The Gifted

Chapter Seven

I went to buy some water for them. $3 for a bottle of water, how ridiculous.

“Here!” I said handing the bottle of water to Zane.

“Just one?” he asked.

“Yes!” I said testily. I started to mumble…$3 for a freaking bottle of water.” I heard Zane chuckle.

“Alright. We’ll share.” He said. John nodded in agreement. I looked over to see Karen getting antsy.

“Hurry up or I’ll leave you” Karen said.

“Ready to tackle more roller coasters Karen?” I asked. “Why don’t you and Leonce go on ahead?” I added.

She shook her head. “Nope.” I chuckled to myself…she wouldn’t leave John.

“I’m alright. I just haven’t ridden one of those things in awhile.” John said standing. Karen whooped.

“Alright! Let’s get out of here.” She said. She started walking off in a random direction. John and Zane followed her like sad puppies.

“Let’s take that one.” Zane would say.

“Nah.” John would answer. “that one.” I laughed at them.

“ooh.” I said turning to my right seeing a huge Ferris wheel.
“Let’s go.” I said grabbing Karen and Mary-Beth. I headed in the direction of the Ferris wheel.

“Aw…” Karen whined.

“Oh. Hush-up.” I told her jokingly. “You can ride with John” I said convincing her. She nodded with a smile. I looked up at the Ferris wheel. It was so colorful. It had blues, greens, pinks, and yellows. It was also covered in lights. I loved it. John and Karen got onto the first one, their seat was green. Leonce and Zane got onto the next one and theirs was blue. Mary-Beth and I got on the last one and ours was yellow. We started our steady circle around. It stopped when Mary-Beth and I were on top.

“Wow this place is beautiful…and huge.” I mumbled to myself. There was a water park behind me called Fantasy’s’ Water Park. There were a lot of mermaids, nymphs, and sirens lurking about. Hm. I looked over to my left. And there was the “Monster Area” Karen’s sure spot. And to my right I saw the kid area. My area. I love the more chill rides. The wheel started up again. It stopped to let each one of us off. Karen took off in the direction that I had predicted. She was dragging John along with her. She turned to wave at me and I waved back to let her know it was cool and that I would meet her later. Zane went after John and left Leonce with Mary-Beth and me.

“Where to?” I asked. Mary-Beth was rubbing the toe of her shoe across the ground. “Can we be more obvious Mary-Beth?!” I said to myself. Leonce shrugged.

“Okay…Well I’m off to that swing looking thing in the “kid zone”. I said. I started walking in that direction and Mary-Beth started after me. She started chatting to Leonce about something dealing with school. I wasn’t listening. I came upon the ride that I had wanted. “Two per seat” Crap. All three of us couldn’t ride. I doubted that Leonce wanted to anyway…I looked over to them. They were still chatting, well Mary-Beth was. Leonce was just kind of nodding or shaking his head answering her questions. I shook my head with annoyance for them.

“You guys wanna ride or what?” I asked. Mary-Beth shook her head no and Leonce shook his head no as well. Lame-Os!

“Hey. I’ll ride with you if you don’t mind riding with a stranger.” I turned to look at who was speaking. My jaw dropped. O-M-G! “I-I-I” I cleared my throat. He…was gorgeous. “I-I don’t mind.” I said finally. A smile came across his lips. “Good. I wasn’t looking forward to being rejected.” I giggled. God was he C-U-T-E! “I-I’m Rose.” I said holding out my hand. “You look like a rose.” He said agreeing that the name “fit” me. He took my hand and shook it. I felt bolts of electricity all the way up my arm. Woah. He let go. “Sorry I shocked you.” He said looking shocked himself.

“I-uh you felt that?” I asked.

“What?” he asked.

“Never mind” I said softly. What was that? Did he just shock me or was that something else?

“Let’s go.” He said leading towards the now open line.

“Oh. Right.” I said forgetting why I had been there in the first place. He chuckled. Ooh. Cute laugh. I looked up at him. The sun was shining on his black hair making it almost look purple. I turned away. Was I seriously blushing?? How embarrassing.

“Here” He held out his hand to help me into the seat. I took it and hopped up.

“Thanks” I said softly.

“Sure” he replied with a smile.

“I still haven’t learned your name.” I said more to myself then to him.

“Oh Right. You haven’t. It’s…” the ride started and I couldn’t hear what he said. Dang it. This ride was a little fast to be a kid ride. It was alright though I liked the wind in my face. All too soon the ride ended.

“Whoo.” I breathed.

“Yeah, that was fun.” He said.

“Oh. Yeah.” Not realizing that he had thought that I was talking to him. He held out his hand. We were still in our seats and the little metal ground thing hadn’t rose all the way back under our feet. I high-fived his hand. He laughed.

“That wasn’t what I was going for but alright.” I laughed at my embarrassment.

“Sorry.” I said.

“Eh? Ah No problem.” He said waving it off. I looked into his eyes. My breath caught in my throat. The sun was shining right into his eyes and made them bright. His eyes looked like honey. Warm Amber Honey.

“What? Something on my face?” he said touching his face. I giggled.

“No. Nothing.” I replied smiling.
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uh-oh cutie alert!! hee