yeah Dude, Chill” John added.
Mom and Dad came in carrying everyone’s gifts. Dad looked slightly mussy but otherwise happy.
“Thanks everyone…No singing Please.” I said. They laughed at the comment. Mom gave me the present from dad and herself. I opened it. “Oh My Goodness!” It was a brand new cell phone! Oh Yes! It was the new edition I had wanted. I am now 16. Zane turned 17 two months ago. He graduates at the end of this school year. It is now August. Aug 16. My birthday was yesterday. August 15. Zane’s birthday is June 4th. I’ll be ending my sophomore year. “Thanks Mom and Dad!” I jumped up and hugged them.
“Your welcome Dear” Mom said. I sat back down. It was pink! My favorite color was blue but pink is cool too. “I’m Next” Karen shouted. “It’s from me and John”
“Uh Thanks.” I said. I opened it and found a new cell phone cover. It was a blue cover with blue and pink jewels all over it. “I Love It!” I said. I gave them both a quick hug and put the cover on my new phone. I held it out at arms length. “Beautiful” I said.
“Your welcome” John said. “Thanks!” I said. Karen did a quick nod.
“Zane…” My mother said in a warning tone. “My turn?” he asked. She nodded.
“This is from me and Leonce and well everyone.” He gave me a card.
I opened it. The front had a simple “Happy Birthday” on it but inside everyone signed it and 6 tickets fell out. I picked them up. FantasyLand. “An amusement park?” I questioned. “We’re going to FantasyLand?” I said jumping up and down. “Omg!”
“haha. Sis chill out.” Zane said reaching for my arm. I pulled him into a big hug.
“Thanks Zane! Everyone!” I hollered. “Okay. Okay. Enough of this mushiness.” Zane said holding me at arms length. I laughed. I’m So excited. He let go and sat down.
“This was the big secret?” I said. Everyone answered with a unified yes.
“Great surprise.” I said. Mary-Beth got up and came over to me with her present.
“Here. Rose” She handed me a small box with a blue bow. I opened it and there was a silver necklace with a circle pendant. It had words engraved on it. “I’m blessed to have a water friend like you.” I had to keep turning the circle in order to read all of it. “I Love it Mary-Beth.” I said. I took it out of the box and put it on.
“I hoped you would like it.” She said. I gave her a crushing hug. “I Really Really Like it” I said. “Good.” She replied “It also helps to focus your power.” She added.
“Really How?” I asked holding the necklace.
“There is a stone you can place in the center and it helps you focus your power and become stronger.” she informed. “I didn’t know what stone you would want though”
“Well dang! I absolutely love this necklace!” I said giving her another hug.
“I’m glad.” She said breaking away.
“This was the best birthday ever and I haven’t even went to the amusement park yet!”
“Group Hug!” John yelled. We all rose and grabbed each other into a hug. We were all laughing uncontrollably. “thanks again” I said through the all the squished arms. “Your Welcome” they all answered. “Okay. Zane go up and get ready.” I broke away from the hug. Everyone else let go so Zane could go upstairs and change.
“Have fun Hun” Dad called. He kissed me on the forehead and he and mom left the room. “Thanks Mom Dad” I called
“Your welcome dear” mom called back. I went upstairs to grab my purple leather purse and my sneakers. I heard Zane rummaging around in his room. “Hey you alright?” I yelled through the wall. “Yeah. Fine!” he yelled back. I shrugged my shoulders and went on about my business. I went downstairs.
“I’m ready” I announced.
“Alright, Let’s take our stuff to your brother’s car” Karen said. The gang got up and made their way outside. We quickly loaded the car and waited outside for Zane. There was still no sign of him.
"Alrighty We're Done" John said
"Hmm-oh-okay." i said still spaced.
"you alright?" Mary-Beth asked putting an arm on my shoulder.
"Yeah. I'm Good." i replied. I gave her a quick hug.
"Okay" she said and walked over to John and Karen to join their conversation. I went back inside. "ZANE!" i yelled. I didnt get a reply.
"Are you comin Zane?" i yelled. i started to walk up the stairs.
"I'm Coming go ON Rose." i stopped in my tracks. What in the World? I turned around and walked back outside. I leaned against Zane's explorer. It was Hunter Green. Earth Boy. Just like Dad. I Get my power from my mum. John walked over to me.
"What's Keeping Zane?"John asked.
"idk" i answered softly. John left me and went inside. Leonce followed. Us Girls stayed outside. I heard a loud whooping sound. Karen Laughed. "I guess they solved that problem"
Zane came running out the front door. "Here!" he said running towards me. I hope he's going to stop.
"I--What?" i asked stepping back. He skidded to a stop. He was dressed but had a small box with a bow on it.
"I what is it?" i asked taking the box. He shrugged.
"Open it"
I took off the bow and opened the box. Inside was another pendant. I put it on with the other pendant from Mary-Beth. It was A moon with a star attatched. All of a sudden a light flashed.
It was blinding. I couldn't see anything.
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srry i had to make it into two parts.