Multiple Me

The Meeting

I woke up today and started it as any other. Around 1 o'clock, I headed over to Isaac's house. As soon as I rang the doorbell, footsteps came charging down the stairs and the front door flies open. I see Isaac's smiling face.
"Wow, you seem excited!"
"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I be? Every town I've lived in, I've had to find everything by myself or ask someone off the street for directions. I hated getting those weird looks. Ya, know... like you don't belong and people are shooting daggers at you with their eyes or something. Asking around like that just screamed the word, "Newbie!"' Isaac said and started to close the door behind him.
"Yeah, well, I've lived here my whole life. We don't get very many newcomers. It's not a very popular town here, Masonsdale. We're kind of secluded and separated from the rest of the world. But if you're my dad, you get sick of it and find a job that reconnects you to the outside." I explained.

Isaac and I start walking down the street until I stop and say,
"Wait, do you have a bike? It'd be a lot faster if we rode around town instead of walked."
"Well, actually... I don't know how to ride a bike."

And the next thing that happened was totally uncalled for for me to say.

"What the fuck? What kind of a dumb-ass loser doesn't know how to ride a bike?!"
Isaac paused and looked at me strangely for a moment. "Um... well, I was never really motivated to learn how to ride when I was a kid and-" I cut him off. I shook my head in disbelief in the rude words that just spilled from my mouth.
"Oh, my gosh... I'm so sorry! I have no idea why I just said that! That was not like me at all to say something like that... I don't even know why I did! Isaac, I can't even to begin to explain how sorry I am for that remark! I- I-" Then he cut me off.
"Adrien! Calm down! It's alright! Some things just slip out. And yeah, I admit it's kinda dorky that I can't ride a bike, but I regret it all the time not wanting to learn how when it was the time to."
"Well, I'm gonna make it up to you. I'll teach you. I, Adrien Laken will teach you, Isaac McNeil how to ride a bike."
"Wow... really? Nobody's offered to. Everyone just thought it was really weird, so they didn't bother to invite me to ride wit them. Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to."
"No, no , no! I do want to! Right now, even!" I replied.
"Well, I think I'd rather just walk around town for now. Maybe you can teach me later... If that's alright."
"Oh, of course. I have all day free. Waking's fine. I'm still really sorry about that."
"Stop worrying about it! Let's just keep moving. I wanna learn as much about this town as you know."

We pause for a second and just stare at each other. I look into his eyes and notice that they're a really dark shade of brown. Kind of like looking into a pool of chocolate. Thinking of this gave me cravings and it reminded me to watch out for that time of the month coming up soon. Kind of funny when a boy reminds you of you're period. But I see past that, and see that there's a lot curiosity. I know he's wondering why I said the things I did. But then again, so do I.

"You have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen..." Isaac says, not breaking his stare.
"Wow... um, thanks. My mom had blue eyes. I think I remember her saying something like they changed to a bright green at times." I break my stare and look at my feet. "I really miss her..." I look back up. He looks at me with reassuring eyes and cracks a smile. He doesn't even bother to ask and that's alright with me. I'm not ready to talk about my mom with Isaac anyways. And I think he knows that somehow.

We spend the rest of the day walking through the town. I tell him all that I can think of. Like the ice cream and popcorn store being closed for a while because of break failure from a Ford Truck, and how Darcey's Hair on the Square was not the best place to go for the owner is a whore and still dresses like shes 21, even though shes in her forties. Not to mention, gets a new husband every 3 to 5 years and her hairstyle gave the impression of over-teased unmentionable area hair. The day was full of laughs and I'm really glad I'm getting to know Isaac better. Something tells me that we're going to be really good friends. I really am sorry for what I said to him earlier and I can't explain why I said what I said. It's almost like it wasn't me talking. I don't want something like that happening again...